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User:Dyinisus/Books/The Bible

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The Bible


The Books

The Pentateuch
Book of Genesis
Book of Exodus
Book of Leviticus
Book of Numbers
Book of Deuteronomy
The Historical Old Testament
Book of Joshua
Book of Judges
Book of Ruth
Books of Samuel
Books of Kings
Books of Chronicles
Book of Ezra
Book of Nehemiah
Book of Tobit
Book of Judith
Book of Esther
1 Maccabees
2 Maccabees
3 Maccabees
4 Maccabees
The Books of Wisdom
Book of Job
Book of Proverbs
Song of Songs
Book of Wisdom
Prayer of Manasseh
The Major Prophets
Book of Isaiah
Book of Jeremiah
Letter of Jeremiah
Book of Lamentations
Book of Baruch
Book of Ezekiel
Book of Daniel
The Minor Prophets
Book of Hosea
Book of Joel
Book of Amos
Book of Obadiah
Book of Jonah
Book of Micah
Book of Nahum
Book of Habakkuk
Book of Zephaniah
Book of Haggai
Book of Zechariah
Book of Malachi
The New Testatment
Gospel of Mark
Gospel of Matthew
Gospel of Luke
Acts of the Apostles
Gospel of John
Epistle to the Romans
First Epistle to the Corinthians
Second Epistle to the Corinthians
Epistle to the Galatians
Epistle to the Ephesians
Epistle to the Philippians
Epistle to the Colossians
First Epistle to the Thessalonians
Second Epistle to the Thessalonians
First Epistle to Timothy
Second Epistle to Timothy
Epistle to Titus
Epistle to Philemon
Epistle to the Hebrews
Epistle of James
First Epistle of Peter
Second Epistle of Peter
First Epistle of John
Second Epistle of John
Third Epistle of John
Epistle of Jude
Book of Revelation
The Apocryopha
Book of Enoch
Life of Adam and Eve
Life of John the Baptist
The Shepherd of Hermas
Book of Jubilees
1 Esdras
2 Esdras
Psalm 151
Letter of Aristeas
Ascension of Isaiah
Joseph and Aseneth
Jannes and Jambres
Lives of the Prophets
Ladder of Jacob
History of the Captivity in Babylon
History of the Rechabites
History of Joseph the Carpenter
Prayer of Joseph
Gospel of James
The Infancy Gospels
Syriac Infancy Gospel
Infancy Gospel of Thomas
Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew
Gospel of the Ebionites
Gospel of the Hebrews
Gospel of the Nazarenes
Gospel of Thomas
Gospel of Peter
Gospel of Nicodemus
Gospel of Bartholomew
Questions of Bartholomew
Resurrection of Jesus Christ (by Bartholomew)
Additions to Daniel
Cyril of Jerusalem
On the Life and the Passion of Christ
Gospel of Marcion
Gospel of Mani
Apelles (gnostic)
Third Epistle to the Corinthians
Odes of Solomon
Epistles of Clement
Libellus de Nativitate Sanctae Mariae
Epistula Apostolorum
Apocryphon of James
Book of Thomas the Contender
Dialogue of the Saviour
Gospel of Judas
Gospel of Mary
Gospel of Philip
Gospel of Truth
Greek Gospel of the Egyptians
Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit
The Sophia of Jesus Christ
Coptic Apocalypse of Paul
Apocalypse of Paul
Gnostic Apocalypse of Peter
Apocalypse of Peter
Pistis Sophia
Second Treatise of the Great Seth
Apocryphon of John
Trimorphic Protennoia
Ophite Diagrams
Books of Jeu
Acts of Andrew
Acts of Barnabas
Acts of John
Acts of the Martyrs
Acts of Paul
Acts of Paul and Thecla
Acts of Peter
Acts of Peter and Andrew
Acts of Peter and Paul
Acts of Peter and the Twelve
Acts of Philip
Acts of Thomas
Acts of Timothy
Acts of Xanthippe, Polyxena, and Rebecca
Epistle of Barnabas
Epistle of the Corinthians to Paul
Letter to the Smyrnaeans
Letter to the Trallians
Polycarp's letter to the Philippians
Epistle to Diognetus
Epistle to the Laodiceans
Epistle to Seneca the Younger
Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius
Apocalypse of Thomas
Apocalypse of Stephen
First Apocalypse of James
Second Apocalypse of James
Descent of Mary
Apostolic Constitutions
Book of Nepos
Canons of the Apostles
Cave of Treasures
Clementine literature
Liturgy of St James
Penitence of Origen
Prayer of the Apostle Paul
Sentences of Sextus
Book of the Bee
Unknown Berlin Gospel
Naassene Fragment
Fayyum Fragment
Secret Gospel of Mark
Oxyrhynchus Gospels
Egerton Gospel
Gospel of Eve
Gospel of the Four Heavenly Realms
Gospel of Matthias
Gospel of Perfection
Gospel of the Seventy
Gospel of the Twelve
Memoria Apostolorum
Rest of the Words of Baruch
Book of Odes (Bible)
Bel and the Dragon
The Prayer of Azariah and Song of the Three Holy Children
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