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Welcome on my user page


My name is Carmen. I am from Vienna(capital of Austria). Of course my mother tongue is German as all native speakers will clearly find out when reading this.

For years I've been knowing and using excessively Wikipedia and I thought it's time to contribute some useful things I have found out and about which I think it could be also of benefit for other people who'd like to increase their general knowledge or even are in need of some detailed information.
Let's see how much time I can afford for it.

My profession is more or less in the technical field. I have studied environmental and water engineering at the University for Soil Science in Vienna. And currently my main job is doing groundwater modelling. Of course there are also other task as e.g. soil and groundwater investigations at different sites or places within Europe, or creating reports for environmental assessments, drawing plans, .... All in all it's a widespread field to work in and it is fascinating to work in and learn about nature.
So all latin lovers or those who had been tortured with it during school-time will know why my user name contains the word "terra" which means "earth"

But there are many things more I am interested in. One of those things is for sure also learning about other countries, cultures and, and, and, either by travelling myself or by travelling virtually.
Regarding the many interests I think I don't need to tell this to all the wikipedians - in this way we are all related souls.

Concerning editing on wikipedia - my intention is a complete commercial free attitude. My motives are to help increase knowledge or to alleviate research and investigations on subject matters. But I am still in my beginnings and I hope if anyone is misunderstanding my contributions, he will be so fair to give me a chance to explain my intentions. I am always open to constructive critics. But I also expect people to be friendly and polite and treating me respectfully as I am treating others the same way.

Have a wonderful and rewarding time here and I am looking forward to good teamwork,
CKTerra (talk) 12:58, 14 May 2009 (UTC)