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User:Ed Poor/Good scientific practice

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The Max Planck Institute says:

  • Scientific honesty and the observance of the principles of good scientific practice are essential in all scientific work which seeks to expand our knowledge and which is intended to earn respect from the public. The principles of good scientific practice can be violated in many ways - from a lack of care in the application of scientific methods or in documenting data, to serious scientific misconduct through deliberate falsification or deceit. All such violations are irreconcilable with the essence of science itself as a methodical, systematic process of research aimed at gaining knowledge based on verifiable results. Moreover they destroy public trust in the reliability of scientific results and they destroy the trust of scientists among themselves, which is an important requirement for scientific work today where cooperation and division of labor are the norm. Although dishonesty in science cannot be fully prevented through sets of rules alone, appropriate precautions can nevertheless guarantee that all those involved in scientific activity are regularly made aware of the standards of good scientific practice. This is an important contribution to limiting scientific misconduct. [1]

The European Science Foundation says:

Good scientific practice in research and scholarship is essential for the integrity of science. It sets internationally valid benchmarks for quality assurance, which enable replication and further studies by other scientists. And it provides safeguards against scientific dishonesty and fraud. Good practice, thus, nurtures trust within the scientific community and between science and society, both of which are necessary for scientific advance. [2]
