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Getting Started for Mighty Box Developers[edit]

Mighty Box is an application developed for the Windows platform using .NET C#. The source of Mighty Box is hosted on Launchpad which is a web site supporting software development, particularly that of open source software.

Beta Tester Tools[edit]

If you want to support Mighty Box by publishing bugs reports, you have to create your own Launchpad user account

As a MB developer you will need to acquire some tools before we start.

Developer Tools[edit]

Launchpad User Account[edit]

For you to be able work on Mighty Box source, or publish bug reports you must have a Launchpad user account. Additionaly, in order for you to work on feature branches and upload code to Mighty Box repository you have to import your SSH keys to Launchpad. Information on this procedure is available at launchpad user guide.

Setup Your Launchpad Account

Launchpad User Guide

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 + Service Pack 1[edit]

Mighty Box uses the latest version of the .NET framework which added some major improvements to the previous versions. Also, in order to be able to build Mighty Box you have to install the .NET 3.5 Service Pack 1 that was published by Microsoft (if it is not already installed with the rest of the framework)

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1

Microsoft Visual C# 2008[edit]

Mighty Box use Visual Studio as IDE. Visual Stusio is a Commercial software, and you have to purchase it order to use it. Although, Microsoft has published an Express version (which has some less features) for free.

Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Edition

Bazaar Version Control[edit]

Mighty Box branches are hosted om Launchpad which use [Bazaar] [VCS].

Bazaar is a tool for helping people collaborate. It tracks the changes that you and other people make to a group of files - such as software source code - to give you snapshots of each stage of their evolution. Using that information, Bazaar can effortlessly merge your work with other people's. [1]

Bazaar is written in [Python] so you will have to download Python Programming Language to be able to use Bazaar. to be able to participate in the development you will have to download these tools.

Download Standard Python Software

Download Bazaar VCS

Bazaar Mini-Tutorial

Bazaar Documentation