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User:JoJo-74r68h/Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City

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In the 1980s, Claire Redfield and her older brother Chris Redfield are children living at the Raccoon City orphanage. One night, Claire is unable to sleep and asserts to her brother Chris that she heard something. Some time later, unconvinced by his brother, decides to investigate the Orphanage at night. As a result of her curiosity, Claire ends up befriending Lisa Trevor, a disfigured girl who has been experimented on by Dr. William Birkin, an employee for the Umbrella Corporation, who oversees the orphanage and uses children for his own experimental research. This whole sequence turns out to be a nightmare that awakens Claire, who is shown to be hitchhiking to Raccoon City. During the ride, the truck driver accidentally hits a woman in the middle of the road. While Claire and the driver are in a heated discussion, arguing about what to do with the body, the woman stands up and slips into the forest unnoticed. Meanwhile, the truck driver's Doberman licks the blood she left behind, becoming infected. At Raccoon City, Leon S. Kennedy, a rookie police officer new in town, is asleep at a bar with his coworkers, Jill Valentine, Berry Burton, and Albert Wesker. Upon waking, his fellow coworkers are badgering him about previous mistakes. As they all exit, Leon talks with the restaurateur for a moment. During the exchange, Leon notices that the diner's owner has blood coming out of her eyes.

Claire reaches Chris's home and breaks inside his house, due to lack of response. Apparently Chris was home and it is revealed that it has been about 5 years since they last communicated.  In Claire's absence, Berkin has become a father figure for Chris, raising him, and providing him with a home, school, and employment. However, Claire is dismissive. She warns him about Umbrella's experiments, the woman she hit and other instances that point to a town conspiracy, while revealing Ben Bertolucci as her source of information. According to one of the messages Ben reveals the whole town has been poisoned by the water supply for years. Chris doesn't believe her, shrugs off the information, and goes to his late shift.

Meanwhile at the back at the Birkin house, the phone rings. After he ends the call, William Burke urges his wife and kid to get ready to leave as soon as possible. As he speaks, an emergency alarm can be heard outside, warning everyone to shelter in place and to wait for further instructions. Film cuts back to Claire who is still at Chris's house, after Chris leaves for the police station, a child breaks into the house, running from his mother, who attacks Claire. The mother and child look sick, are covered in blood, have severe hair loss and are crazed. Claire escapes from them on Chris's motorcycle and decides to go to the police station to find his brother. At the police station, the STARS Alpha team are briefed by Chief Brian Irons. He explains that Bravo's team went missing while investigating the remote Spencer Mansion. Alpha team: Chris, Jill Valentine, Richard Aiken, Brad Vickers, and Albert Wesker, are sent to the mansion by helicopter to investigate. While Dr. Burkin is driving out of town, he briefly encounters Claire on her motorcycle and their eyes lock, unlocking a memory of the orphanage. In the same scene, the truck driver that was bitten by his zombie dog transforms into a zombie. This transformation causes him to crash his truck in front of the police station where Leon Kennedy is haphazardly acting as sentry. The crash catches Leon off guard and is ordered to lock the entrance by Chief Irons. Afterwards, Chief Irons puts Leon in charge. He quickly gets into his vehicle and drives off.  The movie shifts to the status of the Alpha team which they land safely at the mansion. Upon entering the main hall, they decide to split off into pairs to speed their collective efforts.

Chef Iron’s drive out of town, he is fired on by Umbrella guards who are shooting civilians attempting to escape so they can contain the outbreak. He escapes the shooting by returning to the station. Upon entering the RPD parking lot, Irons is attacked by a zombie dog but Claire rescues him. As zombies begin to pile up around the entrances, Claire, Leon and Irons formulate a plan of escape: Claire and Leon retrieve weapons from the armory, while Irons tries to contact Chris' brother about the helicopter. Back at the mansion, Chris and Richard encounter a zombie eating one of the bodies of the Bravo team. Together they dispatched the zombie. Chris attempts to administer medical assistance to the eaten body while Richard checks upstairs. The team soon discovers the mansion is overrun by zombies. Richard gets eaten while Chris fights a horde of zombies. The helicopter pilot, Brad, gets attacked by a zombie while on standby for Alpha team. In the next scene, Alpha’s team helicopter crashes into the mansion. Claire and Leon gather weapons from the armory, Leon wanders off due to hearing Ben, who happens to be locked up in a cell. Upon being released, he is bitten by his fellow cell mate who has transformed into a zombie. Claire dispatches the released zombie cellmate with a shotgun. Chief Irons is contacting the team on radio.

Wesker and Jill are shown to have survived the crashing helicopter in the room they were investigating. Wesker reveals he is an operative for an unidentified party, tasked with stealing Birkin's virus, using inside knowledge to navigate the mansion. Wesker leaves Valentine behind after confessing his status as an operative, and enters a hidden passage he unlocked prior to the helicopter crash into their room. As the police station is being breached by zombies, Leon, Claire, and Irons escape RPD. Chief Irons leads them to the orphanage where Clair and Chris grew up.  Chief Irons explains there is a secret Umbrella tunnel leading to the Spencer mansion. A licker kills Irons and attacks Leon, but Lisa saves him, recognizes the grown-up Claire, guides them to the entrance, and gives them the keys to the secret passage.  

Chris continues to kill zombies at the mansion. Jill reunites with Chris and informs him of the helicopter crash and Wesker's betrayal. Jill speculates they have to follow Wesker, as it might be their means of escaping the city. Through the passageway, Leon and Claire discover a room filled with evidence revealing what they were doing to all kids in the orphanage. Wesker encounters Dr. Birkin and his family deep inside the building. In the ensuing scuffle for the G virus Wesker is shot by Birkin.  Wesker shoots him back.  Birkin's wife retaliates and Wesker kills her in self-defense. During the shoot out with the wife, Birkin injects himself with the G-Virus.  When Wesker hesitates to pull the trigger on their child Sherry, Jill appears and shoots him.  Before dying, Wesker tells her to escape the city via an underground train before the Umbrella Corporation destroys the city with a bomb and apologizes to Sherry for his intent to kill. In the next scene Birkin is shown lying on the ground having convulsions. Off screen, Birkin can be heard screaming in a low booming voice. Chris lets Sherry and Jill advance to the train while Chris waits for Birkin who is heavily mutated. As Birkin is trying to find Chris he taunts him about his childhood and naivety towards Umbrella's criminal actions. Chris is discovered and attacked, but before Birkin is able to finish off Chris, Birkin is shot down by Claire who has just arrived at the lab with Leon.

Leaving Birkin behind to die from his supposed injuries, Chris, Sherry, Jill, Claire, and Leon escape to the train. Onboard, Leon and Jill start the train, while everyone else huddles together in one of the empty compartments. During the ride, shockwaves knocks the train off track when the Spencer Mansion implodes. A gigantic mutated monster version of Birkin appears and breaks open the derailed train. Birkin lets out a loud roar and grabs Claire. Sherry is cowering in the corner while Chris opens fire at the monster. As the monster version of Birkin looks into her eyes as if he is going to devour her, Claire stab's one of Birkin's head with a knife. In response, Claire is immediately fling across the compartment. As she is getting up, Chris continuously shoots at Birkin until he runs out of bullets. Leon enters the room and blows up the monster with a rocket launcher, killing it for good. All of a sudden, Raccoon City is destroyed by an explosion. This is followed up with a display of a status report with the Corporation claiming to have zero civilian survivors and zombie contamination contained. Behind the on screen text report, five survivors: Claire, Jill, Chris, Sherry, and Leon, walk out of the train tunnel, leaving Raccoon City behind.

In a mid-credits scene, Wesker struggles his way out of a body bag while laying on a gurney. Occurring roughly at the same time, he escapes the bag and falls onto the floor. He begins to crawl in a disoriented manner attempting to find his bearing. Upon reaching one of the walls, a mysterious woman appears to greet him. Wesker questions the woman about his supposed death and his blindness, but she claims it's all side effects of bringing people back from death and notes there will be more like him in the proceeding future. She then hands him sunglasses and reveals herself as Ada Wong.