What Is My Sandbox?
[edit]Well, i will use this for testing how i know about using Wikipedias Editor for making articles, expect some Sandbox things put on here.
PhysGun Game Studios
[edit]Created by CodeNameBhop, PhysGun Game Studios serves as the Game Studios for PhysGun Productions, the game is planned to release when it's done and from what i can tell right now making it, we've started making the maps and got some voice actors. No further detail from here.
Thoughts on Source Engine / GoldSrc
[edit]Well, i want to speak open about Source Engine and what it really is. Source Engine is a game engine created by valve and was made for Half-Life 2 and the other Source Games like Counter-Strike Source or Half-Life 2 Episode 1 and 2. Since this Source was built on top of GoldSrc, the editors are the same almost since Hammer is world craft but just modified. Modding the game is different from GoldSrc, modding the Half-Life 2 Beta is different from GoldSrc as well. Very different in fact from the Retail SourceSDK that is had, about that SourceSDK has all the Developer Programs that they used for Half-Life 2 like the Model Compiler or the VPK Creator and World Editor. I do like Source but it's not like the best game engine. Sure for 2004 it was good, but its 2021 and it's not holding up as it did. I still like it due to the flexibility it has.
Disclaimer (Using this in case i want to make an article someday, based off something i wrote in like 2013)
Modding The Engine
[edit]It's not that hard, you just have to get the hang of it. There are two different versions of the engine however. There is the 04' release from the Retail Version 1.0 and it's not that good. It has things that valve removed for no reason. The particle effects with the NPCs were hard-coded into the NPCs it self i think. For a good change they removed the hard-coded particle effects from the NPCs i think. The particle effects are very different from the Retail version than the Orange Box Update. It has HDR Features, as well as Motion Blur and it was pretty good around the 2007 era. The graphics might look dated, because they reuse assets from Half-Life 2. Not a surprise what so ever because it's a normal thing for developers to reuse assets. It does have the entire Source Code as well for the game Half-Life 2 and you can modify it and compile it and you will see the changes into the game. It's good for developers that want to make a game with custom scripts or update some things. And add new weapons, or slight AI Changes and new NPCs.
Releasing A 'Game' Under Source Engine
[edit]Releasing a mod is free since you have to either compile the Code and than run the mod and Playtest it. Making / Publishing a game with source is different however, goes for every other game engine. You have to pay for it i suppose, and put it at a price and as well as Copyrighting the Contents Materials And Trademarking as well, i would suppose for publishing a game. It could be released Retail or on Steam (Most Commonly Used for releasing games.,)
Thoughts on Wikipedia it self.
[edit]It's a really good website, and it has a lot of the info i need for some stuff important i need to either search or find on here. It has info and corrections by the community, if this was one person nothing like this would be here on the web. It's all about the online people. Thanks Wikipedians!
Worldcraft Editor / Hammer Editor
[edit]Known as the Hammer Editor is a program for Half-Life or Half-Life 2 when bought you can make custom levels for the game with out the hassle of having to install a bunch of apps. You can make levels in the Hammer Editor by setting up game configurations.
[edit]For Worldcraft the editor for Half-Life you can set up either
You can create levels for the game and even edit Valves maps including you have the Map files. You cannot open it through the BSP. Open it through the RMF or VMF.
Hammer Editor
[edit]Same as Worldcraft but for Half-Life 2, you can set up these following titles.
You can create levels for the game and even edit Valves maps including you have the Map files. You cannot open it through the BSP. Open it through the RMF or VMF.
<p>The Hammer Editor was packaged with the SourceSDK as well and including the games on steam you have!</p>
<p>The hammer editor is powefull for creating mods and level and making your mod look good!</p>
Creating My Game Engine Story
[edit]Making a Game Engine
[edit]So, here's my story on making a game engine. I was thinking one day around 2011 i wanted to make a game engine to power my games.
Well it worked, and it took around nine years to create. It took a lot of sweat and blood to create and i am proud of it.
Everything is put as the year i was making things to the engine. Let's get in to this
[edit]I started working on the game engine and i did get the renderer to work with DirectX and OpenGL, since my coding was not that good
it took around five months to do. And during that time i figured out how to put colors and textures onto objects through coding.
I was proud of my work that i did that year.
[edit]I made it where i can import Source Engine MDL Models and SMD Models that Source Engine Uses (Not In Final Version).
Although i did add where i can add models from blender under the OBJ or FBX Format. And also putting materials on the
models as well, had to do some manual editing through code. And you had to Hard-Code the Texture into the Model and
size and RGB. Really bad but somewhere around 2013-2014 i added some programs to help spice it up.
[edit]During this time i made a Texture Program and a almost map editor that exports the maps to a custom format
called the .PEM (PhysEngine Map)., and as well as that i made a Model Viewer and you could view the model
but you still had to like code it in. It's like you can edit it within the viewer it self, and it did the job
for now.
[edit]I made it so the Model Viewer no more hard-coding the material, you just slapped it on and changed it a bit through
the settings menu i made and boom. Even though it did kind of hard code it was more like a map CFG File for the ENTs.
Model Editor / Viewer (for now) Exported it to PEM (PhysEngine Model)., based off OBJ and FBX.
[edit]The Map Editor was finished at this point and can render the map in real time and not pre-bake lighting! The Model Viewer done
i forgot about the Texture Editor or Viewer, i began to work on that and i finished that within a whole month. As well as the custom
format PET (PhysEngine Texture)., and the DataCompiler Program i made, the thing worked like a charm using .NET Framework and other.
and it compiled it to PED (PhysEngine Data)., one thing i did not clear is compiling the game and it was like making a mod. So i made
the CompilerGameFunction within around 2015 March.
[edit]I thought i was finished with the game engine but i forgot all along that i had to add Scripts for the Game because since then
it was a flying camera. So heres the story of that, i made scripts for the BaseTemplate and a Simple Player Script as well as a
block pistol that does shoot weapon projectiles and it does damage within all one code file. As well as Wireframe Mode and Textured Mode
Solid Mode and No World Mode.
[edit]I decided to start a game project with this but it got no were and i left the game engine alone.
[edit]I started making a Script Creator for the Engine and it was called PES (PhysEngine Script) and it was it's own type of like coding thing.
It comed in Two Versions i did, text editor mode was easy but the PhysVisual Was hard (Visual Editor)., it took around a year to make it all.
and i could not be more proud.
[edit]During 2019 i started another game project, and it got some were but failed again. The engine had bugs and i fixed it and i made a Pre-Baked Lighting mode
to bring that back, as well as a water shader.
[edit]Fixed a lot of bugs with the engine as well as updating the Data Compiler.
[edit]Finshed with the Game Engine and called it 1.0, all those nine years paid off good, here an info box.
PhysEngine | |
Successor | PhysEngine 2.0 |
Due to there being a 2.0 Version in the works by me, it's only gonna take around a year or two. Upgrading the engine to new newest versions of DirectX and updating and cleaning a lot of scripts and code from the examples i made in 2011.