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User:Citizen-of-wiki/ISAF Afghanistan

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Country Initial placemat 29JAN2007 "ISAF Key Fact and Figures Placemat" (PDF). Retrieved 2010-06-23. Placemat 05DEC2007 Placemat 01DEC2008 Placemat 09DEC2009 Placemat 01FEB2010 Placemat 16APR2010 Placemat 07JUN2010 Latest placemat 25OCT2010 % of Total Troops for Latest Placemat Troops per 1 million population for Latest Placemat Troops per $1 billion (USD) GDP (for Latest Placemat) Country
Albania 30 138 140 245 255 250 250 258 0.197% 82.2 19.66 Albania
Armenia 0 0 0 0 0 40 75 40 0.031% 13.0 3.35 Armenia
Australia 500 892 1,090 1,550 1,550 1,550 1,550 1,550 1.184% 73.5 1.52 Australia
Austria* 5 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 0.002% 0.4 0.01 Austria*
Azerbaijan 20 22 45 90 90 90 90 94 0.072% 10.8 2.10 Azerbaijan
Belgium* 300 369 400 545 575 590 590 491 0.375% 46.3 0.97 Belgium*
Bosnia and Herzegovina 0 0 0 10 10 10 10 45 0.034% 11.9 2.45 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bulgaria* 100 401 460 495 540 525 525 516 0.394% 68.0 10.34 Bulgaria*
Canada 2,500 1,730 2,750 2,830 2,830 2,830 2,830 2,922 2.232% 87.7 1.95 Canada
Croatia 130 211 300 295 295 280 280 299 0.228% 67.6 4.31 Croatia
Czech Republic* 150 240 415 370 440 460 525 468 0.357% 45.4 2.16 Czech Republic*
Denmark* 400 628 700 740 750 750 750 750 0.573% 137.4 2.20 Denmark*
Estonia* 90 125 130 155 150 155 160 140 0.107% 104.5 6.03 Estonia*
Finland* 70 86 80 90 95 100 115 150 0.115% 28.3 0.55 Finland*
France* 1,000 1,292 2,785 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,850 2.941% 60.3 1.35 France*
Georgia 0 0 1 175 175 175 925 924 0.706% 214.4 72.24 Georgia
Germany* 3,000 3,155 3,600 4,280 4,415 4,665 4,350 4,341 3.316% 52.7 1.19 Germany*
Greece* 170 143 130 15 15 70 75 80 0.061% 7.2 0.22 Greece*
Hungary* 180 219 240 255 315 335 340 502 0.383% 50.2 3.24 Hungary*
Iceland 5 10 8 4 3 4 3 4 0.003% 12.7 0.24 Iceland
Ireland* 10 7 7 7 8 7 7 7 0.005% 1.6 0.03 Ireland*
Italy* 1,950 2,358 2,350 3,150 3,150 3,300 3,300 3,688 2.817% 61.9 1.60 Italy*
Jordan 0 90 0 0 0 6 6 0 0.000% 0.0 0.00 Jordan
Republic of Korea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 246 0.188% 5.1 0.26 Republic of Korea
Latvia* 35 96 70 175 175 115 170 189 0.144% 83.6 5.60 Latvia*
Lithuania* 130 196 200 155 165 145 245 219 0.167% 66.0 4.63 Lithuania*
Luxembourg* 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0.007% 18.7 0.17 Luxembourg*
Malaysia 30 0.023% 1.1 0.14 Malaysia
Mongolia 0 0 0 0 0 40 40 47 0.036% 17.8 8.94 Mongolia
Montenegro 0 0 0 0 0 30 30 31 0.024% 49.8 6.43 Montenegro
Netherlands* 2,200 1,512 1,770 1,950 1,940 1,885 1,705 242 0.185% 14.7 0.28 Netherlands*
New Zealand 100 74 150 220 220 225 155 234 0.179% 55.3 1.85 New Zealand
Norway 350 508 455 500 500 470 500 353 0.270% 74.0 0.78 Norway
Poland* 160 1,141 1,130 1,955 1,955 2,515 2,500 2,519 1.924% 66.1 4.77 Poland*
Portugal* 150 163 70 105 105 105 265 95 0.073% 8.9 0.39 Portugal*
Romania* 750 537 740 900 945 1,010 1,140 1,648 1.259% 77.0 8.11 Romania*
Singapore 0 0 0 38 40 40 40 38 0.029% 8.2 0.21 Singapore
Slovakia* 60 70 180 240 240 230 290 250 0.191% 46.3 2.63 Slovakia*
Slovenia* 50 66 70 70 70 75 75 78 0.060% 38.6 1.43 Slovenia*
Spain* 550 763 780 1,065 1,070 1,270 1,415 1,576 1.204% 35.4 0.98 Spain*
Sweden* 180 350 400 500 410 485 500 500 0.382% 54.3 1.04 Sweden*
Switzerland 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000% 0.0 0.00 Switzerland
Republic of Macedonia 120 125 135 165 165 215 210 163 0.124% 79.9 18.12 Republic of Macedonia
Turkey 800 1,219 860 1,755 1,755 1,795 1,710 1,790 1.367% 24.2 2.41 Turkey
Ukraine 0 0 10 10 8 10 15 16 0.012% 0.3 0.09 Ukraine
United Arab Emirates 0 0 0 0 25 25 25 35 0.027% 7.8 0.12 United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom* 5,200 7,753 8,745 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 7.256% 155.2 3.56 United Kingdom*
United States 14,000 15,038 19,950 45,780 47,085 62,415 78,430 90,000 68.739% 288.5 6.17 United States
Subtotal for ISAF EU Countries 16,900 21,682 25,462 30,479 30,789 32,054 32,304 31,811 24.296% 60.5 1.72 Subtotal for ISAF EU Countries
Subtotal for ISAF Non-EU Countries 18,560 20,059 25,894 53,667 55,006 70,500 87,174 99,119 75.704% 166.3 4.78 Subtotal for ISAF Non-EU Countries
exact ISAF Total (not rounded) 35,460 41,741 51,356 84,146 85,795 102,554 119,478 130,930 100.000% 116.7 3.34 exact ISAF Total (not rounded)
ISAF total usually rounded 35,460 41,741 51,350 84,150 85,790 102,554 119,500 130,930 ISAF total usually rounded
Afghan government military and police
Afghan National Army (ANA) 0 0 0 100,000 100,130 112,779 119,388 119,388 ANA
Afghan National Police (ANP) 0 0 0 93,800 96,380 102,995 104,459 104,459 ANP
Approximate grand total troop strength 35,460 41,741 51,356 277,946 282,305 318,328 343,325 354,777 100.0% TOTAL
Initial placemat 29JAN2007 Placemat 05DEC2007 Placemat 01DEC2008 Placemat 09DEC2009 Placemat 01FEB2010 Placemat 16APR2010 Placemat 07JUN2010 Latest placemat 25OCT2010
NOTE: * denotes EU countries

Table of ISAF/EU Contributors[1]

 Austria 0 0.00%
 Belgium 0 0.00%
 Bulgaria 0 0.00%
 Cyprus 0 0.00%
 Czech Republic 0 0.00%
 Denmark 0 0.00%
 Estonia 0 0.00%
 Finland 0 0.00%
 France 0 0.00%
 Germany 0 0.00%
 Greece 0 0.00%
 Hungary 0 0.00%
 Ireland 0 0.00%
 Italy 0 0.00%
 Latvia 0 0.00%
 Lithuania 0 0.00%
 Luxembourg 0 0.00%
 Malta 0 0.00%
 Netherlands 0 0.00%
 Poland 0 0.00%
 Portugal 0 0.00%
 Romania 0 0.00%
 Slovakia 0 0.00%
 Slovenia 0 0.00%
 Spain 0 0.00%
 Sweden 0 0.00%
 United Kingdom 0 0.00%
Total  European Union[1] 30,479 100.00%


EU at a glance

Member states of the EU Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom

Table of ISAF/NATO Contributing Nations[1]

 Albania - 245  Australia - 1,550  Austria - 3
 Azerbaijan - 90  Belgium - 545  Bosnia and Herzegovina - 10
 Bulgaria - 495  Canada - 2,830  Croatia - 295
 Czech Republic - 370  Denmark - 740  Estonia - 155
 Finland - 90  France - 3,750  Georgia - 175
 Germany - 4,280  Greece - 15  Hungary - 255
 Iceland - 4  Ireland - 7  Italy - 3,150
 Jordan - 0  Latvia - 175  Lithuania - 155
 Luxembourg - 9  Netherlands - 1,950  New Zealand - 220
 Norway - 500  Poland - 1,955  Portugal - 105
 Romania - 900  Singapore - 38  Slovakia - 240
 Slovenia - 70  Spain - 1,065  Sweden - 500
 Macedonia - 165  Turkey - 1,755  Ukraine - 10
 United Arab Emirates - 0  United Kingdom - 9,500  United States - 45,780
Total - 84,150[1]

Approximate Afghanistan/ISAF Troop Strength Over Time (Military and Police)

01DEC2008 [2] 17FEB2009 [3] [4] 22OCT2009 [5] [4] 20NOV2009 [6]

ISAF Troop Contributing Nations (TCN)

Albania 140 140 250 250
Armenia 0 0 0 0
Australia 1,090 1,090 1,350 1,350
Austria 1 1 4 4
Azerbaijan 45 45 90 90
Belgium 400 410 530 530
Bosnia and Herzegovina 0 0 10 10
Bulgaria 460 510 460 460
Canada 2,750 2,830 2,830 2,830
Croatia 300 270 290 290
Czech Republic 415 415 480 480
Denmark 700 700 690 690
Estonia 130 90 150 150
Finland 80 110 165 165
France 2,785 2,780 3,095 3,095
Georgia 1 1 1 1
Germany 3,600 3,460 4,365 4,365
Greece 130 140 145 145
Hungry 240 360 360 360
Iceland 8 8 2 2
Ireland 7 7 7 7
Italy 2,350 2,350 2,795 2,795
Jordan 0 4 7 7
Lativa 70 160 175 175
Lithuania 200 200 260 260
Luxembourg 9 9 9 9
Netherlands 1,770 1,770 2,160 2,160
New Zealand 150 150 300 300
Norway 455 490 480 480
Poland 1,130 1,590 1,910 1,910
Portugal 70 30 145 145
Romania 740 900 990 990
Singapore 0 20 2 2
Slovakia 180 120 245 245
Slovenia 70 70 130 130
Spain 780 780 1,000 1,000
Sweden 400 310 430 430
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 135 170 0 0
Turkey 860 700 720 720
Ukraine 10 10 10 10
UAE 0 25 25 25
United Kingdom 8,745 8,300 9,000 9,000
United States (ISAF) 19,950 24,900 34,800 34,800

Approximate Subtotal Troop Strength (ISAF only)

51,350 56,420 71,030 71,030


Afghan National Army (ANA) unknown 79,300 93,890 97,200
Afghan National Police (ANP) unknown unknown unknown 93,800
United States (non-ISAF) unknown 8,189 31,200 31,200

Approximate Total Troop Strength (ISAF and Non-ISAF)

51,350 143,909 196,120 293,230
01DEC2008 17FEB2009 22OCT2009 20NOV2009

