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Abandoned Pet Rescue


Abandoned Pet Rescue is a non-profit animal shelter located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It is one of the largest no-kill shelters in South Florida. This shelter specializes in the rescue of wounded and ill animals, their rehabilitation, and the search for their final home. Abandoned Pet Rescue offers a vast variety of both cats and dogs for potential customers, with the total number of animals in the institution exceeding 300. Volunteers perform charitable work in the shelter through both in-shelter care and at-home foster care. Patrons, other institutions, and other charities help financially by donating to this shelter for public events that spread awareness and education about the lives of stray animals.

Helping the Community


There are, unfortunately, very few recent facilities in South Florida that will spay and neuter stray animals. Due to this, thousands of unwanted animals are born each year due to this issue. Abandoned Pet Rescue helped curb animal overpopulation[1] in the community since its founding in 1996[2] by utilizing a technique known as TNR or Trap, Neuter, Return. First, stray animals are humanely trapped within a closed space in order to minimize stress factors and help them trust the captors. They are then brought to the shelter and neutered. All dogs get inspected and vaccinated for heartworm, while the cats are inspected and vaccinated for feline AIDS and leukemia. The animals then get microchipped in order to help track their location. Depending on the temperament of the animal, the captors will either safely release it back into the wild or house it in the shelter until it is adopted. The TNR technique is a significant factor in controlling animal overpopulation, because it renders the animals sterile, therefore stopping them from making more offspring that will later end up neglected[3].

The Adoption Process


Abandoned Pet Rescue is highly protective of their animals because the safety and rights of the animals are the first priority. In order for the safety of the animal to not be compromised, the institution installed a special adoption process[4]. The shelter requires an in-person visit in order for the patron to meet their desired pet. They also inquire if the patron has the right household conditions for the pet they desire, such as proper fencing. Finally, Abandoned Pet Rescue makes sure that the pet is the right match for their owner by inquiring about the pets they have owned currently as well as the number of people residing in their home and their occupation. The shelter caters to the future pet owner by placing the pets at affordable adoption prices, starting with $100 for dogs one year or older and $50 for cats one year or older. Puppies younger than one year have an adoption fee of $125, while kittens under one year have an adoption fee of $60. Abandoned Pet Rescue encourages patrons to adopt two cats at a time to provide them with the utmost companionship by making the adoption fee of two cats a mere $75.



  1. ^ "Trap-Neuter-Return Research Compendium". Alley Cat Allies. Retrieved 2018-05-29.
  2. ^ "Adoption Information | Abandoned Pet Rescue". www.abandonedpetrescue.org. Retrieved 2018-05-29.
  3. ^ Hughes, Kathy L.; Slater, Margaret R.; Haller, Linda (2002). "The effects of implementing a feral cat spay/neuter program in a Florida county animal control service". Journal of applied animal welfare science: JAAWS. 5 (4): 285–298. doi:10.1207/S15327604JAWS0504_03. ISSN 1088-8705. PMID 16221079.
  4. ^ "Adoption Information | Abandoned Pet Rescue". www.abandonedpetrescue.org. Retrieved 2018-05-29.