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Kerry Cronin is a professor at Boston College and the Director of the Lonergan Institute, a research center at the college. [1]

She was a part of the faculty development team [2] of the Perspectives Program at Boston College which focuses on the theology and philosophy of Western culture, and continues to teach as a professor of the course. [3]

The Hook-Up Culture[edit]

She is best known for her discussions on the "hook-up" culture prevalent on college campuses. [4]

She began her work seven years ago while discussing the topic of the "hook-up culture" with seven exiting Boston College Seniors, according to an article in the Assumption College newspaper, Le Provocateur. When Cronin inquired about their anxieties about leaving girlfriends and boyfriends as they move into the real world, the students made it clear that dating was not a part of their lives. After this experience, Cronin turned her attention to the topic of dating, or lack there of, on college campuses. [5]

Cronin emphasizes the importance of genuine dating on college campuses and the rejection of the "hook-up script" that many students fall into. In order to encourage this, she urges her students to date with her popular "dating assignment" which requires students to ask someone out on a date. (See 'Rules of the First Date') While this assignment was previously included in a one-credit course, the assignment remains in the form of an extra-credit project in her Perspectives courses. [6]

Notable Talks[edit]

"Rules of the 1st Date"[edit]

General Synopsis[7]

  • Cronin discusses the proper way to date, as outlined in her "dating assignment" which her students were required to complete in order to pass the class.
  • Notable Quotation: "Hooking up, we know, is a script, it's a social script that's going on at most colleges. But there's another script and it's this dating script, but a lot of people in colleges don't know that script anymore."

Rules of the Dating Assignment

  1. Must ask the person out in person or on the phone.
  2. The person must be a person in whom one ha a legitimate interest.
  3. The date must be a Level 1 date. (See 'Definition of a Level 1 Date')
  4. Girls who ask a boy out on a date must plan the date and pay.
  5. No alcohol or physical interaction (other than what Cronin calls an A-frame hug)

Definition of a Level 1 Date

  1. The first three dates.
  2. Meant to gather information about the person to determine the viability of a future relationship.
  3. Should last 45-90 minutes.
  4. Is a daytime event.
  5. At a destination not far from campus, Cronin mentions nearby eateries.

Church in the 21st Century: "Adventures in Faith" Series[edit]

General Synopsis[8]

  • Cronin discusses her personal faith formation and demonstrates how the Resurrection of Jesus Christ can guide the modern-day person.

Cronin's Talking Points

  • Prior to attending Boston College, she had a devout faith life. After arriving at the college, she began to ask questions of her faith that she never had before.
  • Believes that Jesus wanted people to talk about his death and resurrection.
  • Said her faith experiences "could be called an adventure."
  • Through the Resurrection, God shows that humans could be more like God.
  • Demonstrates the difference between her view of the Resurrection and others'
    • For some “he came, he lived, he suffered, he died."
    • For Cronin,“it's something more… its what is being communicated to us…the resurrection opens up the meaning of all things…our lives ought to be transformed as well.”
  • Through Jesus, humans can comprehend that the Kingdom of God is here and that they participate in it and that the Resurrection represents that God is on earth in the here and now.
  • God wants to be with humans in all aspects of their lives, including their sexual lives.
  • Dating at Boston College.
    • 3 options:
      • "The married couples" - have been together for a long time, rejected by freshmen.
      • "The hooking-up situation"
      • Opting out entirely
    • Believes that most students are engaged in a mix of the second and third option, weighing more heavily on the third.
  • Says the Resurrection is proof that humans cannot opt-out of God's love
  • Humans are spectacular for being human, for being a body, "it's such a joy."
  • Says it is humans' responsibility to figure out to love and to be loved. God’s love is too spectacular to opt out.

"10 Reasons Why You’re Not Dating and What To Do About It"[edit]

Media Mentions[edit]


  • The Boston Globe
    • "Across US, Catholic colleges are searching for their identity"[9]
  • The Heights, the independent student newspaper of Boston College.
    • "Professor gives her view of dating"[10]
    • "Cronin Defines ‘The Hook-up’" [11]
    • "Week’s Focus is on Unity" [12]
    • "College Dating an Imperfect Art"[13]
    • Cronin defends dating"[14]
    • "4&1: Professor Kerry Cronin" (Blog post from the Heights blog, The B-Line)[6]
  • Le Provocateur, the student newspaper of Assumption College.
    • "Kerry Cronin discusses 'hooking up' on college campuses"[5]
  • St. Anselm Crier, the official student newspaper of St. Anselm College.
    • "Kerry Cronin Entertains, Warns of Dangers of College Hookup Culture"[15]


Category:American academics Category:Date of birth missing (living people)