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Thomas Pendelton (born April 28, 1971) is an artist and television personality.


Early Years[edit]

Thomas Pendelton was born in Anaheim, California and grew up in Torrance, California.

As a child, Pendelton grew up poor. He recalls moving around from place to place, living off of welfare, and continuously being evicted.

“We lived in Reno for awhile, in this shithole town called Fernley,” Pendelton says. “We had these dirty junkyard dogs and a go-cart with no motor. So in the morning the dogs would pull us to school in the go-cart and my brother would tie them to the bike rack. You can’t get more white trash than that.”


Thomas started doing artwork for a living at 17, and started tattooing when he was 21.

In 2005, Thomas was a featured Tattoo Artist on the television show Inked.

He currently has completed filming for a new drama/reality based show titled "Tattoo Highway" to be aired on A&E_Network some time in mid-May, 2009.[1]

Thomas founded a clothing line in 2005, called Ministry of Ink and has recently started focusing his individualistic art pieces to his self titled Thomas Pendelton web site.–