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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hi, I discovered Wikipedia back in 2005 and fell for its vices straight away. How can you go wrong, a medium which covers just about every topic you can think of, nothing to purchase, no fees to pay for just looking and reading and best of all, if you can't find what you're looking for, then write it yourself...Utopia!!! One big difference my Utopia is for real, it's not a fictional island in the Atlantic, it’s an actual island sitting on the edge of the Atlantic. Welcome to my ideal community and paradise Newfoundland. Shucks that's laying it on a bit thick and heavy, but I do love this windswept land.

I contributed my first article on May 16, 2005, an article about Sir Richard Goodwin Keats. I'm no historian and obviously I didn't come up with the original research; I use existing research from many sources. I merely started the article which was embellished and edited by many others. When last I checked the article, it still requires a lot more work to bring it to good article and ultimately feature article status. Such is the way with Wikipedia, no one can claim ownership, simply contribute freely for the benefit of all. Since that first article I have written nearly 350 others of varying topics and subject matter. For the most part they have been about this wonderful corner of the earth, Newfoundland and Labrador, its people, culture, places, history and events.

Hopefully I have stimulated your interest to spend a little time with Wikipedia and add to it, either by generating new articles on topics that interest you or simply editing/fixing existing articles. The information you add or the article you create may qualify the article for front page billing in the Did you know... section. This is where we get a chance to let the whole world know about this wonderful place.