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Innotas provides Cloud Solutions for PPM, APM, and IT Governance to manage resources, applications, and projects across all of IT. Founded by XXX ZZZZ, company headquarters is located in San Francisco, California.[1]


Founded in 2001, by Scott Johnson, Jason Fletcher, and Nate Bowler, AtTask is a project management tool designed to help companies manage knowledge work and team collaboration. Since that time, AtTask has experienced substantial growth, along with two rounds of venture capital (a Series A round in 2007 and a Series B round in 2009), which has been used to significantly expand its sales, marketing, product development and services capabilities.

In February 2007, Joe Cardenas, former Senior Vice President and CIO of Salesforce.com joined AtTask's board.[2]


In 2006, AtTask released a complete rewrite of its product. The rewrite delivered new technologies such as: an "approachable" simplified user interface[3] that utilizes AJAX[4] for responsiveness and shorter page loading times, a JMS based event model, Cluster configuration, i18n compliance, SaaS options, and Web Services for product integration.



  1. ^ "Innotas Honored With "Best Places to Work"". Yahoo. April 20, 2012. Retrieved 2012-05-02.
  2. ^ "Former Salesforce.com CIO Joins AtTask, Inc". Yahoo. February 20, 2007. Retrieved 2007-12-06.
  3. ^ Michael Caton (October 9, 2006). "AtTask 4.02". eWEEK. Retrieved 2007-02-13.
  4. ^ "AtTask Announces @task version 4 release 3 Based on Web 2.0 Technologies". Web 2.0 Journal. December 8, 2006. Retrieved 2007-02-13.
  5. ^ Carr, D. F. (2011, September 21). Social software that improves project management. Retrieved from BrainYardNews website: http://www.informationweek.com/thebrainyard/news/project_management/231601798/social-software-that-improves-project-management
  6. ^ Amodio, M. (2011, April 14). Collaboration software: Top collaboration apps. Retrieved from TMCnet website: http://www.tmcnet.com/channels/collaboration-software/articles/164385-collaboration-software-top-collaboration-apps.htm

Category:Collaboration Category:Companies based in Utah Category:Software companies based in Utah Category:Project management software Category:Web 2.0