
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Active galactic nucleus
Andromeda Galaxy
Andromeda–Milky Way collision
Anemic galaxy
Anticenter shell
Aquarius Stream
Arcturus stream
Astrophysical jet
Baade's Window
Barred irregular galaxy
Barred lenticular galaxy
Barred spiral galaxy
BL Lac object
Black Eye Galaxy
BOSS Great Wall
Boötes void
Brightest cluster galaxy
Bulge (astronomy)
Bullet Cluster
Bullet Group
Carina–Sagittarius Arm
Cartwheel Galaxy
Centaurus A
Centaurus Cluster
CfA2 Great Wall
Clowes–Campusano LQG
CMB cold spot
Coma Supercluster
Cooling flow
Corona Borealis Supercluster
Dark galaxy
Dark matter halo
Disc (galaxy)
Dwarf elliptical galaxy
Dwarf galaxy
Dwarf galaxy problem
Dwarf spheroidal galaxy
Dwarf spiral galaxy
Einstein Cross
El Gordo (galaxy cluster)
Elliptical galaxy
EQ J221734.0+001701
Faber–Jackson relation
Faint blue galaxy
Field of Streams
Flocculent spiral galaxy
Galactic anticenter
Galactic astronomy
Galactic Center
Galactic coordinate system
Galactic corona
Galactic habitable zone
Galactic halo
Galactic magnetic fields
Galactic plane
Galactic quadrant
Galactic ridge
Galactic tide
Galaxy cluster
Galaxy filament
Galaxy formation and evolution
Galaxy group
Galaxy groups and clusters
Galaxy merger
Galaxy morphological classification
Galaxy rotation curve
Giant Void
Gould Belt
Grand design spiral galaxy
Great Attractor
Great Debate (astronomy)
Great Rift (astronomy)
Helmi stream
Hercules Superclusters
Hercules–Corona Borealis Great Wall
Hoag's Object
Horologium Supercluster
Hubble sequence
Hubble's law
HVC 127-41-330
Hydra Cluster
Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster
Interacting galaxy
Intergalactic star
Intermediate spiral galaxy
Irregular galaxy
Laniakea Supercluster
Large Magellanic Cloud
Large quasar group
Lenticular galaxy
Leo Ring
Leo Supercluster
Leo Triplet
Local Group
Local Sheet
Local Void
Luminous infrared galaxy
Lyman-alpha blob
Lynx Supercluster
M81 Group
Magellanic Bridge
Magellanic Clouds
Magellanic spiral
Magellanic Stream
Markarian galaxies
Messier 32
Messier 81
Messier 82
Messier 83
Messier 94
Metallicity distribution function
Microscopium Supercluster
Milky Way
Monoceros Ring
Musket Ball Cluster
NGC 7331 Group
Norma Arm
Northern Local Supervoid
Orion Arm
Palomar 5
Pavo-Indus Supercluster
Pea galaxy
Peculiar galaxy
Perseus Arm
Perseus-Pisces Supercluster
Phoenix Dwarf
Pinwheel Galaxy
Pisces–Cetus Supercluster Complex
Polar-ring galaxy
Radio galaxy
Ring galaxy
Robert's Quartet
Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
Sagittarius Star Cloud
Sagittarius Stream
Satellite galaxies of the Milky Way
Satellite galaxy
Sculptor Galaxy
Sculptor Wall
Scutum–Centaurus Arm
Seyfert galaxy
Seyfert's Sextet
Shapley Supercluster
Sloan Great Wall
Small Magellanic Cloud
Smith's Cloud
Sombrero Galaxy
Southern Local Supervoid
Sołtan argument
Spiral galaxy
Starburst galaxy
Tadpole Galaxy
Taurus Void
Triangulum Galaxy
Tully–Fisher relation
Type-cD galaxy
Ultra diffuse galaxy
Unbarred lenticular galaxy
Unbarred spiral galaxy
Velocity dispersion
Virgo Cluster
Virgo Stellar Stream
Virgo Supercluster
Void (astronomy)
Void galaxy
Whirlpool Galaxy