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(2+1)-dimensional topological gravity
ADM formalism
AdS/CFT correspondence
Alternatives to general relativity
Ashtekar variables
Bimetric gravity
Bosonic string theory
Brans–Dicke theory
Canonical quantum gravity
Causal dynamical triangulation
Causal sets
CGHS model
Chameleon particle
Classical unified field theories
Composite gravity
Conformal gravity
DGP model
Einstein–Cartan theory
Einstein–Hilbert action
Entropic gravity
Euclidean quantum gravity
Eötvös experiment
F(R) gravity
Frame fields in general relativity
Gauge theory gravity
Gauss–Bonnet gravity
General relativity
Gibbons–Hawking–York boundary term
Gravitational interaction of antimatter
Gravitational wave
Heterotic string theory
History of general relativity
History of gravitational theory
Induced gravity
Infinite derivative gravity
Introduction to M-theory
Jackiw–Teitelboim gravity
Kaluza–Klein theory
Knot invariant
Le Sage's theory of gravitation
Linearized gravity
Liouville field theory
Little string theory
Loop quantum gravity
Loop representation in gauge theories and quantum gravity
Lorentz covariance
Lovelock theory of gravity
Massive gravity
Mathematics of general relativity
Mechanical explanations of gravitation
Modified Newtonian dynamics
Noncommutative quantum field theory
Nonsymmetric gravitational theory
Nordström's theory of gravitation
Parallel transport
Parameterized post-Newtonian formalism
Quantum gravity
Quintessence (physics)
Rainbow gravity theory
RST model
Scalar theories of gravitation
Scalar–tensor theory
Scalar–tensor–vector gravity
Scale relativity
Self-dual Palatini action
Semiclassical gravity
Special relativity
Spin connection
String theory
Superfluid vacuum theory
Superstring theory
Tensor–vector–scalar gravity
Tests of general relativity
Theory of everything
Twistor string theory
Twistor theory
Type 0 string theory
Type I string theory
Type II string theory
Weak gravity conjecture
Whitehead's theory of gravitation
Wilson loop
Yilmaz theory of gravitation