
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Edinburgh Castle The Edinburgh Castle was built on an extinct and was built by James IV in 1488-1513 including the great hall and the royal apartments. In the earlier days Edinburgh Castle was used as a prison and was used as a fortress. In the mid, 18th century held hundreds of soldiers and sailors from the war Europe and America. The castle was used as a garrison up to 1923 and even today, the regiment stationed there today still guards the castle. It has been reported that Edinburgh Castle is one of the most famous hunted places in Scotland. One of the most famous ghost is called the Lone Piper. There are seven secret tunnels that go underground and run to different parts of the city. The piper boy was asked to go down the tunnels to play piper so his progress could be chanted. The piper stopped playing and a search party was sent out looking and he had disappeared from the tunnels and never to be found. E The soldiers burned 300 witches by the stake for witchcraft. They were burned outside of the castle and their ghost’s still hunt the castle today. They believed by burning the witches that it will ease their angry spirits.

Short timeline on Edinburgh Castle 1. In the 1100s Edinburgh Castle becomes David royal fortress and he rebuilds St. Margaret’s Chapel. 2. In 1296 Edward invades Scotland and captures the castle during the war of independence. 3. In 1314 the scots recapture the castle and sir Thomas Randolph to retake the castle. 4. Mon Meg is one of the two bombard guns left and was presented by King James the 2nd in 1457. The Mons Meg weighs in at 6 tons cannon. It is capable of firing 150kg stones up to 2 miles. 5. Argyle has six gun batteries with mills mount battery with to its west and low defences low defences below it were the main defence of the castle. It was built in the 1730s to its present condition each torrent houses a cast Iron, muzzle loading 18 pound guns made during the Napoleonic war in 1810. 6. In 1488 to 1513 James IV rebuilds most of the castle including the Grate Hall and the Royal apartments. [1]

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