User:Aurelian Carpathia/List of Whoniverse stories

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A list of all licensed stories, across all series and media, in the Whoniverse.


Title Series Protagonist Companions Type Duration Release Date Writer(s) Publisher Notes
An Unearthly Child Doctor Who (television) #001 First Doctor Susan, Barbara, Ian Live-Action Television 1:35:50 November 23, 1963 Anthony Coburn BBC One
The Daleks Doctor Who (television) #002 First Doctor Susan, Barbara, Ian Live-Action Television 2:51:45 December 21, 1963 Terry Nation BBC One
The Edge of Destruction Doctor Who (television) #003 First Doctor Susan, Barbara, Ian Live-Action Television 0:47:15 8 February, 1964 David Whitaker BBC One
Marco Polo Doctor Who (television) #004 First Doctor Susan, Barbara, Ian Live-Action Television 2:51:44 22 February, 1964 John Lucarotti BBC One
The Keys of Marinus Doctor Who (television) #005 First Doctor Susan, Barbara, Ian Live-Action Television 2:27:50 11 April, 1964 Terry Nation BBC One
The Aztecs Doctor Who (television) #006 First Doctor Susan, Barbara, Ian Live-Action Television 1:39:04 23 May 1964 John Lucarotti BBC One
The Sensorites Doctor Who (television) #007 First Doctor Susan, Barbara, Ian Live-Action Television 20 June 1964 Peter R. Newman BBC One
The Reign of Terror Doctor Who (television) #008 First Doctor Susan, Barbara, Ian Live-Action Television 8 August 1964 Dennis Spooner BBC One
Planet of Giants Doctor Who (television) #009 First Doctor Susan, Barbara, Ian Live-Action Television 31 October 1964 Louis Marks BBC One
The Dalek Invasion of Earth Doctor Who (television) #010 Terry Nation BBC One
The Rescue Doctor Who (television) #011 David Whitaker BBC One
The Romans Doctor Who (television) #012 Dennis Spooner BBC One
The Web Planet Doctor Who (television) #013 Bill Strutton BBC One
The Crusade Doctor Who (television) #014 David Whitaker BBC One
The Space Museum Doctor Who (television) #015 Glyn Jones BBC One
The Chase Doctor Who (television) #016 Terry Nation BBC One
The Time Meddler Doctor Who (television) #017 Dennis Spooner BBC One
Galaxy 4 Doctor Who (television) #018 William Emms BBC One
Mission to the Unknown Doctor Who (television) #019 Terry Nation BBC One
The Myth Makers Doctor Who (television) #020 Donald Cotton BBC One
The Daleks' Master Plan Doctor Who (television) #021 Terry Nation and Dennis Spooner BBC One
The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve Doctor Who (television) #022 John Lucarotti and Donald Tosh BBC One
The Ark Doctor Who (television) #023 Paul Erickson and Lesley Scott BBC One
The Celestial Toymaker Doctor Who (television) #024 Brian Hayles (with Donald Tosh) BBC One
The Gunfighters Doctor Who (television) #025 Donald Cotton BBC One
The Savages Doctor Who (television) #026 Ian Stuart Black BBC One
The War Machines Doctor Who (television) #027 Ian Stuart Black (with Kit Pedler) BBC One
The Smugglers Doctor Who (television) #028 Brian Hayles BBC One
The Tenth Planet Doctor Who (television) #029 Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis BBC One
The Power of the Daleks Doctor Who (television) #030 David Whitaker (with Dennis Spooner) BBC One
The Highlanders Doctor Who (television) #031 Elwyn Jones and Gerry Davis BBC One
The Underwater Menace Doctor Who (television) #032 Geoffrey Orme BBC One
The Moonbase Doctor Who (television) #033 Kit Pedler BBC One
The Macra Terror Doctor Who (television) #034 Ian Stuart Black BBC One
The Faceless Ones Doctor Who (television) #035 David Ellis and Malcolm Hulke BBC One
The Evil of the Daleks Doctor Who (television) #036 David Whitaker BBC One
The Tomb of the Cybermen Doctor Who (television) #037 Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis BBC One
The Abominable Snowmen Doctor Who (television) #038 Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln BBC One
The Ice Warriors Doctor Who (television) #039 Brian Hayles BBC One
The Enemy of the World Doctor Who (television) #040 David Whitaker BBC One
The Web of Fear Doctor Who (television) #041 Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln BBC One
Fury from the Deep Doctor Who (television) #042 Victor Pemberton BBC One
The Wheel in Space Doctor Who (television) #043 David Whitaker and Kit Pedler BBC One
The Dominators Doctor Who (television) #044 Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln as 'Norman Ashby' BBC One
The Mind Robber Doctor Who (television) #045 Peter Ling (with Derrick Sherwin) BBC One
The Invasion Doctor Who (television) #046 Derrick Sherwin and Kit Pedler BBC One
The Krotons Doctor Who (television) #047 Robert Holmes BBC One
The Seeds of Death Doctor Who (television) #048 Brian Hayles (with Terrance Dicks) BBC One
The Space Pirates Doctor Who (television) #049 Robert Holmes BBC One
The War Games Doctor Who (television) #050 Malcolm Hulke and Terrance Dicks BBC One
Spearhead from Space Doctor Who (television) #051 Robert Holmes BBC One
Doctor Who and the Silurians Doctor Who (television) #052 Malcolm Hulke BBC One
The Ambassadors of Death Doctor Who (television) #053 David Whitaker, Trevor Ray, Terrance Dicks, and Malcolm Hulke BBC One
Inferno Doctor Who (television) #054 Don Houghton BBC One
Terror of the Autons Doctor Who (television) #055 Robert Holmes BBC One
The Mind of Evil Doctor Who (television) #056 Don Houghton BBC One
The Claws of Axos Doctor Who (television) #057 Bob Baker and Dave Martin BBC One
Colony in Space Doctor Who (television) #058 Malcolm Hulke BBC One
The Dæmons Doctor Who (television) #059 Robert Sloman and Barry Letts as 'Guy Leopold' BBC One
Day of the Daleks Doctor Who (television) #060 Louis Marks BBC One
The Curse of Peladon Doctor Who (television) #061 Brian Hayles BBC One
The Sea Devils Doctor Who (television) #062 Malcolm Hulke BBC One
The Mutants Doctor Who (television) #063 Bob Baker and Dave Martin BBC One
The Time Monster Doctor Who (television) #064 Robert Sloman with Barry Letts BBC One
The Three Doctors Doctor Who (television) #065 Bob Baker and Dave Martin BBC One
Carnival of Monsters Doctor Who (television) #066 Robert Holmes BBC One
Frontier in Space Doctor Who (television) #067 Malcolm Hulke BBC One
Planet of the Daleks Doctor Who (television) #068 Terry Nation BBC One
The Green Death Doctor Who (television) #069 Robert Sloman with Barry Letts BBC One
The Time Warrior Doctor Who (television) #070 Robert Holmes BBC One
Invasion of the Dinosaurs Doctor Who (television) #071 Malcolm Hulke BBC One
Death to the Daleks Doctor Who (television) #072 Terry Nation BBC One
The Monster of Peladon Doctor Who (television) #073 Brian Hayles BBC One
Planet of the Spiders Doctor Who (television) #074 Robert Sloman with Barry Letts BBC One
Robot Doctor Who (television) #075 BBC One
The Ark in Space Doctor Who (television) #076 BBC One
The Sontaran Experiment Doctor Who (television) #077 BBC One
Genesis of the Daleks Doctor Who (television) #078 BBC One
Revenge of the Cybermen Doctor Who (television) #079 BBC One
Terror of the Zygons Doctor Who (television) #080 BBC One
Planet of Evil Doctor Who (television) #081 BBC One
Pyramids of Mars Doctor Who (television) #082 BBC One
The Android Invasion Doctor Who (television) #083 BBC One
The Brain of Morbius Doctor Who (television) #084 BBC One
The Seeds of Doom Doctor Who (television) #085 BBC One
The Masque of Mandragora Doctor Who (television) #086 BBC One
The Hand of Fear Doctor Who (television) #087 BBC One
The Deadly Assassin Doctor Who (television) #088 BBC One
The Face of Evil Doctor Who (television) #089 BBC One
The Robots of Death Doctor Who (television) #090 BBC One
The Talons of Weng-Chiang Doctor Who (television) #091 BBC One
Horror of Fang Rock Doctor Who (television) #092 BBC One
The Invisible Enemy Doctor Who (television) #093 BBC One
Image of the Fendahl Doctor Who (television) #094 BBC One
The Sun Makers Doctor Who (television) #095 BBC One
Underworld Doctor Who (television) #096 BBC One
The Invasion of Time Doctor Who (television) #097 BBC One
The Ribos Operation Doctor Who (television) #098 BBC One
The Pirate Planet Doctor Who (television) #099 BBC One
The Stones of Blood Doctor Who (television) #100 BBC One
The Androids of Tara Doctor Who (television) #101 BBC One
The Power of Kroll Doctor Who (television) #102 BBC One
The Armageddon Factor Doctor Who (television) #103 BBC One
Destiny of the Daleks Doctor Who (television) #104 BBC One
City of Death Doctor Who (television) #105 BBC One
The Creature from the Pit Doctor Who (television) #106 BBC One
Nightmare of Eden Doctor Who (television) #107 BBC One
The Horns of Nimon Doctor Who (television) #108 BBC One
Shada Doctor Who (television) #108.5 BBC One
The Leisure Hive Doctor Who (television) #109 BBC One
Meglos Doctor Who (television) #110 BBC One
Full Circle Doctor Who (television) #111 BBC One
State of Decay Doctor Who (television) #112 BBC One
Warriors' Gate Doctor Who (television) #113 BBC One
The Keeper of Traken Doctor Who (television) #114 BBC One
Logopolis Doctor Who (television) #115 BBC One
Castrovalva Doctor Who (television) #116 BBC One
Four to Doomsday Doctor Who (television) #117 BBC One
Kinda Doctor Who (television) #118 BBC One
The Visitation Doctor Who (television) #119 BBC One
Black Orchid Doctor Who (television) #120 BBC One
Earthshock Doctor Who (television) #121 BBC One
Time-Flight Doctor Who (television) #122 BBC One
Arc of Infinity Doctor Who (television) #123 BBC One
Snakedance Doctor Who (television) #124 BBC One
Mawdryn Undead Doctor Who (television) #125 BBC One
Terminus Doctor Who (television) #126 BBC One
Enlightenment Doctor Who (television) #127 BBC One
The King's Demons Doctor Who (television) #128 BBC One
The Five Doctors Doctor Who (television) #129 BBC One
Warriors of the Deep Doctor Who (television) #130 BBC One
The Awakening Doctor Who (television) #131 BBC One
Frontios Doctor Who (television) #132 BBC One
Resurrection of the Daleks Doctor Who (television) #133 BBC One
Planet of Fire Doctor Who (television) #134 BBC One
The Caves of Androzani Doctor Who (television) #135 BBC One
The Twin Dilemma Doctor Who (television) #136 BBC One
Attack of the Cybermen Doctor Who (television) #137 BBC One
Vengeance on Varos Doctor Who (television) #138 BBC One
The Mark of the Rani Doctor Who (television) #139 BBC One
The Two Doctors Doctor Who (television) #140 BBC One
Timelash Doctor Who (television) #141 BBC One
Revelation of the Daleks Doctor Who (television) #142 BBC One
The Trial of a Time Lord Doctor Who (television) #143 BBC One
Time and the Rani Doctor Who (television) #144 BBC One
Paradise Towers Doctor Who (television) #145 BBC One
Delta and the Bannermen Doctor Who (television) #146 BBC One
Dragonfire Doctor Who (television) #147 BBC One
Remembrance of the Daleks Doctor Who (television) #148 BBC One
The Happiness Patrol Doctor Who (television) #149 BBC One
Silver Nemesis Doctor Who (television) #150 BBC One
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy Doctor Who (television) #151 BBC One
Battlefield Doctor Who (television) #152 BBC One
Ghost Light Doctor Who (television) #153 BBC One
The Curse of Fenric Doctor Who (television) #154 BBC One
Survival Doctor Who (television) #155 BBC One
Doctor Who Doctor Who (television) #156 BBC One
Rose Doctor Who (television) #157 BBC One
The End of the World Doctor Who (television) #158 BBC One
The Unquiet Dead Doctor Who (television) #159 BBC One
Aliens of London and World War Three Doctor Who (television) #160 BBC One
Dalek Doctor Who (television) #161 BBC One
The Long Game Doctor Who (television) #162 BBC One
Father's Day Doctor Who (television) #163 BBC One
The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances Doctor Who (television) #164 BBC One
Boom Town Doctor Who (television) #165 BBC One
Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways Doctor Who (television) #166 BBC One
Doctor Who: Children in Need Doctor Who (television) #166.5 BBC One
The Christmas Invasion Doctor Who (television) #167 BBC One
New Earth Doctor Who (television) #168 BBC One
Tooth and Claw Doctor Who (television) #169 BBC One
School Reunion Doctor Who (television) #170 BBC One
The Girl in the Fireplace Doctor Who (television) #171 BBC One
Rise of the Cybermen and The Age of Steel Doctor Who (television) #172 BBC One
The Idiot's Lantern Doctor Who (television) #173 BBC One
The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit Doctor Who (television) #174 BBC One
Love & Monsters Doctor Who (television) #175 BBC One
Fear Her Doctor Who (television) #176 BBC One
Army of Ghosts and Doomsday Doctor Who (television) #177 BBC One
The Runaway Bride Doctor Who (television) #178 BBC One
Smith and Jones Doctor Who (television) #179 BBC One
The Shakespeare Code Doctor Who (television) #180 BBC One
Gridlock Doctor Who (television) #181 BBC One
Daleks in Manhattan and Evolution of the Daleks Doctor Who (television) #182 BBC One
The Lazarus Experiment Doctor Who (television) #183 BBC One
42 Doctor Who (television) #184 BBC One
Human Nature and The Family of Blood Doctor Who (television) #185 BBC One
Blink Doctor Who (television) #186 BBC One
Utopia, The Sound of Drums, and Last of the Time Lords Doctor Who (television) #187 BBC One
Time Crash Doctor Who (television) #187.5 BBC One
Voyage of the Damned Doctor Who (television) #188 BBC One
Partners in Crime Doctor Who (television) #189 BBC One
The Fires of Pompeii Doctor Who (television) #190 BBC One
Planet of the Ood Doctor Who (television) #191 BBC One
The Sontaran Stratagem and The Poison Sky Doctor Who (television) #192 BBC One
The Doctor's Daughter Doctor Who (television) #193 BBC One
The Unicorn and the Wasp Doctor Who (television) #194 BBC One
Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead Doctor Who (television) #195 BBC One
Midnight Doctor Who (television) #196 BBC One
Turn Left Doctor Who (television) #197 BBC One
The Stolen Earth and Journey's End Doctor Who (television) #198 BBC One
The Next Doctor Doctor Who (television) #199 BBC One
Planet of the Dead Doctor Who (television) #200 BBC One
The Waters of Mars Doctor Who (television) #201 BBC One
The End of Time Doctor Who (television) #202 BBC One
The Eleventh Hour Doctor Who (television) #203 BBC One
The Beast Below Doctor Who (television) #204 BBC One
Victory of the Daleks Doctor Who (television) #205 BBC One
The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone Doctor Who (television) #206 BBC One
The Vampires of Venice Doctor Who (television) #207 BBC One
Amy's Choice Doctor Who (television) #208 BBC One
The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood Doctor Who (television) #209 BBC One
Vincent and the Doctor Doctor Who (television) #210 BBC One
The Lodger Doctor Who (television) #211 BBC One
The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang Doctor Who (television) #212 BBC One
A Christmas Carol Doctor Who (television) #213 BBC One
Space / Time Doctor Who (television) #213.5 BBC One
The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon Doctor Who (television) #214 BBC One
The Curse of the Black Spot Doctor Who (television) #215 BBC One
The Doctor's Wife Doctor Who (television) #216 BBC One
The Rebel Flesh and The Almost People Doctor Who (television) #217 BBC One
A Good Man Goes to War Doctor Who (television) #218 BBC One
Let's Kill Hitler Doctor Who (television) #219 BBC One
Night Terrors Doctor Who (television) #220 BBC One
The Girl Who Waited Doctor Who (television) #221 BBC One
The God Complex Doctor Who (television) #222 BBC One
Closing Time Doctor Who (television) #223 BBC One
The Wedding of River Song Doctor Who (television) #224 BBC One
The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe Doctor Who (television) #225 BBC One
Pond Life Doctor Who (television) #225.5 BBC One
Asylum of the Daleks Doctor Who (television) #226 BBC One
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship Doctor Who (television) #227 BBC One
A Town Called Mercy Doctor Who (television) #228 BBC One
The Power of Three Doctor Who (television) #229 BBC One
The Angels Take Manhattan Doctor Who (television) #230 BBC One
The Snowmen Doctor Who (television) #231 BBC One
The Bells of Saint John Doctor Who (television) #232 BBC One
The Rings of Akhaten Doctor Who (television) #233 BBC One
Cold War Doctor Who (television) #234 BBC One
Hide Doctor Who (television) #235 BBC One
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS Doctor Who (television) #236 BBC One
The Crimson Horror Doctor Who (television) #237 BBC One
Nightmare in Silver Doctor Who (television) #238 BBC One
The Name of the Doctor Doctor Who (television) #239 BBC One
The Night of the Doctor Doctor Who (television) #239.25 BBC One
The Last Day Doctor Who (television) #239.5 BBC One
The Day of the Doctor Doctor Who (television) #240 BBC One
The Time of the Doctor Doctor Who (television) #241 BBC One
Tardisode 1 Doctor Who (television) #167.5 Novice Hame 0:00:42 Gareth Roberts
Tardisode 2 Doctor Who (television) #168.5 The Crofter 0:00:53 Gareth Roberts
Tardisode 3 Doctor Who (television) #169.5 Mickey Smith 0:00:49 Gareth Roberts
Tardisode 4 Doctor Who (television) #170.5 Unnamed crewwoman 0:00:53 Gareth Roberts
Tardisode 5 Doctor Who (television) #171.25 Gemini (voice only) 0:00:53 Gareth Roberts
Tardisode 6 Doctor Who (television) #171.5 John Lumic 0:00:43 Gareth Roberts
Tardisode 7 Doctor Who (television) #172.5 Grandma Connolly 0:00:55 Gareth Roberts
Tardisode 8 Doctor Who (television) #173.25 Captain Walker 0:00:57 Gareth Roberts
Tardisode 9 Doctor Who (television) #173.5 Curt 0:00:56 Gareth Roberts
Tardisode 10 Doctor Who (television) #174.5 Victor Kennedy (Abzorbaloff) 0:00:57 Gareth Roberts
Tardisode 11 Doctor Who (television) #175.5 Crime Crackers telepresenter 0:00:54 Gareth Roberts
Tardisode 12 Doctor Who (television) #176.25 Atif 0:00:56 Gareth Roberts
Tardisode 13 Doctor Who (television) #176.5 Unnamed newsreader 0:00:58 Gareth Roberts
Doctor Who (television) #
Doctor Who (television) #