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Ad providam
Chinon Parchment
Council of Vienne
Faciens misericordiam
Geoffroi de Charney
Grand Master (order)
Grand Masters of the Knights Templar
History of the Knights Templar
Hugues de Payens
Jacques de Molay
Knights Templar
Knights Templar (Freemasonry)
Knights Templar and popular culture
Knights Templar in England
Knights Templar in Scotland
Knights Templar Seal
Latin Rule
List of Knights Templar
List of Knights Templar sites
Milites Templi
Militia Dei
Omne Datum Optimum
Pastoralis Praeeminentiae
Philip IV of France
Pope Clement V
Rosslyn Chapel
Scottish Knights Templar
Temple Church
The Temple and the Lodge
Trials of the Knights Templar
Vox in excelso
William of Paris (inquisitor)