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User:Idashyn/Zaiytov, Rinat Rifkhatovich

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Idashyn/Zaiytov, Rinat Rifkhatovich

Rinat Rifkhatovich Zaiytov (Kazakh: Rinat Rifhatuly Zayitov, Ayaguz, November 17, 1983 ) - Kazakh akyn (poet- improviser). By profession he is an actor and teacher of the Kazakh language and literature. Since 2001, he took part and became the winner in many aytys. Zaitov is the author of the words of many popular songs in the Kazakh language.


Rinat Zaitov was born in November 17, 1983 in the regional center Ayaguz of the East Kazakhstan region in the family of Rifkhat Zaituly. His father divorced with his mother Rinat when he was 13 years old and now works as a director of one of the schools of Ayaguz. Rinat graduated from the M.Tulebaev College of Music by the profession of “dramatic theater actor”. Then he entered the State Pedagogical Institute in Semey (formerly Semipalatinsk) and received the specialty teacher of the Kazakh language and literature.

Rinat Zaitov worked at the Semey Youth Theater, participated in aytys from the age of 17 (since 2001) and was the winner of many competitions. He is the author of the words of many popular songs in Kazakh like “Іzіn korem”, with which Zhanar Dugalova won a victory at Turkvision 2014, “Tugan Zher” of the Keshou group, “Tattіmsyn” by the singer Berkut, “Ot ot zhanarym” Beybit Korgan, etc.

At the end of 2013, the recording from the recital of Rinat Zaitov in March of the same year was widely spread on social networks, where he criticized many aspects of modern Kazakhstan and the actions of Nursultan Nazarbayev. “Words not shown on television” scored hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube’s video hosting site and generated a lot of rumors among Kazakhstanis that they were “imprisoned on Seifullin Street in Almaty”, “cut with a knife” or even “shot”. Because of this, he was forced to make a denial of all kinds of rumors on the air of the TV program "Informbureau" on "31 channel".

On June 10, 2019 after the presidential election, Rinat Zaitov was detained by law enforcement agencies near the Almaty Arena ice palace in Almaty, where he announced plans to create a political party at an unauthorized rally. After conducting a clarifying conversation, Zaitov was sent home. Some time later, citizens gathered in front of the police department for a meeting with citizen Zaitov. After they were informed that Zaitov was at home, they did not want to disperse. At the request of law enforcement agencies, Zaitov was taken from home to the citizens ’gathering place, where he spoke, urging not to violate the law, to comply with the lawful demands of law enforcement officers and asked them to go home and not to give in to provocations.

Participation in aytys[edit]

During aytys on the topic “Independent country got morning light ”, held from 2 to 4 December 2011 in Astana, Rinat Zaitov competed with the Kyrgyz poet-improviser Aala Tutkuchev. In the course of Aytys, Rinat several times complimented the activities of the President of Kazakhstan and the government as a whole. Subsequently, he explained his action by saying that “if I began to denounce Kazakhstan before the Kyrgyz akyn, his words“ I love my country ”would be a lie” and “could not say“ Kazakhstan is bad ”when there were a dozen representatives among 1500 spectators other states. "

In 2012, Rinat Zaitov announced that he would not participate in aytsy "because of disagreement with the modern system of assessing participants." Some associate his departure, as well as the departure of some other akyns from the scene, with criticism of the current government and Nursultan Nazarbayev personally in his speeches. During the online conference in February 2012, Rinat said that “no one exerted any pressure on him, but it’s no secret that there are those who want to prevent Aytys”. He also stated that he did not understand what caused accusations against him of “star fever” and “inability to improvise” on the part of the well-known leader and organizer of the Kazakh Aytys Zhursin Yerman (Kazakh: Zhursin Yerman).

In 2013, in honor of Tole biy, Kazybek biy and Aiteke biy, in aytys “If you have a son, love him”, after a verbal duel between Rinat Zaitov, who sharply criticized the powers that be, and Meirbek Sultanhanov, the judge awarded the victory to Sultanhanov , the audience expressed dissatisfaction with the decision of the jury. After a half-hour meeting, the jury declared the akyns "equal."

At the end of 2018, Rinat Zaitov, during his participation in the "Altyn Dombyra 2018" aytys, demanded from the Minister of Culture and Sports of Kazakhstan Arystanbek Mukhamediuly (Kazakh: Arystanbek Muhamediuly) to rename the cities with Russian names Petropavlovsk and Pavlodar and bring it to the government and the President of Kazakhstan . At the end of the competition Rinat Zaitov was in last place, which caused anger and discontent of the audience. For 10 minutes, disgruntled viewers shouted the name of Rinat. After a half-hour meeting, the jury declared Zaitova the winner.


The most difficult thing is that in those 20 years (independence) we have not managed to get rid of the slave mentality.

Kazakhstan is independent on paper only. The reason for this is that the Kazakh people and the Kazakh language have not received a proper assessment.

Kazakh: *

Ең қиыны сол. 20 жылда құлдық санадан бір серпіле алмадық-ау. * Қазақстанның тәуелсіздігі қағаз жүзінде ғана деп ойлаймын. Оған себеп — қазақ ұлтының және қазақ тілінің тиісті бағасын алмағаны.

There is the patriotism of the Shala-Kazakhs, who memorize a few words to get a job. There are those who say "I do not know the language, but I am a patriot." These are deceptive (impermanent) patriots. For your first document is your language.



[[Category:Kazakhstani poets]] [[Category:Kazakhstani musicians]] [[Category:Living people]] [[Category:1983 births]]