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Battle of Kasahrda ( also known as Kayadara ) was fought between the Rajput forces of Chalukya dynasty under Mularaja II and Ghurid Empire under Muhammad of Ghor which result in decisive Chalukya victory.

Battle of Kayadara
Part of Ghurid Campaign's

Rajput Victory


Chalukya dynasty

Ghurid dynasty
Commanders and leaders

Mularaja II Kelhanadeva

Muhammad of Ghor
Unknown Unknown
Casualties and losses
Minimal Heavy

Mu'izz's campaign against the Qarmatians rulers of Multan in 1175 had ended in victory.[6] He turned south, and led his army from Multan to Uch and then across the desert towards the Chaulukya capital of Anhilwara (modern-day Patan in Gujarat) in 1178. On the way, Muizz suffered a defeat at the Battle of Kayadara, during his first campaign against an Indian ruler.[6] Gujarat was ruled by the young Chaulukya ruler Mularaja II; the Chaulukya forces included the armies of their feudatories such as the Naddula Chahamana ruler Kelhanadeva, the Jalor Chahamana ruler Kirtipala, and the Arbuda Paramara ruler Dharavarsha.[7] Mu'izz's army had suffered greatly during the march across the desert, and the Chalukyas inflicted a major defeat on him at the village of Kayadara (near to Mount Abu, about forty miles to the north-east of Anhilwara).[6] The invading army suffered heavy casualties during the battle, and also in the retreat back across the desert to Multan.[6] However, Mu'izz was able to take Peshawar and Sialkot.

  1. ^ Chaulukyas of Gujarat. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. OCLC 4413150