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Areocentric orbit
Areostationary orbit
Areosynchronous orbit
Argument of periapsis
Attitude control
Ballistic capture
Bi-elliptic transfer
Box orbit
Celestial coordinate system
Celestial mechanics
Circular orbit
Collision avoidance (spacecraft)
Commensurability (astronomy)
Dermott's law
Eccentric anomaly
Elliptic orbit
Epoch (astronomy)
Escape velocity
Free drift
Frozen orbit
Galactic Center
Gate orbit
Geocentric orbit
Geostationary orbit
Geostationary transfer orbit
Geosynchronous orbit
Graveyard orbit
Gravitational keyhole
Gravitational two-body problem
Gravity assist
Halo orbit
Heliocentric orbit
High Earth orbit
Highly elliptical orbit
Hill sphere
Hohmann transfer orbit
Horseshoe orbit
Hyperbolic trajectory
Inclined orbit
Kepler orbit
Kepler's equation
Kepler's laws of planetary motion
Kozai mechanism
Lagrangian point
Lambert's problem
Laplace limit
Laplace plane
Laplace–Runge–Lenz vector
Lissajous orbit
List of orbits
Longitude of the ascending node
Longitude of the periapsis
Low Earth orbit
Low-energy transfer
Lunar orbit
Mean anomaly
Mean longitude
Mean motion
Medium Earth orbit
Molniya orbit
Musica universalis
N-body problem
Near-equatorial orbit
Nodal period
Non-inclined orbit
Oberth effect
Orbit determination
Orbit equation
Orbit of the Moon
Orbit phasing
Orbital decay
Orbital eccentricity
Orbital elements
Orbital inclination
Orbital inclination change
Orbital maneuver
Orbital mechanics
Orbital node
Orbital period
Orbital plane (astronomy)
Orbital pole
Orbital resonance
Orbital spaceflight
Orbital speed
Osculating orbit
Parabolic trajectory
Parking orbit
Perihelion and aphelion
Perturbation (astronomy)
Perturbation theory
Polar orbit
Primary (astronomy)
Quadrature (astronomy)
Radial trajectory
Rendezvous pitch maneuver
Retrograde and prograde motion
Rosetta (orbit)
Semi-major and semi-minor axes
Semi-synchronous orbit
Space rendezvous
Specific orbital energy
Sphere of influence (astrodynamics)
Subsynchronous orbit
Sun-synchronous orbit
Supersynchronous orbit
Synchronous orbit
Syzygy (astronomy)
The Smithers Divide
Three-body problem
Tidal acceleration
Tidal circularization
Tidal locking
Titius–Bode law
Trans-Earth injection
Trans-lunar injection
Transfer orbit
Transposition, docking, and extraction
True anomaly
True longitude
Tsiolkovsky rocket equation
Tundra orbit
Two-body problem