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User:Greenleaf22/Ost und West/User12992239 Peer Review

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Ost und West

Evaluate the drafted changes


Lead - The lead has been updated to reflect new information and provides more information about the subject. I would still include the information as to when it operated from in the lead. I think that the lead accurately sets up the article and includes the two authors who are later discussed in the article.

Guiding Questions - I am unsure wether the edits made to the history section are meant to be an addition to the current history section of the article or wether they are a revision to the history section. I think that if it is a revision of the history section it is much more detailed than the current edition and provides me as a reader with more information. The sources used are more modern one of which is within the last 10 years where one is before 2000 but does appear to have relevant information that isn't affected by when it was published. I think that potentially adding information about the issue that is the divide between European jews could be relevant as it is mentioned in the lead and not really discussed in the article. I do think that there is definitely more information that could be added to the page as there is much more information on the German article linked below. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ost_und_West_(1901%E2%80%931923) The information does represent the historically underrepresented topic though and does provide a general sense of the topic but could be improved.

The content is neutral and does not express a viewpoint, it informs the reader as necessary. The information expresses a widely accepted viewpoint of Western and Eastern European ideologies and does not attempt to convince the reader of a certain idea.

Sources - The information cited regarding source 2 in the article is accurate however I think that more could be drawn from the source to be used in the article. The information cited regarding source 1 is accurate but much like source 2 I think that more information can be used to better inform readers about the subject. I also think that there is more information available to use regarding Ost und West that is cited in the sources already used. I also think that "This geographical change resulted in a clashing of Western and Eastern Jewish identities. Eastern Jews, known as the Ostjuden, faced widespread xenophobia in Germany." should be backed up by a reliable source. The links provided work however I do not have access to the full article for source 2. I think that there should be more sources used and that would also contribute to fixing the concern that there is more information available on the subject. Overall I think this lacks a diverse array of sources.

Content -

I found it easy to read the added information. My suggestions are as follows,

  • In the second sentence, it would be clearer to say "Eastern European Jews" instead of just "Eastern Jews."
  • In the third sentence, "clashing" might not be the most precise word to use. It might be better to say "conflict" or "tension."
  • In the fourth sentence, it would be more accurate to say that Ost und West was founded in 1901 in Vienna, Austria (not Berlin, Germany). Also, "Ukrainian" should be capitalized.
  • In the seventh sentence, it might be clearer to say "their political affiliations" instead of "their political ideologies."
  • In the last sentence, "avant-garde Jewish art" could be replaced with a more specific description to give readers a better idea of what kinds of art were featured in the magazine.

Impressions - I think that the provided edits have improved the article but there is still work to be done to provide more information about the subject. The article is getting near completion but lacks key information about ideas that were expressed in the newspaper information about historical context and potentially impacts of the newspaper. A very general way to improve the added content would be to dig deeper into the sources to find more information.