module Permute (permutations, generateCaps) where
import Data.Char (toUpper, toLower)
import Data.List (nub, isInfixOf, sort)
-- Full blown permutation. This generates all regular permutations, with regard to position
permutations :: [a] -> [[a]]
permutations [x] = [[x]]
permutations xs =
[ y : zs | (y,ys) <- selections xs, zs <- permutations ys ]
selections :: [t] -> [(t, [t])]
selections [] = []
selections (x:xs) = (x,xs) : [(y,x:ys) | (y,ys) <- selections xs]
{- Generate *all* permutations of a string w/r/t capitalizations. This does not permute
in the sense of permutations.
The nub removes all duplicate sequences. Some things cannot be capitalized. -}
permuteCap :: String -> [String]
permuteCap f = nub $ mapM (\x -> [toUpper x, toLower x]) f
{- Given a list of strings, filter out everything that doesn't have them as a substring.
That is, filterInternal ["oo", "ar"] (permuteCap "foo bar") => ["Foo Bar","Foo bar","foo Bar","foo bar"] -}
filterInternal :: [String] -> [String] -> [String]
filterInternal c = filter (\s -> all (`isInfixOf` s) c)
{- filterInternal is an improvement over doing it by hand, but we still need to generate the substrings.
We shall do it in a manner that means we select for capitalization variations only on initial letters. -}
generateCapsSlow :: String -> [String]
generateCapsSlow l = sort $ filterInternal (map tail $ words l) (permuteCap l)
-- Obviously we want to be able to do this to a list of words too.
capsList :: [String] -> [[String]]
capsList = map generateCapsQuick
{- In case you didn't notice, the previous algorithm used in permuteCap generates *all* capitalizations, which is
a O(n^2) operation! And since generateCapsSlow is just filtering that list, that means that generateCapsSlow is also
O(n^2). This isn't good for titles of a reasonable length, so we can more directly generate things. It's more gnarly,
but that's the price you pay for speed. This replacement algorithm is quicker. -}
generateListCaps :: String -> [[String]]
generateListCaps a = zipWith (zipWith (++)) (map (map (:[])) b) (repeat c)
where b = mapM (\x -> [toUpper (head x), toLower (head x)]) (words a)
c = map tail (words a)
-- We'd rather return a list of Strings and not a list of lists of Strings, so wrap unwords around gLC's output.
generateCapsQuick :: String -> [String]
generateCapsQuick = map unwords . generateListCaps
-- What's our default? The quick one, of course.
generateCaps :: String -> [String]
generateCaps = generateCapsQuick