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User:Dorji 101/Jetsun Pema

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Jetsun Pema (born June 4, 1990) is Bhutan's Queen-to-be. His Majesty the King http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jigme_Khesar_Namgyel_Wangchuck announced in the Parliament on May 20, 2011 that the Royal Wedding would take place later this year.

Jetsun is the second eldest daughter of Dhondup Gyaltshen (the grandson of Tashigang Dzongpon Dopola) and Sonam Chuki, who comes from the family of Bumthang Pangtey. Jetsun has two brothers and two sisters.

In recent times, Jetsun has begun to accompany the King on royal tours around the country.

