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List of nomes according to the inscriptions of Senwosret I on the White Chapel at Karnak.

Lower Egypt

Number Egyptian Name Capital Modern name of capital site Translation
1 Inb-ḥḏ Ineb Hedj / Mennefer Mit Rahina (Memphis) White Walls
2 Ḫm Khem Ausim (Letopolis) Cow's thigh
3 Imntt Hut-ihet Kom el-Hisn West
4 Nt-rsy Saw Sais Southern Neith nome
5 Nt-mḥty Saw Sais Northern Neith nome
6 Khaset Khasu Sakha (Xois) Mountain bull
7 Wʿ-m-ḥww-imntt Unknown Unknown West harpoon
8 Wʿ-m-ḥww-iȝbtt Tjeku / Per-Atum (Heroonpolis) Pithom East harpoon
9 ʿnḏty (nome) Anedjti Abu Sir Bara (Busiris) Andjeti

10-13 are lost on the S I list

| 10 || Ka-khem || Hut-hery-ib (Athribis) || Banha (Tell Atrib) || Black bull |- | 11 || Ka-heseb || Taremu (Leontopolis) || Tell al-Urydam || Heseb bull |- | 12 || Theb-ka || Tjebnutjer (Sebennytos) || Samanud || Calf and Cow |- | 13 || Heq-At || Iunu (Heliopolis) || Materiya (suburb of Cairo) || Prospering Sceptre |- | 14 || Khent-abt || Tjaru (Sile, Tanis) || Tell Abu Sefa || Eastmost |- | 15 || Tehut || Ba'h / Weprehwy (Hermopolis Parva) || Baqliya || Ibis |- | 16 || Kha || Djedet (Mendes) || Tell al-Rubˁ || Fish |-

14 Ḥȝt-mḥyt Ḏdt (jtrw) 12 ḫȝ(tȝ) 6 sṯȝt 3 sṯȝt 1 mḥ 2 šsp 3 ḏbʿ 2 mḥ 97 šsp 3 ḏbʿ 2

15 Ḥqȝ-ʿnḏ ȝst Bȝstt Sw (jtrw) 15 ḫȝ(tȝ) 3 sṯȝt 5 [sṯȝt 1] mḥ 1+x [...] šsp ḏbʿ 2 mḥ 98 šsp 3 ḏbʿ 2

16 Ḫnt(y)-jȝbty gs Ḥr ḥr(y)-[jb] Bnw (jtrw) 3 ḫȝ(tȝ) 3 sṯȝt 1 mḥ 1 šsp 3 ḏbʿ 2 mḥ 98 šsp 3 ḏbʿ 2

| 17 || Semabehdet || Semabehdet (Diospolis Inferior) || Tell el-Balamun || The throne |- | 18 || Am-Khent || Per-Bastet (Bubastis) || Tell Bastah (near Zagazig) || Prince of the South |- | 19 || Am-Pehu || Dja'net (Leontopolis Tanis) || Tell Nebesha or San el-Hagar || Prince of the North |- | 20 || Sopdu || Per-Sopdu || Saft al-Henna || Plumed Falcon |}

Lower Egypt

Number Egyptian Name Capital Modern name of capital site Translation
1 Aneb-Hetch Ineb Hedj / Men-nefer / Menfe (Memphis) Mit Rahina White Walls
2 Khensu Khem (Letopolis) Ausim Cow's thigh
3 Ahment Imu (Apis) Kom el-Hisn West
4 Sapi-Res Ptkheka Tanta Southern shield
5 Sap-Meh Zau (Sais) Sa el-Hagar Northern shield
6 Khaset Khasu (Xois) Sakha Mountain bull
7 A-ment (Hermopolis Parva, Metelis) Damanhur West harpoon
8 A-bt Tjeku / Per-Atum (Heroonpolis, Pithom) Tell al-Maskhuta East harpoon
9 Ati Djed (Busiris) Abu Sir Bara Andjeti
10 Ka-khem Hut-hery-ib (Athribis) Banha (Tell Atrib) Black bull
11 Ka-heseb Taremu (Leontopolis) Tell al-Urydam Heseb bull
12 Theb-ka Tjebnutjer (Sebennytos) Samanud Calf and Cow
13 Heq-At Iunu (Heliopolis) Materiya (suburb of Cairo) Prospering Sceptre
14 Khent-abt Tjaru (Sile, Tanis) Tell Abu Sefa Eastmost
15 Tehut Ba'h / Weprehwy (Hermopolis Parva) Baqliya Ibis
16 Kha Djedet (Mendes) Tell al-Rubˁ Fish
17 Semabehdet Semabehdet (Diospolis Inferior) Tell el-Balamun The throne
18 Am-Khent Per-Bastet (Bubastis) Tell Bastah (near Zagazig) Prince of the South
19 Am-Pehu Dja'net (Leontopolis Tanis) Tell Nebesha or San el-Hagar Prince of the North
20 Sopdu Per-Sopdu Saft al-Henna Plumed Falcon

Upper Egypt

Number Egyptian Name Capital Modern Capital Translation
1 Ta-Seti Abu / Yebu (Elephantine) Aswan Land of the bow
2 Wetjes-Hor Djeba (Apollonopolis Magna) Edfu Throne of Horus
3 Nekhen Nekhen (Hierakonpolis) al-Kab Shrine
4 Waset Niwt-rst / Waset (Thebes) Karnak Sceptre
5 Herui Gebtu (Coptos) Qift The two falcons
6 Aa-ta Iunet / Tantere (Tentyra) Dendera The crocodile
7 Seshesh Seshesh (Diospolis Parva) Hu Sistrum
8 Abdju Abdju (Abydos) al-Birba Great land
9 Min Apu / Khen-min (Panopolis) Akhmim Min
10 Wadjet Djew-qa / Tjebu (Aphroditopolis) Edfu Cobra
11 Set Shashotep (Hypselis) Shutb The creature associated with Set
12 Tu-ph Hut-Sekhem-Senusret (Antaeopolis) Qaw al-Kebir Viper mountain
13 Atef-Khent Zawty (z3wj-tj, Lycopolis) Asyut Upper Sycamore and Viper
14 Atef-Pehu Qesy (Cusae) al-Qusiya Lower Sycamore and Viper
15 Wenet Khemenu (Hermopolis Magna) al-Ashmunayn Hare[1]
16 Ma-hedj Herwer? Hur? Oryx[1]
17 Anpu Saka (Cynopolis) al-Kais Anubis
18 Sep Teudjoi / Hutnesut (Alabastronopolis) el-Hiba Set
19 Uab Per-Medjed (Oxyrhynchus) el-Bahnasa Two Sceptres
20 Atef-Khent Henen-nesut (Herakleopolis Magna) Ihnasiyyah al-Madinah Southern Sycamore
21 Atef-Pehu Shenakhen / Semenuhor (Crocodilopolis, Arsinoe) Madinat al-Fayyum Northern Sycamore
22 Maten Tepihu (Aphroditopolis) Atfih Knife


  1. ^ a b Wolfram Grajetzki, The Middle Kingdom of ancient Egypt: history, archaeology and society. London, Duckworth Egyptology, 2006, pp. 109-111


  • Roger S. Bagnall (1996). Egypt in Late Antiquity. Princeton University Press, Appendix 3.
  • Alan K. Bowman (1990). Egypt After the Pharaohs. Oxford University Press.
  • Pierre Lacau and Henri Chevrier (1956). Une chapelle de Sésostris Ier à Karnak. Texte, Planches. L'institut français d'archéologie orientale, vol. I, p. 217-219, 231-250, vol. II, pl. 42.
  • Pierre Montet (1957, 1961). Géographie de l'Égypte ancienne. 2 vols. Imprimerie nationale et Librairie C. Klincksieck.