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I am a graduate of Royal School for Arts, Music and Drama in Glasgow having a BA in Contemporary Theatre Practice. I am an expert in facilitating people with Learning Disabilities to become Pro-active Citizen Leaders and a campaigner for the rights of Carers. I also have a Functional Neurological Deficit which appears to be a very controversial disorder to have. I live in Scotland with my mother, my son, 2 dogs, a cat and an increasing population of goldfish. My mum feeds every bird for about 50 miles around just outside my window along with about 100 generations of field mice. My main interest in being part of this community is to increase my knowledge of the disorder I suffer from and hopefully help others who have a similar story of misdiagnosis and contempt from the medical profession. --Davalay (talk) 14:23, 2 January 2011 (UTC)

Read charcot's bad idea by simon overton