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Continued from User:Huysman/Sandbox1.



Employees of SADDAM HUSSEIN's dictatorial Baathist regime became connected to OSAMA BIN LADEN's Al Qaeda operatives around the time of Saddam's humiliating defeat in Gulf War I. HUSSEIN needed committed suicide and other terrorists to use against America. While Al Qaeda received the necessary funding, support, facilities, and training, Iraq had plausible deniability and so it thought it could escape retaliation from Western powers. Both Al Qaeda and Iraq viciously hated U.S. presence in the Gulf and had other motives to strike American interests (see below). Saddam Hussein's official Iraqi media praised bin Laden an "Arab and Islamic hero" after the 1998 embassy bombings; clearly, the evidence in the timelines shows, Iraq and Al Qaeda were able to overcome their ideological differences to unite against a common enemy.

  1. No-Fly zones over 2/3 of Iraq
  2. The liberation of Kuwait during the Gulf War
  3. Destruction during the Clinton Administration of the IIS headquarters in 1993
  4. UN sanctions against Iraq prompted by the USA
  5. Attempted coups against Saddam and other efforts to topple his bloody dictatorial regime[1] sponsored by the USA
  6. Destruction of chemical weapons plants
  7. Destruction of Al Qaeda training camps
  8. Continued USA presence in the Gulf region
  9. December 1998 four-day bombing campaign on Iraq[citation needed]

One man who became an Iraqi agent is the prolific terrorist Abdul Basit Karim, who changed his name to Ramzi Ahmed Yousef. Scholar Laurie Mylroie believes that the identity of one murdered Abdul Basit Karim was stolen, when they are truly the same person[1] and Yousef's working on behalf of Iraq is shown in other ways. (See 1990, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, and 1996)


  • Autumn - SABAWI IBRAHIM AL TIKRITI and DR. IHSAN BARBOUTI attend a fuel additive company in Oklahoma City as part of weapons procurements efforts. They seek such powerful chemicals as ammonium nitrate.


  • DR. IHSAN BARBOUTI plots a successful attack on Pan Am Flight 103, which explodes over Lockerbie, Scotland.[citation needed]
  • August 11 - OSAMA BIN LADEN forms Al Qaeda.[citation needed]


  • ABDUL BASIT KARIM, who later adopts the identity "RAMZI AHMED YOUSEF," works with DR. IHSAN BARBOUTI, whose job is to obtain weapons for Iraq and Libya, in the London office of the Iraqi National Oil Company. BARBOUTI ships abundant sodium cyanide to Iraq in the next few years, and his coworker KARIM/YOUSEF proceeds to use sodium cyanide in his attack on the World Trade Center in 1993.[citation needed]


  • September 11 - ABDUL BASIT KARIM, after collaborating with Iraqi occupying forces in the invasion of Kuwait in August, is issued a legitimate Iraqi passport in the name RAMZI AHMED YOUSEF.[2]
  • September 13 - SADDAM HUSSEIN calls for jihad against supporters of UN condemenations of Iraq. TARIQ AZIZ said Iraq doesn't have to refrain from terrorism against the U.S.A., British, or French governments.[citation needed]


  • OSAMA BIN LADEN meets with Iraqi intelligence officers in Syria.[citation needed]
  • AYMAN AL ZAWAHIRI meets with SADDAM HUSSEIN in Baghdad.[citation needed]
  • MOHAMED SALAMEH calls his Baghdad-sponsored maternal uncle QADRI ABU BAKR up to 46 times. A senior Sunni representative of the MKO asks RAMZI YOUSEF on behalf of Bahgdad to carry out a spectacular terrorist attack inside the U.S.A.[3] RAMZI YOUSEF then comes to the U.S.A. on a legitimate Iraqi passport issued to him on September 11, 1990. The JFK INS inspector says it "appeared to be valid and unaltered," and the 9/11 Commission Report states that "An examination of Yousef's passport by the Forensic Document Lab at INS later reveals that the date of birth has been overwritten and the passport binding has been cut and un-stitched, but no other alterations were detected." The legitimacy of his passport is also corroborated by the testimony of David Kelly.[citation needed]


  • February 26 - On the second anniversary of Kuwaiti liberation,[2] at 12:17 P.M. a 1,310 lb. bomb explodes in the World Trade Center basement, killing seven and injuring over 1,040 while failing to topple the Trade Towers in a cloud of cyanide gas as the conspirators intended.
  • Iraqi WTC terrorist ABDUL YASIN flees the USA and "boogies to Baghdad," where he works for the dictatorial regime of SADDAM HUSSEIN and is paid a salary for a decade. He is still at large as of 2006 and has been personally interviewed by several Western news outlets.[citation needed]


  • June 20 - RAMZI YOUSEF, together with his father and younger brother Abdul Muneem and with help from Iraqi intelligence, bomb a Shi'ite Muslim Mosque in Mashad, Iran.[citation needed]
  • RAMZI YOUSEF meets with Terry Nichols in the Philippines to provide him with bomb-making expertise.[3]


  • April 19 A 5,000 lb. ammonium nitrate and nitromethane bomb explodes outside of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City at 9:02 A.M. at Central Daylight time, killing 168 and injuring over 800.
  • Vincent Cannistraro (CIA) calls Kevin Foust (FBI) shortly after the bombing of the Murrah building to give information about a royal Saudi official who had told him about a list of targets he had seen which were to be hit by Iraqis, with the Murrah building on the top of the list.[4]
  • TIMOTHY MCVEIGH collects several Iraqi phone numbers shortly before being arrested. HUSSAIN HASHEM AL HUSSAINI, who served in the Iraqi Republican Guard, was the "John Doe #2" who was witnessed in the company of MCVEIGH.[5][6]


  • July 17 - TWA Flight 800, a Boeing 747, blows up midflight due to pre-planted plastic explosives on the 27th anniversary of the coup d'etat that brought SADDAM HUSSEIN into power. Mimicking RAMZI YOUSEF's Oplan Bojinka plot (which used delayed timer tactics like YOUSEF'S associate DR. IHSAN BARBOUTI's 1988 Pan Am 103 bombing), it is an effort to help YOUSEF get a mistrial so he could be freed and plot more attacks for Al Qaeda and Iraq.[7] [8]


  • February - Osama bin Laden states, “The hearts of the Muslims are filled with hatred towards the United States of America and the American President for American conduct towards Iraq.”[citation needed]
  • November - OKC terrorist HUSSAIN HASHEM AL HUSSAINI expresses concerns to his psychiatrist that he would be implicated if something bad were to happen at Boston Logan Airport, where he works. Four years later, AA Flight 11 and UA Flight 175 take off from Boston Logan Airport, are hijacked, and then crashed into the North Tower and South Tower of the World Trade Center, respectively.[citation needed]


  • February 22 - The published anti-American fatwa of Bin Laden, Khalid Al Fawwaz, and Ayman al Zawahiri states “The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies – civilians and military – is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it…” They cite America's alleged "great devastation inflicted on the Iraqi people" and "eagerness to destroy Iraq." They further state “The best proof of this is the Americans’ continuing aggression against the Iraqi people using the [Arabian] Peninsula as a staging post, even though all its rulers are against their territories being used to that end, still they are helpless.”[citation needed]
  • February 23 - Iraq's state press warns of "consequences."
  • March - Awaiting execution in federal prison, TIMOTHY MCVEIGH publishes his copyrighted "Essay on Hypocrisy" which attempts to justify Iraq's stockpiling of chemical and biological weapons.[citation needed]
  • May 1 - Iraq's state press warns of "dire consequences."[citation needed]
  • May 9 - OSAMA BIN LADEN issues an anti-American fatwa, complaining about U.S.A. "aggression" in Iraq. BIN LADEN's and HUSSEIN's threats are synchronized this year.[citation needed]
  • July 30 - Iraq threatens violent action unless the UN embargo is lifted.[citation needed]
  • August - A former Iraqi army officer and an IIS agent are arrested in Pakistan before they could carry out a joint IIS/Al Qaeda plot to blow up the U.S.A. and British embassies.[citation needed]
  • August 5 - SADDAM HUSSEIN repeats his warnings after ousting UN weapons inspectors.[citation needed]
  • August 7 - At 10:45 A.M. local time, the American embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania were bombed simultaneously, killing over 235 and injuring over 4,585.
  • Late October - The newspaper Al Quds Al Arabic mentions direct cooperation between OSAMA BIN LADEN and SADDAM HUSSEIN. It states, "President Saddam Hussein, whose country was subjected to a four day air strike, will look for support in taking revenge on the United States and Britain by cooperating with Saudi oppositionist Osama bin-Laden, whom the United States considers to be the most wanted person in the world." It also noted that the cooperation was not new: "bin-Laden was planning moving to Iraq before the recent strike."[citation needed]


  • January - Iraqi intelligence officer AHMED HIKMAT SHAKIR facilitates the travel of Al Qaeda veterans and future AA Flight 77 hijackers KHALID ALMIDHAR and NAWAF ALHAZMI to, and attends, the January 2000 Al Qaeda summit in Malaysia where 9/11 is plotted. SHAKIR worked with the plotters and executors of both WTC attacks, OKC bombing, embassy bombings, and USS Cole attacks as documented by his list of contacts and communication records.[9] It is not a case of mistaken identity.[10]
  • Saudi Arabia is on nation-wide alert after Saudi intelligence learns that Iraq is collaborating with Al Qaeda to attack U.S.A. interests there.[citation needed]
  • Spring - Future UA Flight 175 pilot MARWAN ALSHEHHI and future UA Flight 93 pilot ZIAD SAMIR JARRAH meet with Mukhabarat officers in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.[11]
  • May 30 - MOHAMED ATTA meets Iraqi spy AHMED AL-ANI in Prague.[citation needed]
  • June 2 - MOHAMED ATTA meets Iraqi spy AHMED AL-ANI in Prague.[citation needed]
  • October 12 - A small boat packed with explosives strikes the side of the USS Cole at 11:18 A.M. local time. Ibrahim al-Thawr and Abdullah al-Misawa kill themselves as well as 17 U.S.A. Navy sailors, and injure 39 others. SADDAM HUSSEIN is very impressed.[citation needed]
  • October 14 - Two Saudi Arabian Al Qaeda operatives hijack a Saudi Airlines Boeing 777 and fly it to Baghdad, demonstrating to Iraq their ability to hijack potential guided missiles. They are given asylum by SADDAM HUSSEIN's government.[citation needed]


  • SADDAM HUSSEIN and Al Qaeda form Ansar Al Islam.[4]
  • April 8 - MOHAMED ATTA meets Iraqi spy AHMED AL-ANI in Prague,[citation needed] where AL-ANI orders the IIS to wire ATTA money.[5] A moustachioed ATTA and AHMED AL-ANI had been previously photographed on the outskirts of Prague. Comparisons between the man walking with AL-ANI and AA Flight 11 terrorist pilot ATTA are the similarities between the man in the photo and other photos of ATTA in eyebrows, eyes, hairlines, nose, Adam's apple, lips, jawbone, and ears.[citation needed]
  • May - As part of a deal with SADDAM HUSSEIN, Al Qaeda operatives in Kurdistan assassinate Kurdish Democratic Party member FRANSO HARIRI.[citation needed]
  • July 21 - NAEEM ABD MULHALHAL, an Iraqi reporter affiliated with Iraqi intelligence, describes OSAMA BIN LADEN's plans to attack the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and White House using planes as weapons. This fits with Al Qaeda number one OSAMA BIN LADEN's practice of publicly threatening the United States of America before carrying out terrorist attacks against it.[12] Later, on the floor of the Senate, Senator Ernest Hollings interprets this as foreknowledge, saying: “In other words, the World Trade Towers. Here, over a year ahead of time in the open press in Iraq, they are writing that this man is planning not only to bomb the White House, but where they are already hurting, the World Trade Towers.” Senator Hollings reads the opinion piece into the U.S. Congressional Record. [6]
  • September 1 - SADDAM HUSSEIN personally praises NAEEM ABD MULHALHAL (see July 21, 2001) for his "documentation of important events and heroic deeds that proud Iraqis have accomplished."[citation needed]
  • Week before September 11 - Israeli intelligence gives an urgent warning to the CIA of an imminent, large-scale attack inside the U.S.A. by OSAMA BIN LADEN, with strong indications of Iraqi involvement.[13]
  • September 11 - 19 Al Qaeda terrorists hijack four commercial passenger jet airliners, two striking the World Trade Center Towers in New York, one striking the Pentagon on Washington, D.C., and the other crashing in an empty field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania due to the heroic efforts of the passengers. The 9/11 attackers murder 2,976 innocent American civilians that morning in the worst terrorist attack on American soil. Conspiracy theorists will promote anti-American conspiracy theories from September 11 through 2006; these theories have been discredited.[7]
  • September 11 - Former Mukhabarat General JAMAL Al QURAIRY, who had long ago defected, sees the 9/11 attacks, turns to a friend, and says, "That's ours."[citation needed]

For the final chapter of this article, see [[[User:Huysman/Sandbox3]].

Notes and References

  1. ^ "On Ramzi Yousef". Revenge, Terror and Extortion: A Guide for the Perplexed. 2006. Retrieved 2006-07-27.
  2. ^ "Kuwait Celebration of Festivals, Liberation Day February 26". Kuwait Information Office in India. 2006. Retrieved 2006-08-06.
  3. ^ "Oklahoma Bombing - World Trade Center and Saddhams Terrorist Connections". Warriors for Truth. 2006. Retrieved 2006-07-27. {{cite web}}: |first= missing |last= (help)
  4. ^ Farah, Joseph (April 15, 2004). "Iraq: Lynchpin of terror war". World Net Daily. Retrieved 2006-07-27.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: year (link)
  5. ^ Davis, Jayna (2006). "Highlights from The Third Terrorist". Retrieved 2006-07-27.
  6. ^ Jasper, William F. (September 14, 1998). "OKC's Mideast Connection". The New American. Retrieved 2006-07-27.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: year (link)
  7. ^ Huysman, Will (2006). "TWA Flight 800 Crashed Due to Terrorism". Nyctohylophobia. Retrieved 2006-07-27.
  8. ^ Lance, Peter (2003). "1000 Years For Revenge". 1000 Years For Revenge. Retrieved 2006-07-27.
  9. ^ Hayes, Stephen F. (June 23, 2004). "Who Is Ahmed Hikmat Shakir?". The Weekly Standard. Retrieved 2006-07-27.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: year (link)
  10. ^ McCarthy, Andrew C. (July 1, 2005). "Case Not Dismissed: Ahmed Hikmat Shakir & the 9/11 Commission". National Review Online. Retrieved 2006-07-27.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: year (link)
  11. ^ "Second 9/11 Hijacker Tied to Abu Nidal, Iraq". Newsmax. December 22, 2003. Retrieved 2006-07-27.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: year (link)
  12. ^ "Lawsuit: Iraq Involved In 9/11 Conspiracy". CBS News. September 5, 2002. Retrieved 2006-07-27.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: year (link)
  13. ^ Wastell, David (September 16, 2001). "Israeli security issued urgent warning to CIA of large-scale terror attacks". The UK Telegraph. Retrieved 2006-08-05.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: year (link)