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User:Gryphon-Roosevelt/Envirodustrial Evolution

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OETSP+22: "Foucault to Foucault Pendulum and Chain Experiment by Raymond, Stein et al." Copyright 2015, Ronald Andrew Raymond; Anchorage, Alaska 99503+1133-3933.

Q: How big is the Universe? Does it go on forever? What is the most distant object we can see? We'll answer all of these questions and more in a special all-live presentation. Starting from the Earth, we will fly out of our Solar System, beyond our galaxy the Milky Way, and to the edge of the observable Universe!

?A: xRef(1): A Beautiful Math:: John Nash, Game Theory, and the Modern Quest for a Code of Nature. yRef(2): "The human spirit needs to accomplish, to achieve, to triumph to be happy." Ben Stein.

zRef(3) Dispersion of Modality Measurement by True Determination of Earth-Space Geo-Spatial Dymaxion (Titular Reference) Principal Investigator: Ronald Raymond, Alaska Pacific University, UAA Consortium Library (Proposed).

