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In Books


1) Essene (monthly) [Written and published by Grace M. Brown Denver ~20 p 1900-1917]

Being a publication sent out every little while to students of truth who desire its message.
(Original Price : Fifty cents for ten copies of same issue, One Dollar for ten copies of different issues)
Ad in Business woman's mag.[1]
Description of the Order is given in the mag. The Rosicrucian Brotherhood V.1 (1907)[2]
One Online Number[3]

2) Fulfillment (methaphysical, montly) 1904-1907

Description is given in the mag. Unity, Volume 24 (1916):[4]
Later, this magazine became the Weltmer Magazine, under the care of
Prof. S.A. Weltmer Institute.[5]

3) Studies in Spiritual Harmony : [Reed Publishing Company, 1901-1903 - 134 pages (Ione)]

Contents: Practical metaphysics; Vibration;Concentration; Breathing; Mind; Self
reliance; Ethical dietetics.
Description is given in the mag. Now. v.3 (1902-03)[6]
And in the mag. Unity. v. 16 (1902).[7]
Read the Online Book[8]

4) Food Studies (Ione) Denver, [The Reed publishing company, 1902-1904 101 p.]

One Hundred Pages One Hundred Receipts One Hundred Suggestions About food. VEGETARIAN,
From Now mag. v.5 (1904-05)[9]

5) Seven Steps in the life of S. A. Weltmer (Sidney Abram Weltmer)[Weltmer Institute, Nevada, Mo. Cloth 1906]

Online Book in Open Library[10]
Description of this book can be found in the mag. Unity. v. 26 (1907)[11]

6) Life Lessons: A Series of Practical Lessons of Life, from Life, and about Life[Hudson Press, 1906 - 207 pages]

A Book of 39000 words comprises a new collection of studies on practical
New Thought text solutions on questions of daily life problems.
Bound in Maroon-red silk buckram.

7) Soul Songs by Ione [Grace M. Brown 1907]

Online Book in Archive.Org[12]

8) The Word made Flesh, A Study in Healing. [Grace M. Brown, 1908]

Being a healing study in book form. Format:Pocket size leather bound and paper bound.
(Original Price :Leather Bound:Seventy-five cents, Paper Bound:Twenty-five cents)
Ad From : Philistine: A Periodical of Protest,V.28-29 (1909-10)[13]
Description in Unity V. 30 (1909)[14]

9) To-day; the Present Moment is God's Own Time : [Grace M. Brown, 1910-1911 - 200 pages]

Leather bound like an old small New Testament, written on the cover
"To-Day by Grace M. Brown", hand write style.Contains 365 lessons for each day of the year
from January First to December Thirty-first. Being a book of suggestions for each day of the
year.(Original Price : one Dollar)
Description of the book is given in the mag. Now V.7-9 (1910-12)
(Notice they made a mistake: A-Day!)[15]

10) The Inner Breath; 'Vivenda Causa', a revelation of old world wisdom in new world form.[Memphis, Tenn., The Business philosopher (c 1922) 4 p. 1., 7-182 p. 20 cm)

Yoga Teachings of the inner breath techniques and mind sets concerning the Life Force,
the Mind Action, the Sense, the Body Brains,the Constructive Centers, the Solar-Plexus,
the Generative Brain, The Magnetic Brain, Cosmic and Spiritual Brain, the Power Brain. Being a
study course of ten type written lessons concerning the mastery of the body, the control of
the mind and the balancing of the life conditions thru the understanding and polarization of
the inner breath. These lessons are intended only for lovers of God's law and for those who
serve in his name. (Original Price: Ten Dollars)

11) Dollars and Health: concerning the psychology of the spleen and other things. . .[Written and published by Grace M. Brown Denver [1915?). 20 p]

(Original Price: Twenty-five cents)

12) Think Right for Health and Success [Edward J. Clode, 1916 - 184 pages]

Studies concerning Thought, Freedom, Healing, Experience, The Forth Dimension, and Common
Sense Spirituality. Being a collection of studies concerning every day problems and their
solving from the angle of vision of a student of truth. Written for students who love new
thinking and new living and new being.(Original Price: One Dollar)
Description of this book is given in the mag. Theosophical Outlook V. 1-2 1916-17[16]
Read Online Book Think Right[17]

13) Mental Harmony, [Edward J. Clode, 195p. 1916]

Has the same contents of Studies in Spiritual Harmony except for the last chapter "Ethical
Dietetics" that was replaced by "The Idea" chapter in the Mental Harmony book. Was published
at the same time as Think Right.(Original Price: One Dollar)
Read Online Book :Mental Harmony[18]

Articles in Journals and Magazines


“Practical Metaphysics” in “The Herald of the Golden Age” -Vol. 10, No. 4 Oct 1905 p.69[19]

“The Greatest Thing” in “Master Mind Magazine” Vol. 3 of 15 Oct 1912 to March 1913 p. 153[20]

In Washington News Letter V.23 Oct 1917-18 p. 62[21] She writes:

"The heart that knows, the soul that feels Its own God-given power, Draws fresh from Him the perfect work For each and every hour. The heart that beats, the soul that loves In perfect unity, Attracts its own divinest rights In perfect purity. —Grace M. Brown."[22]

In Washington news letter. v. 17 (1911-12) p 680[23] She writes an article entitled Realisation.

in Washington news letter. v. 11 (Oct. 1905- Sept. 1906) p. 334[24] She writes:

"There can be no freedom except in love. No man is in the slightest bondage of any kind, on any plane, unless he requires it, demands it, and chooses to remain in it. A man is free as he gives his love freely. He who condemns ever so slightly anything or anybody is in most pitiful bondage. Let the Spirit of Supreme Love speak to your throbbing, appealing heart, and in its divinely sweet tone you will hear the message of Freedom. —Grace M. Brown in Fulfillment."

In Washington news letter. v. 11 (Oct. 1905- Sept. 1906). p.552[25] She writes:

"It is wonderful how rich we find our selves when we give our love-thoughts to the world. We may imagine we have nothing to give. We find we have every thing. Dollars are nothing compared to other things, but we even have more dollars. It is not usually wise to give dollars, but have you any loving words or smiles? Ah! those are what people need. Love thoughts! Sweet words! They are alive and so satisfactory. And how you will receive them in return. The very dogs in the street understand and love you when you smile on them. How much more will be the response in the heart of your fellow man.—Grace M. Brown in Fulfillment."

In Now. v.17-18 (1920-21) p.341[26] She writes:

"About one-half the people in the world spend their time seeking happiness and the other half waste a lot of energy in bewailing their fate because they are not happy. It is the rare and unusual thing for a soul to realize that happiness is not a force but a result of the harmonious action of many forces, and therefore is the inevitable effect of their own thought and actions which have put into operation these forces. Happiness has very little relation to the outside conditions as it relates from causes produced by inner and finer thought effects which act directly upon the emotional centers.—Grace M. Brown."

Now. v.17-18 (1920-21) p 367[27] She Writes:

"Health is much more contagious than disease. A constructive force is far more penetrative than a destructive one because construction is positive and a positive action is interpenetrative, while a negative one is interseparative; also a positive force vivifies and generates while a negative one deflects and degenerates. Health is the natural result of the vivified harmonious blending of constructive forces and stimulates by its presence all constructive desires; it helps to balance and assimilate everything which it attracts into its atmosphere and being magnetic, it relates itself to the opulent force of the universe.—Grace M. Brown. "

In The Modern world. v. 9 (Apr. - Nov. 1908) p. 128[28] She writes:

"Our present movements are each and all creating the future of our lives. Patience is a bitter seed; but it yields the sweetest fruit. —Grace M. Brown."

In Mind Magazine V.8, N.3, June 1901, p.149[29]


To the Editors of Mind :

Is it not beautiful — this light of Truth that is so surely breaking over a weary world ? Radiantly, if slowly, its rays penetrate every corner of the earth. And here in Colorado, at the very foot of grand old Pike's Peak, is a summer school of metaphysics founded on a basis so broad and free that I am going to ask the courtesy of your valuable pages to assist us in giving to the Truth students among your readers the privilege of joining our work. We make no charges, or I should not ask such a favor; and we are not sectarian or "labeled" in any way.

By metaphysics we mean the measurement of all philosophy, and as students of Truth we are studying the laws of Nature as manifested in the Universe as well as in its microcosm, Man.

Connected with this work are some of the strongest thinkers and writers on metaphysical lines in this country. I would prefer to say teachers, but we realize that no man can teach another — he can only inspire him to find his own; and we are willing to take into our ranks those who are unselfishly working for the betterment of all humanity.

Under the shadow of our glorious Rockies, in the far-famed town of Manitou, we have chosen the location for our school; and we invite the Truth students of the world to join us in our labor of love.

Grace M. Brown, Sec'y, Box 445, Denver, Col."

In Early Astronomical Journals Ed. Frederick White[30]

“The duty of Happiness” Vol. 2 no. 1 Jan 1899

“Inspiration” Vol. 2 No. 8 Aug 1899

“ A Letter from :Ione:” Vol.4 No.7 Jull 1901

She Writes articles in the Magazine "The Balance" from The Balance Publishing Co. Denver, Colo. A magazine of learning, of a standard 64p. monthly.

She Writes also in:

-The Swastika Magazine ("Be natural")

-The Master Mind Magazine

-Business Woman Magazine

-A Magazine of Triumph

-The Herald of the Golden Age Mag.

-Mind Magazine

-And others...

Articles found on Grace M. Brown and her work


From the Good Health Journal November Number (1908) ed. J.H. Kellogg M.D.[31]

There has now been organized a society of "Essenes" after the ancient order of that name. We wrote to the chief promoter for information, and received from Miss Grace M. Brown, Denver, Colorado, a very interesting letter and copies of a modest little monthly periodical entitled, "Letter to the Essenes." The revival of the order of the Essenes, after a suspension of nearly 2,000 years, shows the renewed interest now being taken in vegetarianism.

SEVEN STEPS, By Grace M. Brown (from the magazine Unity Vol. 26 (1907))

Seven Steps in the life of Prof. S. A. Weltmer is a most interesting narration of the progress of a remarkable man. Through childhood, boyhood and young manhood Sydney Weltmer sought the knowledge which is power, and in his whole life as teacher, healer and writer he has demonstrated the power and self-reliance which applied knowledge gives its possessor? Mr. Weltmer's premise is: "Each person can find in his own being sufficient evidence of the eternal character of Truth, so that by acting upon it and abiding by it he may reap completeness in any direction he may choose." Upon this premise he has acted and has achieved most satisfactory results. Published by the Weltmer Institute, Nevada, Mo. Cloth.

In History of Colorado Vol. 1[32]

"...Another expounder of occult philosophy and mysticism is Grace Mann Brown, author of "Studies in Spiritual Harmony" (1903) and "Soul Songs" (1907)..."

In the Business Woman's Magazine Vol.2 (Jan-July 1904) p. 217, the editor writes:

" Mrs Grace M. Brown and her daughters are spending the summer at their island home on the coast of Maine. We hope to have a message from her pen fresh from the ocean breezes. Mrs. Brown is one of the writers on the staff of Mind and her work is well known to most of students of metaphysics. The present number contains one of Mrs Brown's stories from life."

In Now. v.6-7:1 (1905-06) p.131-132[33]

The Editor of Now Mag. writes on his visit to the The Divine Science Association Center in Denver.

"My hostess was Grace M. Brown, known to New Thought readers as "lone." She is editor and publisher of Fulfillment. NOW has always found the writings of Mrs. Brown in accord with itself and ever given them words of praise. It was a rare pleasure to have her companionship for three days. It will be noticed..."

In The Vegetarian Magazine v.11 no.11 1909[34], we can find the article: "The Essene Brotherhood, Vegetarian."


  1. ^ www.hathitrust.org (Hathi Trust): search for "Grace M. Brown" and "Essene"
  2. ^ www.hathitrust.org (Hathi Trust): Search for "Grace M. Brown" look for "The Rosicrucian Brotherhood V.1 (1907)
  3. ^ www.miqel.com in the rare books section look for essene book
  4. ^ Search Google for "Fulfillment" and "Grace M. Brown" in BOOKS filter.
  5. ^ Unity V.25
  6. ^ www.hathitrust.org search for magazine Now v.3
  7. ^ www.hathitrust.org search for magazine Unity V.16 (1902)
  8. ^ archive.org : studies in spiritual harmony by Ione b.1859
  9. ^ www.hathitrust.org search for magazine Now v.5 (1904-05)
  10. ^ wwww.openlibrary.org search for "Seven Steps in the Life of"
  11. ^ www.hathitrust.org search for magazine Unity V.26 (1907)
  12. ^ www.archive.org search for "Soul Songs" in the Texts section
  13. ^ www.hathitrust.org> search for the magazine Philistine v.28-29 (1909-10)
  14. ^ www.hathitrust.org search for the magazine Unity V. 30 (1909)
  15. ^ www.hathitrust.org search for the magazine Now V. 7-9 (1910-12):it is TO-Day instead of the typo A-Day in the text.
  16. ^ www.hathitrust.org search for the magazine Theosophical Outlook V. 1-2 (1916-17)
  17. ^ archive.org
  18. ^ archive.org
  19. ^ www.archive.org search for "The Herald of the Golden Age" Vol. 10, No. 4 Oct 1905 p.69
  20. ^ Search Google for "Master Mind Magazine" and "Grace M. Brown" in Vol. 3 of 15 Oct 1912 to March 1913 p.153
  21. ^ Hathi Trust
  22. ^ Mann Brown, Grace (Oct 1917-18). "Editor". Washington News Letter V.23 p. 62]. {{cite news}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help); Check date values in: |date= (help)
  23. ^ Hathi Trust
  24. ^ Hathi Trust (Original text in Fulfillment Mag.)
  25. ^ Hathi Trust (original in Fulfillment Mag.)
  26. ^ Hathi Trust
  27. ^ Hathi Trust
  28. ^ Hathi Trust
  29. ^ www.archive.org
  30. ^ In FaceBook
  31. ^ Search Google for "Good Health Journal" Nov. Number (1908)in the BOOKS filter
  32. ^ www.archive.org search for History of Colorado Vol.1 and look for "Grace M. Brown"
  33. ^ Hathi Trust
  34. ^ Hathi Trust