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User:Bachtiar Djanan/Kadirun Yahya

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Prof. Dr. H. Sayyidi Sheikh Kadirun Yahya Muhammad Amin Al Khalidi (born in Pangkalan Brandan, North Sumatra in 1917 - died in Arco, Depok, West Java in 2001 at the age of 84) was a Sufi scholar or charismatic Sufi figure from Indonesia. He was a murshid (spiritual guide) of tyya order, one of the largest Sufi orders in Indonesia, where the order he led grew rapidly both domestically and abroad. More than 700 places of dhikr (remembrance of God)/surau (prayer room)/alkah (place for studying and discussing Islamic teachings) have been established, and every year, intensive spiritual retreats (i'tikaf, worship, and dhikr for 10 days) are held up to 10 times in various places in Indonesia and Malaysia.

Sheikh Kadirun Yahya is one of the Sufi scholars who successfully combines the science of dhikr with modern science and technology. He has written many scientific papers and has been a speaker at various academic forums to convey his ideas and thoughts on Sufism and science, which he called "Metaphysical Technology of the Qur'an." His unique personality, ideas, and preaching style that differ from other scholars have been researched and written about by academics, researchers, and writers both in Indonesia and abroad.

Sheikh Kadirun Yahya also had a special interest in education. He founded educational institutions ranging from kindergarten, primary, junior high, senior high, vocational schools, to universities in Medan. In 1956, he founded the Metaphysical Academy, which changed its name to Panca Budi University in 1961. At this university, Sheikh Kadirun Yahya developed the Faculty of Spiritual and Metaphysical Sciences to formulate the science of spirituality (religion) and science within the framework of scientific thinking



Sheikh Kadirun Yahya was born on June 20, 1917, which corresponds to the 30th of Sya'ban 1335 H, in Pangkalan Brandan, North Sumatra, to a mother named Siti Dour Aminah Siregar and a father named Sutan Sori Alam Abdullah Harahap. His father was an employee of the Pangkalan Brandan oil company (BPM) from the village of Sikarang-karang, Padang Sidempuan. His extended family was a religious Islamic family, marked by his paternal and maternal grandmothers, both of whom were sufi's Sheikh, namely Sheikh Yahya from his father's side and Sheikh Abdul Manan from his mother's side. This family often received visits from many Sheikhs during the old times.

Educational History


Chronologically, the education pursued by Prof. Dr. H. Saidi Syekh Kadirun Yahya are:

  1. H.I.S (Hollandsche Inlandsche School) equivalent to elementary school, in Tanjung Pura, 1924-1931 (graduated)
  2. MULO-B (Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs) equivalent to junior high school, in Medan, 1931-1935 (graduated with voorklasse)
  3. AMS-B (Aglemene Middelbare School), equivalent to high school, in Yogyakarta, 1935-1938 (graduated with a scholarship)
  4. General Healer Course, 1938-1940
  5. Psychology Studies, Amsterdam 1940-1942 (graduated)
  6. Studied Tasawuf/Sufi from 1947-1954, earned 3 degrees
  7. Indology and English language studies in 1951-1953
  8. English language studies, 1st part in 1953 in Bandung
  9. Completed Bachelor's Degree (Drs) in Philosophy of Religion and Metaphysics in 1962
  10. PhD in Philosophy of Religion and Metaphysics in 1968
  11. Completed Bachelor's Degree (Drs) in Physics-Chemistry in 1973
  12. Completed Bachelor's Degree (Drs) in English in 1975.

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