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Known character wands[edit]

The wood of a persons wand is determined by their birthdate[1]:

Birthdates Wood Notable Owners Length Core Remarks by Ollivander
December 24 - January 20 Birch [[]] Veela hair Inflexible
January 21 - February 17 Rowan Lily Evans Single hair from the tail of a particularly fine male unicorn Ollivander was almost gored in obtaining the hair.
February 18 - March 17 Ash Ronald Weasley, Cedric Diggory Thestral hair Extremely Powerful
March 18 - April 14 Alder James Potter Swishy; nice for Charm work
April 15 - May 12 Willow Dragon heartstrings
May 13 - June 9 Hawthorn Draco Malfoy Rather bendy
June 10 - July 7 Oak Rubeus Hagrid Dragon heartstring Quite rigid
July 8 - August 4 Holly Harry Potter Dragon heartstring Unyielding
August 5 - September 1 Hazel Unicorn tail hair
September 2 - September 29 Vine Hermione Granger Unicorn hair Reasonably springy
September 30 - October 27 Ivy [[Lily Evans]] Dragon heartstring
October 28 - November 24 Reed Dragon heartstring Brittle
November 25 - December 23 Elder Albus Dumbledore Single phoenix tail feather (taken from Fawkes) Curious but good; nice and supple
  1. ^ [1] It can be tricky to access this as the entire site is Flash format. Click the brush to go to 'extra stuff,' then click the 'miscellaneous' tab, then click the right arrows until you reach 'WANDS'.