User:Emil Kastberg/Sandbox/Y5K

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Before Present

Comparison of some historic dates in the gregorian calendar, Y5K, and the Holocene calendar
Gregorian years ISO 8601 Y5K Human Era
Holocene Epoch
30001 BC -30000 -27000 20000 BHE Pleistocene
10001 BC -10000 -7000 0 HE Approximate beginning of the Holocene
10000 BC -9999 -6999 1 HE
9000 BC -8999 -5999 1001 HE Earliest known walled city (Jericho)
8000 BC -7999 -4999 2001 HE Start of After the Development of Agriculture (A.D.A.)
6000 BC -5999 -2999 4001 HE First copper found in Middle East - beginning of Copper Age
4713 BC -4712 -1712 5288 HE Start of the Julian date (JD) at January 1, Greenwich noon, Julian proleptic calendar
3761 BC -3760 -760 6240 HE Begin of Anno Mundi in the Jewish calendar
3085 BC -3084 -84 6916 HE Pharao Narmer/Menes unifies Egypt
3001 BC -3000 0 7000 HE Year Zero!
3000 BC -2999 1 7001 HE Beginning of Indus Valley Civilization
2720 BC -2719 281 7281 HE Regency of Pharao Djoser, Building of the first pyramid
2700 BC -2699 301 7301 HE
1792 BC -1791 1209 8209 HE Birth of Hammurabi
1379 BC -1378 1622 8622 HE Begin of the Reign of Akhenaten
1000 BC -0999 2001 9001 HE
776 BC -0775 2225 9225 HE Begin of the first Olympiad
753 BC -0752 2248 9248 HE Legendary Founding of Rome, Start of ab urbe condita
551 BC -0550 2450 9450 HE Birth of Confucius
550 BC -0549 2451 9451 HE Approximate founding of the Achaemenid Empire
544 BC -0543 2457 9457 HE Legendary death of Siddhartha Gautama, Start of the Buddhist Era
539 BC -0538 2462 9462 HE Approximate date of the creation of the Cyrus Cylinder
538 BC -0537 2463 9463 HE
530 BC -0529 2471 9471 HE Founding of the Achaemenid Empire according to Pahlavi-era Iran? (link)
323 BC -0322 2678 9678 HE Death of Alexander the Great in Babylon
221 BC -0220 2780 9780 HE Founding of the Imperial China by the Qin dynasty
218 BC -0217 2783 9783 HE Hannibals Invasion
100 BC -0099 2901 9901 HE
45 BC -0044 2956 9956 HE Introduction of the Julian calendar
44 BC -0043 2957 9957 HE Assassination of Julius Caesar on the Ides of March
27 BC -0026 2974 9974 HE Begin of the Principate with Augustus Caesar
5 BC -0004 2996 9996 HE Possible date of the Birth of Jesus
2 BC -0001 2999 9999 HE
1 BC +0000 3000 10000 HE Year Zero at ISO 8601
1 AD +0001 3001 10001 HE Begin of the Vulgar Era Anno Salutis
2 AD +0002 3002 10002 HE
14 AD +0014 3014 10014 HE Death of Augustus
30 AD +0030 3030 10030 HE Possible year of Jesus' crucifixion
476 AD +0476 3476 10476 HE Fall of Rome
535 AD +0535 3535 10535 HE Extreme weather events of 535–536
536 AD +0536 3536 10536 HE
622 AD +0622 3622 10622 HE Migration of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina (Hijrah), Begin of the Islamic calendar
632 AD +0632 3632 10632 HE Death of Muhammad, Muslim conquests begin
800 AD +0800 3800 10800 HE Coronation of Charlemagne
1066 AD +1066 4066 11066 HE Norman Invasion
1096 AD +1096 4096 11096 HE Begin of the First Crusade
1340 AD +1347 4347 11347 HE Black Death decimates Asia and Europe
1353 AD +1353 4353 11353 HE
1453 AD +1453 4453 11453 HE Fall of Constantinople
1492 AD +1492 4492 11492 HE Voyages of Christopher Columbus
1502 AD +1502 4502 11502 HE
1582 AD +1582 4582 11582 HE Introduction of the Gregorian calendar
1639 AD +1639 4639 11639 HE Wars of the Three Kingdoms
1651 AD +1651 4651 11651 HE
1688 AD +1688 4688 11688 HE Glorious Revolution
1707 AD +1707 4707 11707 HE Acts of Union 1707, Foundation of the Kingdom of Great Britain
1776 AD +1776 4776 11776 HE United States Declaration of Independence
1775 AD +1775 4775 11775 HE American Revolutionary War
1783 AD +1783 4783 11783 HE
1789 AD +1789 4789 11789 HE Storming of the Bastille, Begin of the French Revolution
1800 AD +1800 4800 11800 HE Foundation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland with the Acts of Union 1800
1804 AD +1804 4804 11804 HE Coronation of Napoleon I
1815 AD +1815 4815 11815 HE Battle of Waterloo
1816 AD +1816 4816 11816 HE Year Without a Summer Eighteen hundred and frozen to death
1861 AD +1861 4861 11861 HE American Civil War
1865 AD +1865 4865 11865 HE
1912 AD +1912 4912 11912 HE Sinking of the RMS Titanic; Xinhai Revolution in China (Begin of the Minguo calendar)
1914 AD +1914 4914 11914 HE World War I
1918 AD +1918 4918 11918 HE
1917 AD +1917 4917 11917 HE February and October Revolution
1922 AD +1922 4922 11922 HE Foundation of the Irish Free State and the current United Kingdom; Independence of the Kingdom of Egypt
1937 AD +1937 4937 11937 HE Transformation of the Irish Free State to the Republic of Ireland
1939 AD +1939 4939 11939 HE World War II
1945 AD +1945 4945 11945 HE
1950 AD +1950 4950 11950 HE Commencement date of Before Present
1962 AD +1962 4962 11962 HE Cuban Missile Crisis
1969 AD +1969 4969 11969 HE First manned Moon landing
1993 AD +1993 4993 11993 HE Publication of the Holocene calendar by Cesare Emiliani
2024 AD +2024 5024 Y5K 12024 HE Current Year
10000 AD +10000 13000 20000 HE