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Banquo (A.K.A. Banquo Lochaber Thane) (A reference to Banquo of Shakespere's MacBeth to whom I feel akin)

Welcome to my little Wikispace. I've been involved with various other language project throught the years but Wikipedia by far takes the cake. It both amazes and inspires me on a daily basis.

Proof positive that people govern people far better than governments do.

My interestes are Percussion, Gourmet Cooking, Sci-Fi, Marillion, RUSH, Kit Cars, Computers, Video Games, The Internet, Literature, Music, Landscaping, Gardening, Webcomics, Project Management, Swimming, Fiji, and Prairie Dogs.

I am from the USA and I'd like to apologize to the rest of the world for the horrible actions that have taken place throughout the world at the hands of our government.

I believe in the seperation of church and government at all costs.