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User:Jacobfuglsang/Intentional Art

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'Intentional Art' or "Intentionalism" is an art form or concept that was coined by Danish artist Jacob Fuglsang Mikkelsen in connection to the 10th Istanbul International Art Biennial in 2007 where he produced The Triangle Project. A project with the Intent of "creating relationships, collaborations, interaction, exchange and new perspectives between people in Istanbul, New York and Copenhagen". The project that was created for the Istanbul International Biennial was a great success in the sense that the intent was followed by hundreds of people during the time of the Biennial, where people met and interacted to form new friendships and understanding between the art scenes of Istanbul and Copenhagen. Some of the Danish visual artists included in the 2007 version were: Peter Bonde, Jon Stahn, Anders Brinch, Thierry Geoffrey Colonel, Fie Norsker, Maria Wæhrens, Marco Evaristti, Ismar Cirkinagic, Rasmus Bjørn and Anna Odell. Some of the Danish sounds artists were: Jacob Kirkegaard, Gry Bagøien, Heidi Mortenson, Mikkel Meyer, Karsten Pflum, Kid Kishore (Albertslund Terror Korps), Teppop, Søren Helvildt Raagaard, Tanja Schlander, Copyflex, Band Ane and many more. Some of the performance artists were Bella Angora, Christian Falsnaes & So:ren Berner with their Kargology peformance.

The Triangle Project has continued since 2007 and the project is constantly developing.

Another Intentional Art project started in 2008 was the Climate Awareness Project CO2 E - Race. A word play on Erase CO2. The CO2 E – Race is a project designed to increase public awareness of global climate changes using the vehicle of CO2 friendly cars as a way to spread the message. The project collaborates with a number of organizations and institutions to spread the message and intent of climate awareness and sustainable living.

The Intent that is set in an Intentional Art Project must be for the good of mankind, have a positive message giving awareness, with a goal to make a positive difference in the world.

As all new "isms" within the art world, Intentional Art (Intentionalism) is based on and a development on a previous "ism". The "ism" previous to Intentional Art is Relational Art or Relational Aesthetics coined by French art critic Nicolas Bourriaud. According to Bourriaud, Relational Art encompasses "a set of artistic practices which take as their theoretical and practical point of departure the whole of human relations and their social context, rather than an independent and private space."

According to Jacob Fuglsang Mikkelsen, Intentional Art is "Setting an intent for creating awareness about a subject matter and collectively getting to the goal with artistic and new media practices to reach out to as many people as possible with the message of the set intent". There are no ambitions in bringing Intentional Art to a highly theoretical level, as the most important aspect of the Intent shall not be to move the art or academic world, but the people who are usually not open to art/art theory and most in need of the message within the intent.

The concept of intentionItalic text can be found in spiritual collective projects such as The Intentionl Experiment website that was created by Lynne McTaggar following her book with the same name. The concept of "Law of Attraction" can also be included in the basis for the word Intention in connection to "Intentional Art" in the sense that by focusing on the intent, it becomes reality. The idea of then focusing on the intent in a larger group then only enhances the power and force of the intent to become a reality and bring forward the message of the intent.






