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User:Crunchydillpickle/This is where I edit

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I like Wikipedia a whole lot but not as much as I like Wikipedians. I love you all. I hold you in high esteem — even the grumpy, grouchy, parade-rainer-ons. If you've stuck around Wikipedia for a while, odds are high that you're generous, bright, and principled. You're probably curious. You probably care a lot about things, all sorts of things! You're probably the sort of person I'd enjoy getting a beer with. I would enjoy hearing more about you! I understand that many people dislike sharing personal details, so please feel free to withhold as much as you'd like.

Please add a section with your surroundings at this exact moment. I'll go first. Challenge yourself to write more than 200 words!


Location in the world:

Where I edit from:

Music while editing?

Where we edit from[edit]

Username: Crunchydillpickle

Location in the world: Large city in the Northeast USA

Where I edit from: I am sitting crosslegged in my bed on a third-floor apartment in a quiet urban neighborhood. I live next door to a spa, which is a great upgrade from my last apartment, which was sandwiched between two weed stores. My cat is sleeping in my lap, and I have a notebook with a to-do list for my job. Three items are crossed off, two are not, and I really ought to be completing those uncrossed two instead of typing this up. On my nightstand I have a glass of water, a Casio watch, a mug of coffee, and an unfinished Robert Caro book. My phone is next to me, and I have a few missed texts from friends who I'm going to hang out with at a bar trivia. I haven't finished moving into my new apartment, so the walls are white and bare. I live with my partner and our cat. I turned on the overhead light even though I dislike how sterile it makes the room feel. My only window looks onto a brick wall, and there's only a little bit of light.

Music while editing? Yes. Currently, Spotify's algorithm is choosing some acoustic music playing from my laptop, and I quite enjoy it. Currently, the song is Harbor by Clairo, and this playlist has a lot of Mitzki, Big Thief, and Boygenius. When I want a wordless jam, I like the French composers Debussy or Ravel.

Username: Elli

Location in the world: the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex

Where I edit from: Currently sitting in a class pretending to pay attention. Usually edit from my apartment room, lying on my floor. Usually have two blankets; one wrapped around my upper body and one covering my legs. I have a few pillows and blåhaj I lean against. My room is still messier than I'd like, though cleaner than it's recently been. Usually, noise-cancelling headphones help me tune out the world and focus. Though, I've edited almost everywhere I've been.

Music while editing? Of course! Usually I try to listen to stuff that doesn't have lyrics because otherwise I can't focus... something like this is often a good choice. (I do listen to lots of music with lyrics, just can't do so when I need to focus on writing.)

Username: User:OmicronCoder

Location in the world: Recently moved to the Great Lakes megalopolis from the great state of Florida!

Where I edit from: I'm sat at the desk in the bedroom of my 1970s one-bed apartment eating those mini stick pretzels (store brand, they were on a BOGO) typing this on a mechanical keyboard hooked up to my PC. I should really be reading some journal articles... My desk is a huge mess: an auto-stop pencil sharpener nearly falling off the edge, pens and pencils strewn around, a glass of water, a clipboard with several sheets of notes, a couple books, a clicker, a PS4 controller, and my phone adorn the surface. It's almost April — outside the window is dark, but I know the snow on the ground was just melted away by some serious rain and the Bradford pears outside my window are beginning to bud. The days are getting longer, the birds are coming back, and things are looking up! :)

Music while editing? Not usually. I can really only focus on one thing at a time; even if it's instrumental I become engrossed in the strain. Strangely it does help me drive, and when I do listen, you'll hear David Bowie, Tom Petty, Billy Joel, Jimmy Buffet, and Bob Dylan, along with over 700 other artists (plenty of one-offs) and some chansons. I adore the Baroque and Romantic eras for more "classical" compositions. Today I listened to Gabriel's Message a lot, as it seems appropriate for the season.