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President Huey Long nominees[edit]

Position Proposed secretary Home state
Secretary of State William Edgar Borah Idaho
Secretary of the Treasury James J. Couzens Michigan
Secretary of War Smedley Butler Pennsylvania
Secretary of the Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt New York
Secretary of the Interior Lytle Brown Tennessee
Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover California
Attorney General Frank Murphy Michigan
Secretary of Labor Edward Keating Colorado

From My First Days in the White House (1935)
Other fictionalized individuals (in order of appearance) include:

  • An unnamed state governor
    • "Called for the nearby New England states to join in a concerted resistance" (either in or near-to New England)
    • "Within the confines of the Commonwealth" (4 states are Commonwealths: Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia)
    • "He has been in office only a few weeks" (Date is after February 15, 1937)
    • Charles F. Hurley (D), Governor of Massachusetts
    • Presumably must be Massachusetts; a New England state, Commonwealth, recently elected governor (January 7, 1937 OTL)
    • But, repeatedly uses the phrase "Governor's Mansion", and "Despite several proposals for establishing an official residence for the governor of Massachusetts, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts does not have a governor's mansion." -Governor of Massachusetts#Governor's residence
  • "Two U.S. Senators from that state"
  • "Spent the night at the private home of a friend of the senior Senator (Walsh) in the suburbs of the capital city (Boston)"