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Here is the link to the MDQ google drive. Please put your articles and sources here.


  • What are the acronyms? What do they stand for?
  • What is the purpose of the measure?
  • What is the intended population of the measure?
  • How long does it take to take/administer the assessment?
  • Who wrote the measure?
    • It was created and validated by Robert Hirschfeld, MD, and colleagues.
    • Colleagues = Hirschfeld RM, Williams JB, Spitzer RL, et al
  • How many items does the measure contain?
    • The MDQ has 15 questions. The first 13 questions about possible symptoms are answered using "yes" or "no".
  • What kind of impact did the measure have?
    • Ex: is it more sensitive than existing measures?
  • What kinds of settings is the measure most typically used?
    • Ex: research, clinical

The Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) is a 15-item self-report questionnaire designed to help detect bipolar disorder.[1] It focuses on symptoms of hypomania and mania, which are the mood states that separate bipolar disorders from other types of depression and mood disorder. The MDQ was originally tested with adults, but it also has been studied in adolescents ages 11 years and above. It takes approximately 5–10 minutes to complete. In 2006, a parent-report version was created to allow for assessment of bipolar symptoms in children or adolescents from a caregiver perspective, with the research looking at youths as young as 5 years old.[2] The MDQ has become one of the most widely studied and used questionnaires for bipolar disorder, and it has been translated into more than a dozen languages.[3][4][5]


In 2006, a 3-item parent-report version was created to allow for assessment of adolescent bipolar symptoms from a caregiver perspective.[2] The MDQ has been translated for use in other countries; there is a Polish version, a Thai version, a Chinese version, a Brazilian version, a French version.

It is recommended that clinicians show discretion when administering the MDQ with individuals with substance use problems because the effects of certain substances, such as stimulants, can cause effects that resemble symptoms of mania.[6]

  • How many versions of the measure are there?
  • What is the intended population for each version?
  • How many items are in each version of the measure?
    • The polish version has 17 items in the MDQ.
  • What are the acronyms for each version?



Reliability refers to whether the scores are reproducible. Unless otherwise specified, the reliability scores and values come from studies done with a United States population sample. Here is the rubric for evaluating the reliability of scores on a measure for the purpose of evidence based assessment.

  • What were the norms from the measure’s first publication?
    • IE what was the demographics of the population used to first validate this measure?
  • What is the internal consistency?
    • Internal consistency: how well the items relate/correlate to one another
    • Normally reported as an alpha or Cronbach's alpha
  • What is the inter-rater reliability?
    • Inter-rater reliability: how consistently the measure gives the same results across different raters (*not applicable for self-report*)
    • Normally reported as kappa
  • What is the test-retest reliability?
    • Test-retest: how consistently the measure gives the same result after the same person takes the test multiple times
Rubric for evaluating norms and reliability for the General Behavior Inventory (table from Youngstrom et al., extending Hunsley & Mash, 2008; *indicates new construct or category)
Criterion Rating (adequate, good, excellent, too good*) Explanation with references
Norms Adequate Multiple convenience samples and research studies, including both clinical and nonclinical samples[citation needed]
Internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha, split half, etc.) Excellent; too good for some contexts Alphas routinely over .94 for both scales, suggesting that scales could be shortened for many uses[citation needed]
Inter-rater reliability Not applicable Designed originally as a self-report scale; parent and youth report correlate about the same as cross-informant scores correlate in general[7]
Test-retest reliability (stability Good r = .73 over 15 weeks. Evaluated in initial studies,[8] with data also show high stability in clinical trials[citation needed]
Repeatability Not published No published studies formally checking repeatability


Validity describes the evidence that an assessment tool measures what it was supposed to measure. There are many different ways of checking validity. For screening measures, diagnostic accuracy and discriminative validity are probably the most useful ways of looking at validity. Unless otherwise specified, the validity scores and values come from studies done with a United States population sample. Here is a rubric for describing validity of test scores in the context of evidence-based assessment.

  • What is the content validity?
    • Content validity: how much the items relate to what you are trying to measure
  • What is the construct validity?
    • Construct validity: how well the assessment is able to measure the abstract concept  it is trying to measure
    • Ex: An ADHD assessment with good construct validity correlates very highly with ADHD diagnoses
  • What is the discriminative validity?
    • Discriminative validity: how well the measure does NOT measure what it is NOT supposed to measure
    • Ex: An ADHD assessment with high discriminative validity would not measure severity of schizophrenic symptoms
  • What is the prescriptive validity?
    • Prescriptive validity: Refers to the capacity of an assessment to inform which intervention will have the best outcomes for a client
  • What is the validity generalization?
    • Validity generalization: how well the validity of the measure holds true across different populations
    • Ex: a measure that has been validated in multiple languages and has high validity with college students, as a self-report, and as a caregiver report would have good validity generalization
  • Is the measure sensitive to treatment? How sensitive?
    • IE: can you use this measure throughout the course of a treatment to see if the treatment is working?
  • What is the clinical utility of the measure?
    • IE: does this measure ultimately help clinicians and clients?
    • Ex: if the measure costs a lot of money to take, is long, cumbersome, and has low validity/reliability, then it would have low clinical utility
Evaluation of validity and utility for the General Behavior Inventory (table from Youngstrom et al., unpublished, extended from Hunsley & Mash, 2008; *indicates new construct or category)
Criterion Rating (adequate, good, excellent, too good*) Explanation with references
Content validity Excellent Covers both DSM diagnostic symptoms and a range of associated features[8]
Construct validity (e.g., predictive, concurrent, convergent, and discriminant validity) Excellent Shows convergent validity with other symptom scales, longitudinal prediction of development of mood disorders,[6][9][10] criterion validity via metabolic markers[8][11] and associations with family history of mood disorder.[12] Factor structure complicated;[8][13] the inclusion of “biphasic” or “mixed” mood items creates a lot of cross-loading
Discriminative validity Excellent Multiple studies show that GBI scores discriminate cases with unipolar and bipolar mood disorders from other clinical disorders[8][14][15] effect sizes are among the largest of existing scales[16]
Validity generalization Good Used both as self-report and caregiver report; used in college student[13][17] as well as outpatient[14][18][19] and inpatient clinical samples; translated into multiple languages with good reliability
Treatment sensitivity Good Multiple studies show sensitivity to treatment effects comparable to using interviews by trained raters, including placebo-controlled, masked assignment trials[20][21] Short forms appear to retain sensitivity to treatment effects while substantially reducing burden[21][22]
Clinical utility Good Free (public domain), strong psychometrics, extensive research base. Biggest concerns are length and reading level. Short forms have less research, but are appealing based on reduced burden and promising data

Development and history[edit]

  • Why was the instrument developed? What need did this instrument meet? When?
  • How was the scale developed? What was the theoretical background behind it?
  • If there were previous versions, when were they published?

The MDQ was developed as a screening tool for bipolar disorder, and assesses symptoms of mania and hypomania It was developed in the hopes that it would reduce the misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis of bipolar disorder. The first 13 items on the measure ask about any manic/hypomanic symptoms that may have occurred during one’s lifetime.[23] These items are based on the DSM-IV criteria for bipolar disorder. Additional items then ask if these symptoms have happened during the same period of time (an "episode"), and how severely these symptoms affected functioning (assessing impairment).[23] In developing this tool, the MDQ was administered to a group of bipolar patients to assess feasibility and face validity, leading to revision of the items.[23] Following this initial study, researchers have assessed psychometric properties of the MDQ, finding that the measure possesses adequate internal consistency.[23][24] The measure has also demonstrated fair sensitivity in several studies,[23][25][26] although sensitivity may be greater in inpatient versus community settings.[26][27][28] First built for use in adults, it has been translated into many languages and tested in a range of different settings. Researchers also have studied whether parents could use this to provide useful information about their child or adolescent. Meta-analyses have found that the MDQ is one of the best self-report tools for assessing hypomania or mania in adults,[29][30][26] and the parent report version is one of the three best options available for parents to use about their children.[31]


  • What was the impact of this assessment? How did it affect assessment in psychiatry, psychology and health care professionals?
  • What can the assessment be used for in clinical settings? Can it be used to measure symptoms longitudinally? Developmentally?

In clinical settings, the MDQ has good reliability and validity for the identification of bipolar disorder I in UK patients enrolled in a tertiary clinic. Research indicates that MDQ might be helpful in identifying bipolar II in UK patients presenting with depressive symptoms, but not manic symptoms.The MDQ is a helpful tool to identify individuals who are at risk for bipolar disorder in Thai clinical settings. In Thai clinical settings, the MDQ is a helpful tool to identify individuals who are at risk for bipolar disorder as well.

Use in other populations[edit]

  • How widely has it been used? Has it been translated into different languages? Which languages?


  • Any recent research done that is pertinent?
    • There is recent research done on the reliabilty of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire. The study showed that "the MDQ has substantial limitations for detection of bipolar disorder, in particular, bipolar II disorder, in non-clinical populations."[32]


    • What are some of the measure’s limitations? Be thorough in your explanation.
      • Ex: does it have low reliability? Is it a self-report measure?
    • Is the measure copyrighted?

One limitation of the MDQ is that it has shown higher sensitivity when detecting bipolar I compared to other bipolar spectrum disorders. It is much less sensitive to bipolar II, often missing more than half of the cases with this diagnosis when using the recommended algorithm. Additionally, the sensitivity and specificity of the MDQ has been shown to differ by the use of a standard vs. modified cutoff (i.e., simplifies the cutoff to be based only on symptom endorsement, rather than impairment). Sensitivity and specificity of the MDQ also depend on study inclusion and exclusion criteria. Including more severe cases will increase the apparent sensitivity, because it is more likely that they will have high scores. Including healthy controls or people who are not seeking services will exaggerate the specificity of the test, as these individuals are unlikely to have manic symptoms and will score very low on the measure as a result.

Another major limitation of the MDQ is that it is not likely to be sensitive to treatment effects. It asks about lifetime history of symptoms, which is a strength for screening and detection, but a weakness for measuring the current severity of mood symptoms. The MDQ also uses a yes/no format for the symptoms, rather than asking about the severity of each. Other rating scales are more useful for measuring severity and treatment outcomes.

Additionally, self-report measures have some disadvantages, including bias that can stem from social desirability and demand characteristics.

See also[edit]

  • Are there any relevant Wikipedia pages to the article? If so, link them here.
  • Are there free pdf versions of the questionnaire (if not copyrighted)? If so, link them here.

For instance:

External links[edit]

    • Find author/publisher and link their bio page here
    • Link any relevant resources (if applicable)

Example page[edit]


  1. ^ Hirschfeld, Robert M.A.; Williams, Janet B.W.; Spitzer, Robert L.; Calabrese, Joseph R.; Flynn, Laurie; Keck, Paul E.; Lewis, Lydia; McElroy, Susan L.; Post, Robert M. (November 2000). "Development and Validation of a Screening Instrument for Bipolar Spectrum Disorder: The Mood Disorder Questionnaire". American Journal of Psychiatry. 157 (11): 1873–1875. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.157.11.1873. ISSN 0002-953X. PMID 11058490.
  2. ^ a b Wagner, Karen Dineen; Hirschfeld, Robert M.A.; Emslie, Graham J.; Findling, Robert L.; Gracious, Barbara L.; Reed, Michael L. (May 2006). "Validation of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire for bipolar disorders in adolescents". The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 67 (5): 827–830. doi:10.4088/jcp.v67n0518. ISSN 0160-6689. PMID 16841633.
  3. ^ Takwoingi, Yemisi; Riley, Richard D.; Deeks, Jonathan J. (November 2015). "Meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy studies in mental health". Evidence Based Mental Health. 18 (4): 103–109. doi:10.1136/eb-2015-102228. ISSN 1468-960X. PMC 4680179. PMID 26446042. Open access icon
  4. ^ Carvalho, André F.; Takwoingi, Yemisi; Sales, Paulo Marcelo G.; Soczynska, Joanna K.; Köhler, Cristiano A.; Freitas, Thiago H.; Quevedo, João; Hyphantis, Thomas N.; McIntyre, Roger S. (February 2015). "Screening for bipolar spectrum disorders: A comprehensive meta-analysis of accuracy studies". Journal of Affective Disorders. 172: 337–346. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2014.10.024. ISSN 0165-0327. PMID 25451435.
  5. ^ Wang, Hee Ryung; Woo, Young Sup; Ahn, Hyeong Sik; Ahn, Il Min; Kim, Hyun Jung; Bahk, Won-Myong (July 2015). "The Validity of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire for Screening Bipolar Disorder: A Meta-Analysis". Depression and Anxiety. 32 (7): 527–538. doi:10.1002/da.22374. ISSN 1520-6394. PMID 26010478.
  6. ^ a b Klein, DN; Dickstein, S; Taylor, EB; Harding, K (February 1989). "Identifying chronic affective disorders in outpatients: validation of the General Behavior Inventory". Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 57 (1): 106–11. PMID 2925959. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  7. ^ Achenbach, TM; McConaughy, SH; Howell, CT (March 1987). "Child/adolescent behavioral and emotional problems: implications of cross-informant correlations for situational specificity". Psychological Bulletin. 101 (2): 213–32. PMID 3562706.
  8. ^ a b c d e Depue, Richard A.; Slater, Judith F.; Wolfstetter-Kausch, Heidi; Klein, Daniel; Goplerud, Eric; Farr, David (1981). "A behavioral paradigm for identifying persons at risk for bipolar depressive disorder: A conceptual framework and five validation studies". Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 90 (5): 381–437. doi:10.1037/0021-843X.90.5.381. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  9. ^ Mesman, Esther; Nolen, Willem A.; Reichart, Catrien G.; Wals, Marjolein; Hillegers, Manon H.J. (May 2013). "The Dutch Bipolar Offspring Study: 12-Year Follow-Up". American Journal of Psychiatry. 170 (5): 542–549. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2012.12030401. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  10. ^ Reichart, CG; van der Ende, J; Wals, M; Hillegers, MH; Nolen, WA; Ormel, J; Verhulst, FC (December 2005). "The use of the GBI as predictor of bipolar disorder in a population of adolescent offspring of parents with a bipolar disorder". Journal of affective disorders. 89 (1–3): 147–55. PMID 16260043. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  11. ^ Depue, RA; Kleiman, RM; Davis, P; Hutchinson, M; Krauss, SP (February 1985). "The behavioral high-risk paradigm and bipolar affective disorder, VIII: Serum free cortisol in nonpatient cyclothymic subjects selected by the General Behavior Inventory". The American journal of psychiatry. 142 (2): 175–81. PMID 3970242. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  12. ^ Klein, DN; Depue, RA (August 1984). "Continued impairment in persons at risk for bipolar affective disorder: results of a 19-month follow-up study". Journal of abnormal psychology. 93 (3): 345–7. PMID 6470321. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  13. ^ a b Pendergast, Laura L.; Youngstrom, Eric A.; Brown, Christopher; Jensen, Dane; Abramson, Lyn Y.; Alloy, Lauren B. (2015). "Structural invariance of General Behavior Inventory (GBI) scores in Black and White young adults". Psychological Assessment. 27 (1): 21–30. doi:10.1037/pas0000020. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  14. ^ a b Danielson, CK; Youngstrom, EA; Findling, RL; Calabrese, JR (February 2003). "Discriminative validity of the general behavior inventory using youth report". Journal of abnormal child psychology. 31 (1): 29–39. PMID 12597697. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  15. ^ Findling, RL; Youngstrom, EA; Danielson, CK; DelPorto-Bedoya, D; Papish-David, R; Townsend, L; Calabrese, JR (February 2002). "Clinical decision-making using the General Behavior Inventory in juvenile bipolarity". Bipolar disorders. 4 (1): 34–42. PMID 12047493. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  16. ^ Youngstrom, Eric A.; Genzlinger, Jacquelynne E.; Egerton, Gregory A.; Van Meter, Anna R. (2015). "Multivariate meta-analysis of the discriminative validity of caregiver, youth, and teacher rating scales for pediatric bipolar disorder: Mother knows best about mania". Archives of Scientific Psychology. 3 (1): 112–137. doi:10.1037/arc0000024. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  17. ^ Alloy, LB; Abramson, LY; Hogan, ME; Whitehouse, WG; Rose, DT; Robinson, MS; Kim, RS; Lapkin, JB (August 2000). "The Temple-Wisconsin Cognitive Vulnerability to Depression Project: lifetime history of axis I psychopathology in individuals at high and low cognitive risk for depression". Journal of abnormal psychology. 109 (3): 403–18. PMID 11016110. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  18. ^ Klein, Daniel N.; Dickstein, Susan; Taylor, Ellen B.; Harding, Kathryn (1989). "Identifying chronic affective disorders in outpatients: Validation of the General Behavior Inventory". Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 57 (1): 106–111. doi:10.1037/0022-006X.57.1.106. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  19. ^ Youngstrom, EA; Findling, RL; Danielson, CK; Calabrese, JR (June 2001). "Discriminative validity of parent report of hypomanic and depressive symptoms on the General Behavior Inventory". Psychological assessment. 13 (2): 267–76. PMID 11433802. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  20. ^ Findling, RL; Youngstrom, EA; McNamara, NK; Stansbrey, RJ; Wynbrandt, JL; Adegbite, C; Rowles, BM; Demeter, CA; Frazier, TW; Calabrese, JR (January 2012). "Double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled long-term maintenance study of aripiprazole in children with bipolar disorder". The Journal of clinical psychiatry. 73 (1): 57–63. PMID 22152402. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  21. ^ a b Youngstrom, E; Zhao, J; Mankoski, R; Forbes, RA; Marcus, RM; Carson, W; McQuade, R; Findling, RL (March 2013). "Clinical significance of treatment effects with aripiprazole versus placebo in a study of manic or mixed episodes associated with pediatric bipolar I disorder". Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology. 23 (2): 72–9. PMID 23480324. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  22. ^ Ong, ML; Youngstrom, EA; Chua, JJ; Halverson, TF; Horwitz, SM; Storfer-Isser, A; Frazier, TW; Fristad, MA; Arnold, LE; Phillips, ML; Birmaher, B; Kowatch, RA; Findling, RL; LAMS, Group (1 July 2016). "Comparing the CASI-4R and the PGBI-10 M for Differentiating Bipolar Spectrum Disorders from Other Outpatient Diagnoses in Youth". Journal of abnormal child psychology. PMID 27364346. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  23. ^ a b c d e Hirschfeld, Robert M.A.; Williams, Janet B.W.; Spitzer, Robert L.; Calabrese, Joseph R.; Flynn, Laurie; Keck, Paul E.; Lewis, Lydia; McElroy, Susan L.; Post, Robert M. (November 2000). "Development and Validation of a Screening Instrument for Bipolar Spectrum Disorder: The Mood Disorder Questionnaire". American Journal of Psychiatry. 157 (11): 1873–1875. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.157.11.1873. ISSN 0002-953X. PMID 11058490.
  24. ^ Isometsä, Erkki; Suominen, Kirsi; Mantere, Outi; Valtonen, Hanna; Leppämäki, Sami; Pippingsköld, Marita; Arvilommi, Petri (10 July 2003). "The Mood Disorder Questionnaire improves recognition of bipolar disorder in psychiatric care". BMC Psychiatry. 3: 8. doi:10.1186/1471-244X-3-8. ISSN 1471-244X. PMC 169168. PMID 12854971. Open access icon
  25. ^ Frey, Benicio N.; Simpson, William; Wright, Lauren; Steiner, Meir (16 October 2012). "Sensitivity and Specificity of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire as a Screening Tool for Bipolar Disorder During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period". The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 73 (11): 1456–1461. doi:10.4088/jcp.12m07856. ISSN 0160-6689. PMID 23146292.
  26. ^ a b c Wang, Hee Ryung; Woo, Young Sup; Ahn, Hyeong Sik; Ahn, Il Min; Kim, Hyun Jung; Bahk, Won-Myong (July 2015). "The Validity of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire for Screening Bipolar Disorder: A Meta-Analysis". Depression and Anxiety. 32 (7): 527–538. doi:10.1002/da.22374. ISSN 1520-6394. PMID 26010478.
  27. ^ Miller, Christopher J.; Johnson, Sheri L.; Eisner, Lori (June 2009). "Assessment Tools for Adult Bipolar Disorder". Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. 16 (2): 188–201. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2850.2009.01158.x. ISSN 0969-5893. PMC 2847794. PMID 20360999.
  28. ^ Dodd, Seetal; Williams, Lana J.; Jacka, Felice N.; Pasco, Julie A.; Bjerkeset, Ottar; Berk, Michael (June 2009). "Reliability of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire: comparison with the Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV-TR in a population sample". The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 43 (6): 526–530. doi:10.1080/00048670902873706. ISSN 1440-1614. PMID 19440884.
  29. ^ Takwoingi, Yemisi; Riley, Richard D.; Deeks, Jonathan J. (November 2015). "Meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy studies in mental health". Evidence Based Mental Health. 18 (4): 103–109. doi:10.1136/eb-2015-102228. ISSN 1468-960X. PMC 4680179. PMID 26446042. Open access icon
  30. ^ Carvalho, André F.; Takwoingi, Yemisi; Sales, Paulo Marcelo G.; Soczynska, Joanna K.; Köhler, Cristiano A.; Freitas, Thiago H.; Quevedo, João; Hyphantis, Thomas N.; McIntyre, Roger S. (February 2015). "Screening for bipolar spectrum disorders: A comprehensive meta-analysis of accuracy studies". Journal of Affective Disorders. 172: 337–346. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2014.10.024. ISSN 0165-0327. PMID 25451435.
  31. ^ Youngstrom, Eric A.; Genzlinger, Jacquelynne E.; Egerton, Gregory A.; Van Meter, Anna R. (2015). "Multivariate Meta-Analysis of the Discriminative Validity of Caregiver, Youth, and Teacher Rating Scales for Pediatric Bipolar Disorder: Mother Knows Best About Mania". Archives of Scientific Psychology. 3 (1): 112–137. doi:10.1037/arc0000024 – via PsycArticles. Open access icon
  32. ^ Dodd, Seetal; Williams, Lana J.; Jacka, Felice N.; Pasco, Julie A.; Bjerkeset, Ottar; Berk, Michael. "Reliability of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire: Comparison with the Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV-TR in a Population Sample". Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 43 (6): 526–530. doi:10.1080/00048670902873706.