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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh Hello.[edit]

I'm just a guy who uses Wikipedia like a normal person uses an encyclopedia. Oh wait.

I fix things that I know are wrong, occasionally write new articles about the limited things I have expertise about, find citations for uncited articles, and try to keep out of trouble. So yeah, pretty normal Wiki-er. I'm friendly so if you need to ask something about something I've done, feel free.


I was born on May 20th, 1991, in Misawa, Japan to a Navy Lieutenant father and his wife. I have given this unwitting couple more than they ever bargained for in my seventeen and 2/3 years on this earth, and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. After spending nine weeks in Japan, my family and I moved to Topsham, Maine, and attempted to settle down. This was not possible, and as a result of the Navy moving my father every few months, I spend my childhood in the following locales: Topsham, Maine, Jacksonville, Florida, Brunswick, Maine, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, Ceiba, Puerto Rico, Madison, Maine, and finally, Temple, Maine, where I now call "Home"

Since that time, I finished high school in 2008 and went on to college, where I am now.

What I Am is What I Am[edit]

Most of the year, I am a freshman at Boston University in Boston, Massachusetts. I am majoring in Psychology, with active interest in Music, Photography, Theater, and most other art forms. I also enjoy exploring the city on foot and using the T whenever possible. I am notorious among my friends for being particularly daring when crossing the street. My roomate and I are notorious in our residence house for having the loudest amps on the street, and we often get noise complaints from the suppoedly "soundproofed" practice rooms in the basement. I work on Boston University's Escort Security Service two nights a week, walking poor innocent souls around the terrifyingly dangerous campus.

At home, I usually spend my nearly endless free time pressing the | random article button on wikipedia, hanging out with friends in the neigboring town of Farmington, driving wherever roads will take me, listening to music, playing music, playing video games, and exploring Maine as much as possible.

As you may have noticed, I love music. I almost never have my music turned off. I have owned an iPod since my freshman year of high school, and am now on my second one after that one's 60 gigabyte hard drive ran out of space. I have some of the most m:eclectic muscial tastes of anyone I know. For example, my iPod just turned songs: it was playing "Minus," a song from In Flames' album Reroute to Remain, and is now playing Glenn Miller's "In The Mood". Oh, it just changed again; "This Is Tha Carter" by Lil Wayne. I'm not sure why I listen to so many different types of music, but I love it all. As may be expected, I get odd looks from music store employees at the checkout a lot, when I buy such combinations as The Killers, In Flames, OutKast, and Haddaway. Suffice it to say, I love all types of music, but my aboslute favorite is metal. My three absolute favorite bands are In Flames, Opeth, and Dream Theater. I constantly search Pandora for new things to listen to.

Other random factoids:[edit]

-I am probably the only person under the age of 25 to own a kiln. I bought a Paragon A-88B to produce my own clay art in the summer of 2008 when I couldn't find a job.
-I will do fairly much anything within legal bounds in order to visit someone I haven't seen in a while.
-I take anywhere between 100 and 1500 photos per day with my Nikon D60 The low end constitutes a boring, stay at home day, while the high end is probably a travelling day.
-I can be very protective of my friends.
-I love cats.
-I will never join the army unless they stop making people cut their hair.
-Stay tuned for more to be added as I become more and more bored.