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Free press in the Nugaal in year 1903, link to British War Office, Volume 2 provided:

"it was necessary to establish a censorship over the communications of newsagents and Press correspondents who were permitted to enter the theatre of operations. It was not, however, until December, 1902, ... that the General Officer Commanding was obliged to establish a censor-ship over Press communications. ... Subsequently the officer in charge of the Intelligence Department was also appointed Press censor at the head-quarters of the Field Force, with one assistant upon the lines of communication and another at the base. During the third and fourth expeditions a limited number of news agencies and papers were permitted, with the concurrence of the General Officer Commanding, to be represented in the theatre of operations by correspondents. The condition upon which licences were issued were that correspondents pledged themselves to transmit all their communications through a Press censor. These conditions were, as a rule, observed by most of the correspondents who accompanied the troops or were permitted to reside in the country. A few cases, however, occurred of serious irregularities being committed by Press correspondents, which resulted in the licences of the offenders being cancelled or suspended.