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Answers to Module 7 Questions[edit]

The media that I have uploaded is original photography from Surry Hills, Sydney Australia, in JPEG format. I have chosen a CC BY-SA licence. The image will be shared under the category of Nature Photography, and I will describe it as 'Sunset in NSW'.

Sunset in Surry Hills, Sydney NSW Australia.

Practicing Citations[edit]

"On January 7, 1978, exactly one week after Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the shah of Iran, hosted a New Year's Eve party where the president of the United States, Jimmy Carter, toasted to the shah's health and long life, Ettelaat, a national newspaper in Iran, published an article critical of Ayotallah Ruhollah Khomeini, accusing him of being connected with a foreign power."[1]

"Although people's participation in affairs governing their lives dates back to the beginnings of human society, the concept has taken on a new significance as societies have grown in size and complexity."[2]

"People Power's policy was rejected by the Labor and Liberal parties yesterday."[3]

"On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the first People Power revolution in the Philippines, history played one of its twisted ironies."[4]

  1. ^ Schock, K 2005, Unarmed Insurrections People Power Movements In Non-democracies, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, USA.
  2. ^ Hollnsteiner, M 1976, ‘People Power: Community Participation in the Planning and Implementation of Human Settlements’, Philippine Studies, vol. 24, no.1, pp.5-36.
  3. ^ Tomazin, F & Ker, P 2006. ‘People Power pokies policy’, The Age, September 5, viewed 15 March 2021, https://www.theage.com.au/national/people-power-pokies-policy-20060905-ge32iv.html.
  4. ^ Lijauco, C 2021. ‘1986 People Power: A Look Back At The Historic EDSA Revolution’, Philippines Tatler, February 23, viewed 22 March 2021, https://ph.asiatatler.com/society/looking-back-at-the-historic-events-of-the-1986-people-power