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Riverton or Aparima is a small town 30 kilometres west of Invercargill via State Highway 99 on the Southern Scenic Route. It is situated on the south-eastern shorelines of the Jacobs River Estuary being formed by the Aparima and Pourakino Rivers, which leads through a narrow outflow channel into Foveaux Strait.[1] The main part of the town is on flat land (the Southland Plains) and the northern end of Oreti Beach but South Riverton is built on the hills (the Longwood Range) between the eastern shore of the estuary and Taramea Bay.[2]

Riverton is the oldest permanent settlement of Southland and one of New Zealand's oldest towns. In 2011 the town's people of Riverton celebrated their 175th anniversary.


At the 2006 census, Riverton had a population of 1509, a decrease of 141 people since the 2001 census. Of the population of Riverton, 753 were male, and 756 were female. There were 654 occupied dwellings.[3] The estimated population is currently about 1900 people.


Known to the Maori as Aparima[4] (named for the Kati Mamoe mother of Hekeia of whom the Longwood Range is named)[5] but with the arrival of the European who settled the area in the 1830s the settlement became known as Jacob's River.[6] The name Riverton was adopted by the residents and their choice was ratified officially in March 1858.[7] One hundred and forty years later with the passing of Section 450 Ngāi Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998 the town was given the dual names of Riverton / Aparima.[8]

On the grassed plateau above the estuary channel stands a stone memorial to the founder of Riverton, whaler and runholder, Captain John Howell. Who while in the employ of Johnny Jones was dispatched with three ships, to establish a whaling station at Aparima in either 1835 or 1836 to replace the abandoned station at Preservation Inlet. The settlement becoming known as Jacob's River due to a local Maori living at the mouth whom the whalers called Jacob.[9] Jones's purchase of all that land from Colac Bay to the New River, and extending some fifty miles inland from the Ngai Tahu chief "Bloody Jack" Tuhawaiki was formally acknowledged in October 1838.[10] At about the same time Howell secured the Pakeha tenure to the area by marrying Kohi-Kohi the daughter of Patu and Pipikihau, the local Kati Mamoe chief based at Raratoka Island or Centre Island in the Foveaux Strait.[11]

The year 1850 is generally taken as the one in which settlers at Riverton/Aparima definitely changed over from ploughing the sea to ploughing the land. By that time whaling along the Southland coasts gave only a precarious living and the setters of Riverton saw they would either have to take to the land or move to a more favourable locality. The settlers had their plots of land and as much stock as they could afford. This however immediately raised the question as to who really owned the land. As long as the whalers confined themselves along the Jacobs River estuary, it was not thought worth while to challenge their right to the small area they occupied. With the intricate system of land ownership among the Maori, Captain Howell realised that he was not really the sole owner of those vast tracks of land which he believed were handed over to him at the time of his marriage to Kohi-Kohi. Fortunately the central government found out what was happening and sent Mr W.B.D. Mantell to negotiate with the southern Maori for the purchase of the area known as Murihiku. Walter Baldock Durrant Mantell arrived at Riverton on 27 December 1851, and began negotiations with the various chiefs of Southland. It was not until 17 August 1853 that the area of Murihiku (which encompassed Southland), was purchased from the Maori.[12] The township being surveyed by the New Zealand Government in 1861.[13]


Crossing the Jacobs River Estuary. With the town divided in two parts crossing the Jacobs River Estuary must have been a daily occurrence as far back as anyone lived there. With the crossing points being Lees to Dallas Points (South Riverton) and then to the Dolphin (the commercial side of the village).[14] a ferry service was provided by private interests until the Southland Provinical Council contracted out the provided the population with with their only means of crossing the Jacobs River Estuary until the first bridge spanning the estuary allowed the inhabitants to cross at any time they chose.

From 1863-1879 a coach service from the town gave the inhabitants another source of communication with the outside world. Previously the mail had been carried by a Russian Finn, William Flint who carried the mail by foot from Invercargill.[15] The coach-route followed the Oreti Beach to the Oreti ferry and then to Invercargill. Because of the changing nature of the quick-sands at the mouth of the Waimatuku Stream where many lives had been lost, there was jubilation with the advent of the railway to Riverton.

On 9 June 1879, a branch railway from Invercargill was opened by the mayor Theophilus Daniel to Riverton.[16] Over the course of the next four decades further extensions were made as far as Orawia. The line became known as the Tuatapere Branch.[17] The original railway (that eventually reached Tuatapere in 1909) crossed the estuary at Riverton using the bridge opened in 1875, the towns inhabitants sharing a road-rail bridge for twenty-six years.[18] With the construction (1902-1905) of a combination of two Howe truss bridges and a causeway the Tuatapere Branch railway had a crossing of its' own over the Jacobs River Estuary. The main bridge on the south end consisted of seventeen built beams of 9.2 metres and two Howe trusses of 18.3 metres span, giving a hybrid form of design. The supporting piers were of braced timber piles. This bridge provided a good illustration of the timber technology of the period, with it's three elements of truss, built beam and piled piers.[19] On 30 July 1976, it was truncated from Tuatapere back to Riverton and became known as the Riverton Branch. The railway bridges and causeway being removed in 2001.

Historic Buildings[edit]

Five buildings in Riverton are listed with the New Zealand Historic Places Trust Pouhere Taonga :[20]

  • Howell's Cottage 22 Napier Street

With its hipped roof and verandah, Howell's Cottage is representative of a style of cottage built early in New Zealand's European history. Dating from 1837-38, it retains much of its original character. It is thought to have been the first house erected at Riverton, and one of New Zealand's few buildings dating from before 1840.

  • Daniel House 85 Palmerston Street

Daniel House has architectural significance as an example of a vernacular timber Georgian influenced, English Colonial style residence dating from the early period of earnest European settlement in New Zealand. Characteristic features found at Daniel House include the symmetry of its features, the form of its windows, the presence of verandahs, and its hipped roof. Two-storeyed examples of English Colonial houses are reasonably rare, and therefore Daniel House has architectural importance.

  • Palmerston Street Cottages 82, 84, 86 Palmerston Street

These cottages are representative of a type of building that became a vernacular New Zealand form from the mid to late nineteenth century. All three houses are box cottages, with lateral front gables and verandahs. The basic nature this type of building was developed for people of limited means, or as a first residence, and had provision for the addition of rooms as required, as well as a certain flexibility of function. This is reflected in each building being individualised through various forms of rear addition, the simplicity of their form, as well as one or two of the buildings initially being used for commercial purposes. As such, this group of cottages has architectural significance as a characteristic grouping of mid to late nineteenth century New Zealand box cottages.

  • Former Riverton Court House 170 Palmerston Street

Built in 1883 Riverton Courthouse, now incorporated into Te Hikoi, the Riverton Tourist and Heritage Centre, was the centre for the administration and application of law for over eighty years. The Riverton Courthouse is a representative example of nineteenth century public works architecture, the Classical detailing of which emphasises the formality and solemnity of the judicial process, but one befitting a small provincial town.

  • Saint Mary's (Anglican) Church 173 Palmerston Street

St Mary's Church has architectural significance as an example of the work of prominent Invercargill architect Edmund Richardson Fitz Wilson. Wilson was notable for his designs for public buildings in Invercargill, and also for his churches for the Anglican Church elsewhere in the South, including Otautau and Christchurch. It is also a representative example of a modest Anglican parish church designed in Carpenter Gothic style.


It has a high school called Aparima College (years 7-13), and a primary school called Riverton Primary.


  • Te Wai Koraki Wetland Reserve; A short walking track starts at the eastern entrance to Riverton/Aparima and leads down to loop through the 6 hectare flax wetland. This reserve provides a sanctuary for whitebait/inanga and other native fish.
  • The Big Paua; a large Paua Shell made by a local company Fiordland Souvenirs
  • Te Hikoi Southern Journey is the town's museum. It features the local information centre along with an interesting collection of regional historic artifacts and information. It concentrates on local Maori history, whaling and the local European settlements of the area
  • The Focal Point; a large viewing platform built by the local community board to celebrate the local historic area. It follows the original bridge direction. Also features local art sculpture
  • Jacobs River Estuary; wild wetlands area, native and migrant water fowl and lush flora
  • Harbour; with lots of fishing and charter boats
  • Mores Reserve; offers several short walks and great views over Southland and Foveaux Strait/Te Ara a Kiwa towards Stewart Island/Rakiura
  • Taramea Bay; stretch of beach between Howell's Point and the entrance of the Jacobs River Estuary. Has a soundshell for events including New Year's Eve beach party
  • Soundshell; based at Taramea Bay, that hosted carnivals and events for many years. The stage configuration, with a shell-shaped back, is used in other New Zealand seaside towns such as Timaru and Napier. Many Kiwi bands and singers, including Suzanne Prentice and Ray Columbus, performed at the Soundshell in its heyday during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s
  • The Rocks also known as Riverton Rocks; includes Mitchell's Bay and Henderson's Bay. Southland's favourite beach destination
  • Mitchell's bay; excellent longboard beach for those who like to "ride the waves" and has a great right hand point break that performs well at mid-tide, and occasionally further round when the tides are right.
  • Howell's Point (known by the locals as the Point); headland on the northern shoreline of Foveaux Strait a great place for walking, picnicking and bird watching. It offers spectacular views of Taramea Bay, Invercargill, Bluff and Stewart Island/Rakiura.

Riverton is not far from:


  1. ^ Wises New Zealand Guide Wises Publications Limited 1998
  2. ^ McLintock, A. H. An Encyclopedia of New Zealand Volume 3
  3. ^ Quickstats about Riverton
  4. ^ Beattie, Herries Moriori. The Morioris of the South Island Facsimile edition. Cadsonbury Publications, Christchurch 1993 page 70
  5. ^ [Thompson, J. C.] Records of Early Riverton and District The Southland Times Company Limited, Invercargill 1937 page 15
  6. ^ Pankhurst, E.E. Safe Haven Riverton 1935-1985 Riverton Sesquicentennial Society (Inc.)
  7. ^ McLintock, A. H. An Encyclopedia of New Zealand Volume 3
  8. ^ The New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa
  9. ^ [Thompson, J. C.] Records of Early Riverton and District The Southland Times Company Limited, Invercargill 1937
  10. ^ Hall-Jones, F. G. King of the Bluff Kiwi Publishers 2003 page 52
  11. ^ Wilson, Eva Hakoro Ki Te Iwi The Story of Captain Howell and his Family Wilson Family 1976
  12. ^ [Thompson, J. C.] Records of Early Riverton and District The Southland Times Company Limited, Invercargill 1937 page 12
  13. ^ Hargreaves, R.P. Nineteenth Century Otao and Southland Town Plans University of Otago Press, Dunedin 1968 page 40
  14. ^ [Thompson, J. C.] Records of Early Riverton and District The Southland Times Company Limited, Invercargill 1937 pp34-37
  15. ^ Lovell-Smith, E. M. Old Coaching Days in Otago and Southland Lovell-Smith & Venner Ltd 1931 page 103
  16. ^ OPENING OF THE RIVERTON RAILWAY LINE Otago Daily Times, Issue 5400, 10 June 1879, Page 2
  17. ^ WATT. J. O. P. Southland's Pioneer Railways 1864-1878 The NZ Railways and Locomotive Society Inc. 1965
  19. ^ THORNTON, Geoffery Bridging the Gap Early Bridges in New Zealand 1830-1939 Reed Books 2001
  20. ^ http://www.historic.org.nz/

External links[edit]

OPENED 27 DECEMBER 1863 EPISCOPAL CHURCH OTAHUHU The new church at this great mezzo termine of traffic is a neat wooden structure, capable of accommodating from 300 to 330 persons, and is pleasantly situated on the western side of the village. The consecration services took place on Sabbath last, under very auspicious circumstances, and in the presence of large and attentive congregations, amongst which we perceived a considerable number of persons connected with the Wesleyan and various dissenting sections of the Christian Church. The Right Rev. Dr. Selwyn, Lord Bishop of New Zealand, was the morning preacher, who delivered an earnest and practical address from St. John 1-1. The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, - a subject chosen rather with reference to the day than the occasion. On the conclusion of the discourse, twelve persons were admitted into the communion of the Church by the rite of confirmation. The sermon in the evening was preached by the Right Rev. J. C. Pattterson, M. A., Bishop of the Melanesia!! Islands, and was founded on 1 Corinthians,3 : 9. Ye are God's building." Following out the analogy instituted by the apostle between the structure of a place of worship and the members of the Church as constituting one spiritual building in Christ, the great point which the preacher sought to establish was the importance and necessity of unity, in order to its spiritual vitality and efficient growth in strength and Christian grace. The discourse, which was delivered with the right rev. preacher's wonted eloquence, commanded the most perfect attention of the audience throughout, to whom these inchoative services proved, we trust, occasions of spiritual profit as well as of intellectual enjoyment. We are informed that the morning collection alone amounted to upwards of £20, thus reducing the entire debt on the building to about £80 this would be further reduced considerably by means of the evening collection, the amount of which we did not ascertain. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 39, 29 December 1863, Page 4

Selwyn Church, Mangere East Permission had been sought from the Manukau County Council in November 1927 to move the building from Otahuhu to its present site in November 1927. Due to the District Health Act at the time it was supposed that as it was a church there was no danger of carrying an infectious disease. And with the provision that the movers should be held responsible for any damage done to the bridges en route the council referred the matter to the engineer to act. A SELWYN CHURCH Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 270, 15 November 1927, Page 5

OTAHUHU CHURCH. REMOVAL TO MANGERE CONSECRATED BY SELWYN. The old Anglican Church at Otahuhu is to be dismantled and removed to a new site near Mangere East Hall. The building was erected in 1863, and,like all the churches of the days of G. A. Selwyn, is of a distinctive design. The removal of the historic building is necessary to make way for a larger. Yesterday morning the service attended by the Mayor and Council of Otahuhu, and also the members of the local Fire Brigade. An appeal by vicar, the Rev. C. B. W. Seaton, for a large attendance of old members, was well responded to. Amongst those present were Mr. James Murphy, Otahuhu, and Mr. Harry King, _ Waiuku, both of whom were at the consecration of the building by Bishop Selwyn. Canon H. Mason conducted the service in the evening. Workmen started to dismantle building to-day and pending the erection of the new church services are to be held in the Parish Hall Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 275, 21 November 1927, Page 8

OLD CHURCHES. All interested in the historical associations connected with the churches and other, building's erected by Bishop Selwyn and, the pioneers of missionary work in New Zealand will rejoice that the old church built by the Bishop at Otahuhu has been moved to Mangere East for renovation and use. Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 51, 1 March 1928, Page 6


After a passage of 62 years, the interval which has elapsed since it was opened and dedicated by Bishop Selwyn, assisted by Bishop Patterson, the old wooden church which formerly stood at Otahuhu, and which has been removed to Mangere East, was reopened and rededicated last evening by Archbishop Averill.

In its fresh coat of paint, its old leaded windows beaming with light from a dozen powerful electric globes inside, the historic building still managed to breathe the spirit of eventful times long past. In times to come, perhaps even more than to-day, this venerable, soundly-built House of God standing close to the motor-used thoroughfare of Massey Road, will be an object of interest to travellers and as Archbishop Averill said in his sermon, a valuable historic asset to the people of the district. The congregation at the dedication service filled the old church to overflowing many having to stand in the porch.

Owing to an incapacitated foot, Archbishop Averill was obliged to remain seated while delivering his sermon. He congratulated the parishioners on the erection of the church and on its excellent restoration, and thanked the committee for the noble work it had done and the ladies who had contributed toward the acquisition of the site. He said that from being the parish church at Otahuhu for such a long period of time it was now beginning a new lease of life under a new name. In christening it after its first dedicator. Bishop Selwyn, the parishioners were to be congratulated, for, although it was a new departure to name a church after, a man known within living memory, he thought it a very excellent departure. They found joy in commemorating the men who had founded the Church in the Old Land and should find it equally fitting to remember in like manner the men who did so much for the beginnings of the Church in this new land.

Selwyn reminded the preacher in many respects of Archbishop Theodore, who, as Archbishop of Canterbury in the seventh century, welded all the different missions then existing in England into one great Church—the Church of England. In New Zealand Selwyn did the same thing, welding the missions he found here, especially those working among the Maoris, into one great church. Preaching from the text in the 132nd Psalm, "Arise, 0 God, into Thy resting place," the Archbishop expressed the hope that it would always be associated with Palm Sunday, the day of its reopening. Its significance would always be remembered, for it was the day on which Jesus was to have entered in triumph into Jerusalem and declare himself the Messiah of God.

A happy incident during the service was the publishing by the vicar, the Rev. P. W. Seton. of the banns of marriage, of two young people of the parish. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 19911, 2 April 1928, Page 11