
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hi fellow Wikipedians! I am a Wikipedian, and my name is BuddyHeigh. I am a Wikipedian who mainly focuses on editing pages related aviation. Wikipedia satisfied me since I was younger. But now I came to know I can contribute in it too. Wikipedia is a great reliable source which can be used as a reference for students and for just simply reading. Let's talk about a aviation a bit:-

  1. My favourite airline: Lufthansa
  2. My favourite aircraft: Boeing 747

I was born in South Korea but I am actually an Indian and born to Indian parents. My father is a scientist in the field of biotechnology and my mother is a professor and the deputy registrar at my town's local law college. I returned to India when I was 3 years old.

That's some information about me!

I think it's enough for people to know me correctly. So, bye!


A Wikipedian at Wikipedia