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Borderwars is an American heavy metal band that formed in 2001 in San Francisco, CA when founder, vocalist and rythm guitarist Vincent Graham posted an advertisement on a local music website, Borderwars's original line-up has primarily consisted of different local musicans and led to bassist Frank Grengo, drummer Andrew Merik. Later on guitarist Toolio Bo, from the major bay area thrash metal band "Currency .357", was added and Leon Marcelis, from the major California metal act "Inruin" replaced Frank Grengo.

Borderwars quickly benefited from the San Francisco Bay Area thrash metal scene to spread its compact and heavy music to the masses. Announced to be one of the new "Big Five"[1] The "Big Four" bands of [thrash metal[1]] are [Anthrax[2]], [Megadeth[3]], [Metallica[4]] and [Slayer[5]][2]).

Borderwars went on to release first album "No Surrender" (out of print) and Recorded with world reknown Sound Engineer [Billy Anderson[6]] their second opus "The Present day" under the Black Hawk Label Records Company.