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Photo of three root members of the band KHATNEGRANNYA (from left to right) Andrian Veremienko, Taras Shpot, Myroslav Trofymuk aka AЙKTRONER
Photo of three root members of the band KHATNEGRANNYA (from left to right) Andrian Veremienko, Taras Shpot, Myroslav Trofymuk
Background information
Also known as
OriginLviv, Ukraine
Years active
  • 2012–now
MembersMyroslav Trofymuk aka AЙKTRONER
Past members

HOMEPLAYING (ukr. ХАТНЄГРАННЯ) is an open improvisational music project from Ukraine, founded in 2013 in Lviv. HOMEPLAYING was founded by Myroslav Trofymuk aka AЙKTRONER (electronics, concept) as a branch of ZemlaStudio, Andrian Veremienko (guitar, bass) and Taras Shpot (electronics, visualizations, programming) . The HOMEPLAYING project was conceived as a place of intersection of the world of academic electronic music with independent electronic musicians. In addition to concerts and festivals, HOMEPLAYING aims to publish Ukrainian music and to promote electronic music from Ukraine through local and foreign media and publishing channels. The peculiarity of the project is that the project does not perform a repetitive repertoire and does not have a stable list of compositiosn. Each concert has its own idea, form, participants are changing consequently, and listeners can join the performances. A characteristic feature is the digital context of concerts. Concerts often are taking place at some private locations, without audience. All sessions are recorded and published online, so the concerts are still availave in digital format as documentation.



In late 2012, philologist, journalist and musician Myroslav Trofymuk aka AЙKTRONER , architect Markian Maksimyuk and classical musician Roman Kleputs met by chance in Warsaw. Discussing the possibilities of creating an alternative space for presenting art in Lviv. In Lviv at that time there was a clear demand for such alternative spaces and it was long before the emergence of a creative hub on the Zvodska, or other grassroots initiatives.

In 2013 [Taras Luzhetsky]] aka Terry Mutini, a microbiologist by profession and minimal techno DJ started renting an apartment number 1, on Fredry 6 Street in Lviv and invited Maksymyuk and Kleputs to create a public space for art demonstrations and parties. At that time, Trofymuk met Polish improvisational musicians Wojciech Kwapisinski and Darek Petraszewski, who together with Lukasz Strzelczyk organized a grassroots initiative Trzecia Fala. Trzecia Fala, as well as a series of improvisational concerts Impro Meetings, founded by Kvapisinski, brought together improvisational musicians concentrated in Warsaw clubs Eufemia, Towarzyska, Chmury, Fawory, in Przestrzeni prywatna and others.

Myroslav Trofymuk has been making music since 2004, growing up among trance DJ's and producers Orest Kaminsky and Artem Slynko, involved in the organization of trance open air events, as part of CUBE GROUP. Being in Warsaw Trofymuk noticed the potential of improvised sessions nad concerts and how they are affecting the development of grassroots environment. So Myroslav intended to launch a series of such concerts in Lviv. However, as of 2012, the segment of experimental music was something completely new for Lviv and it seemed difficult to organize regular concerts in existing on that time locations, like Dzyga or Underground Club, Fredra, seemed to be the most relevant place for regular HOMEPLAYING sessions. However, there were a few introductory home sessions made by HOMEPLAYING, before the firs public event was presnted on Fredra.

On February 14, 2014, the first session of the project took place at FREDRA.61. It was the HOMEPLAYING #7, called "Sisters Party" in collaboration with artists and designers Filipchuk sisters and with the participation of Stanislav Krylov, Roman Feshchak, Danylo Petrushenko and Yulia Shved. The next symbolic HOMEPLAYING № 14 took place on March 21, 2014. It was a musically poetic set called "Eightieth Day of the Year", set was dedicated to the contest of Poetry Day, and was based on poetry by Oleg Lyshega, Nazar Gonchar, Igor Rymaruk, Natalka Bilotserkivets, Petro Midyanka. Live poetry recordings by those poets weretaken from "Living Voices" archive, created by Andriy Izdryk and Yurko Kucheryavyi, within the "Cabinet" events in Dzyga. In this audio set we hear also recording of the poems by Mikhail Semenko and excerpts from the work by [[Yuri Mushketyk [Yuri Mushketyk]] "Darkness". In addition to the three regular participants of the project, the set was co-created by Stanislav Kirilov, Ksenia Mnykh, and Marichka Chichkova, it was firts time she joined the HOMEPLAYING. Concerts at FREDRA.61 took place regularly.

FREDRA.61 existed at the same address until the end of 2016. Beginning in 2017, the initiative moved to a more spacious semi-industrial space at 20 Zelenaya Street. Along with the change of location, there was a partial paradigm shift. Name was also changed to "Fredra Assembly Hall.61". New place was maximally focused on concerts and parties, the main curator was Taras Luzhetsky aka Terry Mutini. So in 2017, at the new location there were only two events of HOMEPLAYING. 28.01.2017 «TExNO», with the participation of NIKOLAY’a SELEKT’a and Maryan Borovets aka. BORMAN. This was the most massive event in history of HOMEPLAYING as of 2012-2022. The last event of the project in the Assembly Hall was "Pre party DJs & bandura", with the participation of Stanislav Krylov and Anastasia Voytiuk as part of the festival "Lviv Bandur Fest". After 2018, FREDRA.61 froze its activities. Today the premises were transferred to the improvisation workshop SOMA, curated by Olga Marusin.



During 2014-2015, a series of concerts "Visiting HOMEPLAYING" took place. The first part of the event was given to invited performers and artists, and the second part was usually a joint improvisation. Curatorial selection of performers for the concerts was based on a particular style and performance specialty and convention of selected musician. Thus, [Anton Lapov], aka lap0fvw and Yulia Bugayova presented tightly related audio-visual material. Nikolay Selekta, aka Nikolay Laylay played a jazz vinyl DJ set. Concert by [Artem Bemba] was a retro-futuristic progressive chill inspired by the typical 80's style. FaUsT, an extremely talented guitarist who uses a modified guitar with a red mute button, played extremly eclectic guitsr set combines guitar fx with heavy distorted sound. Olesya Onikienko, aka [[[Neither Famous Nor Rich]] combines vocals with melancholy experimental post ambient sound.

Collaboration with the visual artistic environment


HOMEPLAYING is a laboratory of mixed artistic practices, so it participated in collaborations with non-musical environments, especially with artistic and literary environments. Thus, on April 29, 2014, HOMEPLAYING performs at the opening of the woman photo exhibition В()НА (SHE), at the Levakovsky Café. In this performance, uses quotes from the song by Ukrainiand rock band Plach Yeremii, called "Вона" (SHE), as well as excerpts from American photo equipment commercials. June 25, 2014 the project participates in the exhibition of prints by Bogdan Pylypushko "1984. Eternal Fascism ", co-organized by Victoria Sadova and Museum of Victims of Totalitarian Regimes" Prison on Lontsky ". [Yurko Bulka]] (sound, music programming) and Vladimir Bedzvin (cello) join the concert. The session takes place at the intersection of literary and artistic components, it is a two-way improvisation in which visitors, mostly Ukrainian intellectuals were reading excerpts from the 1984 novel be George Orwell. The very next day, June 26, 2014, the HOMEPLAYING №38 took place, with the participation of Trofymuk and Veremienko in the Primus Gallery, in support of the exhibition be Maxim Rabchun [Horizont of Color]. On September 30, 2015, the HOMEPLAYING project was collaborating with photographer and blogger [May Lee] as part of the opening of Sofia Filipchuk's exhibition "Baba-Zhaba" in the "Something Interesting" space. In this set, the project fundamentally addresses the aesthetics of cover bands, making covers of SADE songs, but preserving only fragments of lyrics of original songs and creating a completely new arrangement. December 1, 2018 HOMEPLAYING opens the exhibition of graphics by Zoryana Pochinaiko at URBANLibrary in Lviv. During 2018, Trofymuk and Veremienko are collaborating with Zoryana Pochynayko (vocals) and Ulyana Moravska, as MRYAKA project. At this stage, Andrew Lee (bass guitar) regularly participates in the sessions. In this composition, the project operates during the year, performing together two joint concerts and three improvisation.

Cooperation with the literary environment


The cooperation of the project with the literary environment is noticeable. Starting with the solo project "ZONE" by Myroslav Trofymuk aka AЙKTRONER in 2013 at the Publishers Forum in Lviv, the poetry is present in the works of HOMEPLAYING constantly. Thus, on September 11, 2014, within the 21st Publishers' Forum, a special project HOMEREADING took place in Lviv's SALO bar with the participation of Ksenia Mnykh and Rostislav Kuzyk. The result of this collaboration is the 2014 album Loneliness / Freedom. In the context of literary cooperation fits the already mentioned HOMEPLAYING № 14 "80 days of the year", as well as a series of home non-public sessions, which use excerpts from poetry by Yuri Andrukhovych, Nazar Gonchar, Igor Rymaruk, Taras Shevchenko Taras Shevchenko, Mykhail Semenko, and prose by Alexander Dovzhenko.

Public interventions


The project is experimenting not only with sound, compositions, and instruments, but also with locations. Trying to rethink the suitability of places for public performances, HOMEPLAYING implements two interventions in public spaces - a concert "Electron 2014" in the Lviv tram on the Day of Street Music, in which musiscains also appealing to poetry, this time by Irina Vikirchak, and on the way to the SMASHING festival in Ternopil May 9, 2014 musicians areplaying a noise jam session in the train, called "Electric train 6044".

HOMEPLAYING and festivals


During 2012-2022, HOMEPLAYING mainly regulary participated in the festivals of electroacoustic music Vox Electronica and new music Contrasts, but in addition, on November 29, 2014 HOMEPLAYING together with Marichnka Chichkova performed at the Lviv edition of «MUZAHiST! FEST" curated by [Oleksandr Sushinsky | Alexander Sushinsky]]. The topic of the audio set was [NASA] space exploration, and the material for the compositions was took from the public archives of NASA astronauts' talks published at the time, combined with Marichka Chichkova's folk singing. In 2017, HOMEPLAYING became a participant of the BookWormMusicFest festival, presenting a mixed program - partly created by Myroslav Trofymuk aka AЙKTRONER during his Gaude Polonia scholarship. The Shimmer of the Universe, which later will be part of the ZEMLA album, was based on documentaries about [György Ligeti | György Ligeti] and excerpts from lectures by Kargainz Stockhausen.

HOMEPLAYING & Contrasts Festival


For the first time, HOMEPLAYING performed at the Contrasts of Contemporary Music Festival on October 3, 2015 in a synthetic collaboration with the perfume project [OLFACTORIUM] by Vlad Zvarych and Bohan Zubchenko. The project that opened and closed the Night of Contrasts was called "Perfume Transformations of Images" and consisted of mixing perfume reagents sprayed in the air and applied to the walls of the room and musical improvisation, which was transformed according to how these reagents interacted in space. The following 2016, KHATNEGRANNYA presented an audio-visual performance with a key choreographic part performed by Nadiya Gorudko [1]. This time the performers were hidden behind a multimedia screen, which covered only their projections and generative visualizations created by Taras Shpot, and the only visible participant was a dancer. On October 20, 2018, AIKTRONER performed at the festival with an ambient set based on generated material with posthumanist text performed by speech generator, Italian music philosopher and CEO MUSIco Lorenzo Brusci and contrasting this technological theme with the naturalistic thoughts of poet Oleg Lyshega.



The HOMEPLAYING project twice took part in the Ternopil festival Gamselit. In 2014, in addition to the intervention in the train "Electron 2014", HOMEPLAYING presented a branched version of the audio-visual history of "City Parts.Lviv". This version palyed on SMASHING Festival was called "City parts. Industrial District". The set consisted of a synthesis of industrial music and quotes from traditional folk music. On April 26, 2015, HOMEPLAYING presented a complex set stream on SMASHING Festival, during this strem, Andrian Veremienko did not use a guitar at all, he played several synths and Taras Shpot used a so-called feedback loop setup based on a shortened sound signal generated and converted in guitar effects pedals. An excerpt from this set, entitled "The crunchy punchy RAI Studio of Phonology polylogue" was included in the 2021 album "Polylogues" by HOMEPLAYING. The result of the collaboration with Yaroslav Kachmarsky and the SMASHING Festival was the project's participation in the ARTPOLE Festival in July 2014. HOMEPLAYING with Andrian Veremienko, Ksenia Mnykh and Roman Koval took part in the "Noise Laboratory" together with the members of [ZSUF ” band.



The cooperation of the HOMEPLAYING project with the Vox Electronica electroacoustic music festival can be considered as the longest and the closest one. Collaboration with this festival began with a solo performance by Myroslav Trofymuk aka AЙKTRONER in 2013 with a composition "Pripyat" for the tape. This is a song from the album ZONE. On September 7, 2014, Myroslav Trfoimuk was participating in Vox Electronica with Polish musician Wajtek Kwapisinski. Wojtek used unconventional instruments - elecctric shavers, and Myroslav in particular for the first time turns to mixing and granular transformation of vocals by Nina Matvienko. In 2015, Trofymuk and Spot were preparing an ambient program for the EESEM studio, and Taras Shpot was using feedback loop techniques on this network. In 2016, only Taras Shpot took part in the festival, as Trofymuk was on a Gaude Polonia scholarship in Krakow, and in 2017 HOMEPLAYING was presented as part of the delegation of the Polish project GrupLab / Plejrek 77, SME studio at the Academy of Music in Krakow. Set by Trofymuk and Spot from 2018 at the Vox Electronica festival was released as a separate album called "summer melancholy". The last project before the COVID epidemic and the total lockdown at the Vox Electronica 2019 festival was the HOMEPLAYING № 99 "eclectic syncretism" together with Trofymuk/Shpot/Veremiyenkoperformed also Vox Electronica festival director Ostap Manulyak (mobile music apps), Yuri Bulka (algorithmic programming), Roman Feshchak (sax, looper), and Andriy Kowalski (keyboards). Set was performed in his design studio Inshovid at the Factory REMA in Lviv. This set was physically released on the Polish label [AUDIOMAT] in November 2019. In 2020, during the lockdown, Myroslav Trofymuk performed at the festival with a set honoring the memory of Ukrainian theter director Roman Viktyuk and for the second time after the project "80 Day of the Year", in HOMEPLAYING sets are used quotes from the avant-garde poetry of Mykhail Semenko "City".

Local and international promo activity


HOMEPLAYING is a laboratory for networking based on horizontal connections and grassroots communication. Local activities are the promotion of grassroots concepts in Ukraine, self-publishing projects, self-organization and grassroots promotion, as well as grassroots networking ideas. Also at the local level, the project promotes experimental electronic music for children as a universal tool for communication and networking. The international activity of the HOMEPLAYING project lies in the field of popularization of Ukrainian music in european media, organization of international events, concerts, music publishing and implementation of promotional projects. Until 2015, the previous page of HOMEPLAYING had an archive of key aspects of Ukrainian electronic music and grassroots initiatives, but the page was hacked by Malaysian hackers in 2020 and cannot be restored.

Local cooperation


At the local level, HOMEPLAYING is involved in educational and socio-cultural projects. On June 22, 2014 HOMEPLAYING held a day master class "Musical Face of Lviv" at the City Workshop in front of the National Ivan Franko University in Lviv. During the master class, participants have used all HOMEPLAYING equipment. Each participant brought the entire home studio and during the day the City Workshop tent turned into a music studio. The second part of the master class was the gamificated workshop based on famous songs about Lviv. The list was not limited to electronic music, it was popular songs, only the mention of Lviv was decisive. As part of the project, the album "City Parts. Lviv ”in collaboration with Danylo Petrushenko. Within the framework of local cooperation, the HOMEPLAYING project took part in three educational activities in one of the oldest Lviv districts Pidzamche. The first such event was the open day at the Jam Factory (currently [Jam Factory]), in August 2014. HOMEPLAYING held a master class on musical equipment usage. The second event was the Neighbors Festival at Pidzamche in September 2014. In 2015, within the framework of the First International Forum of Grassroots Initiatives, took place master class “How the City Sounds”, in collaboration with Olena Malets and Ostap Manulyak's lecture of the same name at the City Workshop.

International activities


In June 2014, as part of a promotional tour with the project "City Parts. Lviv" HOMEPLAYING performed in Lublin, at the Noc Kultury festival and at the Chmury club in Warsaw, together with a project from France Grand Detour. In 2015, HOMEPLAYING collaborates with the Rzeszów band Śmierdzące Kwiatuszki, and in 2016, at ESK Wrocław, in the club Proza, within the European Capital of Culture, Myroslav Trofymuk aka AЙKTRONER. At the international level, HOMEPLAYING has established cooperation with the Krakow Academy of Music, and Professor Marek Chołonewski, visual artist Arthur Lis and music philosopher Lorenuo Brusci, CEO of MusiCo nad MUSST Design. During 2017, HOMEPLAYING due to the presence of Myroslav Trofymuk, joins the Krakow series of Plejrek concerts, weekly improvisational meetings GRUPLAB and regular activity of the Studio of Electroacoustic Music of the Krakow Academy of Music. In 2017 and 2018, Myroslav Trofymuk Yurko Bulka and Lorenzo Brushchi collaborating in the format of the parallel project MULNA. Audiovisual Immersive Performances by MULNA presented at the AudioArt Festival in Krakow's HEVRE.

First International Forum of Independent Initiatives "HOMEPLAYING: KITCHEN" [FIFOFII]


In June 2015, the HOMEPLAYING team organized the First International Forum of Independent Initiatives HOMEPLAYING: KITCHEN. The forum was aimed to be the meeting event for musicians and initiatives from Ukraine with Polish colleagues. Participants from Ukraine were Oleksandr Sushinsky, Anton Lapov, Yevhen Gordeev, Ostap Manulyak, bands Sport and Music and Diser Tape, participants from Poland - Darek Petraszewski, Katarzyna Krulikuwska, Adam Frankevich, Tekla Mrozowicka and Lukasz Strzelczyk. The forum itself discussed the practical results of the modus operandi of Polish institutions Pionierska Rec., Trzecia Fala, Pointles Geometry, Glissando, Ukrainian representatives revealed philosophical concepts for the promotion of niche culture in the East Ukraine and Kyiv. During the Forum there was a fair of independent labels and publishers from Poland and Ukraine, where people could buy the appropriate music cassettes, CDs, sd cards, magazines and books. This is the first such large-scale fair of independent "samvydav" in Lviv.



A concert of improvisational electro-acoustic music PLUA AND PLAY took place within the framework of the Forum. The concert was attended by two duos Darek Petrashevsky (guitar, objects) and Adam Frankevich (cassettes, cassette players) and Alexander Sushinsky (prepared acoustic guitar) with Yuri Zmorovich (vocals, unconventional techniques).

Art-object audio-poster for the concert PLUG & PLAY


An audio poster was placed in the lobby of [Dzyga] gallery a few weeks before the event. A cassette audio recorder was attached to the pre-printed A3 paper with white printed logos and crimson background. Information about the concert was disseminated by pressing the "play" button, which triggered a tape recording of Volodymyr Beglov's voice: "June 20, at 8 pm, Art Café Kvartyra 35. Sushinsky, Zmorovich, Petrashevsky, Frankevich in a concert of improvisational electro-acoustic music PL UA AND PLAY. Free entrance".

Electroterrace Concert


The final concert of the Forum was an electronic location as part of the "Fetedelamusique Lviv" in the former squat near the Polish Consulate in Lviv, on the Ivan Franko 112 street. The concert was attended by Diser Tape, Sport and Music, Tekla Mrozowicka, John Object, and the event began with a cassette set by Adam Frankevych, which consisted of a compilation of contemporary Polish music.



Yaroslav Kachmarsky criticized the organization of the ELECTROTERARCE concert on the social network for using the SVEN home speaker system at the event.

Master classes "How the city sounds: street hunting for sounds"


Within the framework of the FIFOFII, with the support of the Lviv Urban Workshop, the educational project "How the City Sounds: Street Hunt for Sounds" took place. In a way, this project is a continuation of the master classes at the Urban Workshop in 2014, but this time the workshops were organized in collaboration with Olena Malets. Olena was the curator of the field recording part of the master classes, during which children were collecting sounds in the main districts of Lviv. The master classes began with an introductory lecture on the basics of sound synthesis and sound design by Myroslav Trofymuk and Ostap Manulyak. After collecting the material, participants have tried to compose their own works, mixing and distorting it. The master classes and the FIFOFII Forum itself ended with a performance of the HOMEPLAYING project together with composer and soloist Daria Turina. The concert ended in a conflict with the locals of Theodore Square, who demanded to end the concert, because of the noise.



During 2017, Myroslav Trofymuk, being part of Gaude Polonia, implemented a research project on Polish grassroots initiatives in Krakow, Warsaw and Wroclaw. The project includes interviews with Janek Zamojski, curator of Czułość Gallery, Marek Cholonewski, founder of [MuzykaCentrum] initiative], Martin Barsky, founder of Audiomat and MATHKA labble, editors team of Glissando magazine, Shimon Shelz & Jakub Grohola, founders of the [MYDŁO] comic book publication, Mariusz Wojciechowski, founder of the Warsaw event space Przestrzeń Prywatna, and Michał Hojecki, founder of Oficyna Periferie art publishing initiative. Based on the interview, the network and relationships between institutions and people in the network are shown.

Publishing activity


In 2016, the dissertation "Independent media and grassroots initiatives as the foundations of civil society (based on the example of Polish music-related niche media" examines the relationship between society and grassroots activities. In 2017, Glissando magazine published an article in English translation by Taras Malkovych "Lviv Contemporary Music". In 2018, the Ukrainian edition of the State Center of Culture of Poland Culture.pl published a Ukrainian-language article "New music of Lviv:" Unsound "and others" In 2019, the Polish-language article UKRAINIANS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN was published in Fragile magazine

Public discussions


On June 27, 2014, there was a "Meeting on Prince Roman", a conversation about electronic music in Ukraine and a presentation of the project "Parts of the city". Lviv ”with the participation of Ostap Manulyak and participants of the HOMEPLAYING project In March 2017, the Krakow MOCAK hosted a public discussion "Europa Środkowa w SIECI conceptualizmów" with the participation of Antoni Michnik, Lukasz Kozak, Justina Stasiowska and Myroslav Trofymuk, the discussion was a continuation of the article "Lviv Contemporary Music". In July 2017, the Ukrainian House in Warsaw hosted a presentation of the [IN]DEPENDENCE project, which was implemented as part of the Gaude Polonia project. This is a study of grassroots practices of Polish and Ukrainian grassroots initiatives. The event consisted of two parts - a discussion with Antoni Michnik and Myroslav Trofymuk and the music part, the development of the Shimmering of Universe project and a joint improvisation of Nikolay Selekta, Anton Stuk and a performer with the pseudonym ANGVO. In October 2017, within the framework of the Festival of Contemporary Music Contrasts, a discussion “BETWEEN CONCEPTUALISM AND SOUND-ART. DISCUSSION ABOUT CONTEMPORARY MUSIC IN LVIV ”, in which Myroslav Trofymuk and Jan Topolski, editor-in-chief of Glissando magazine, discuss prospects for the experimental music environment in Lviv. In 2018, as part of the NETWORK conference, the [IN]DEPENDENCE project ”on the ecosystem of civil society will take place at the Krakow Academy of Music. In 2019, as part of the promotion of "Fragile" Ukraine magazine, public meeting under the tittle Ukrainians just want to have fun took place in Krakow, it was a presentation of the history of Ukrainian music at the intersection of "tradition and innovation". In February 2022, public lecture Ukraine took part at SME Studio in Krakow



The discography of the project consists mainly of concert or improvisational performances, which are then either processed in the studio, or released completely unchanged, as live albums. So the albums "сityambient a" and "Loneliness / Freedom" are home sessions. "cityambient a" is a session with the participation of Myroslav Trofymuk and Taras Shpot, published in a continuous set, and "Loneliness / Freedom" recorded at home collaboration of Andrian Veremiyenko and Rostislav Kuzyk, divided into separate compositions. Album «City Parts. Lviv" was published with the support of GIZ in the amount of 758 copies with unique covers, which contain photos of Lviv, obtained as a result of a public open call. All covers are absolutely unique. The album was recorded at home in collaboration with Danylo Petrushenko. "Eclectic syncretism" is the public 99'th session of the HOMEPLAYING project in collaboration with Andriy Kowalski and Roman Feschak, as well as with the participation of Ostap Manulyak and Yuri Bulka, the release included the initial 39 minutes of the session. The album is released on the AUDIOMAT label, a digital copy is released by the Zemla Studio label. The 2021 album Polylogues is a re-updated and remastered version of all available public and home sessions with selected compositions. In a sense, this is the so-called "best of" project collection, which reveals the polystylic and polythematic structure of the project.

Major albums


2021 - Polylogues 2019 - eclectic syncretism 2014 - City Parts. Lviv

Mini albums


2014 cityambient a 2014 Loneliness / Freedom

Concert albums


2014 - Carpathian LoFi Rave 2014 - City Parts / Industrial district 2014 - Interlaced spaces

  1. ^ Kulyk, Valentyna (2016-09-29). [https: //web.archive .org / web / 20220328104708 / https://mus.art.co.ua/kontrasty-2016/ "Contrasts 2016"]. МУЗИКА (in Ukrainian). Archived from [http: //mus.art.co.ua/kontrasty-2016/ the original] on 28 березня 2022. Retrieved 2022-03-22. {{cite web}}: Check |archive-url= value (help); Check |url= value (help); Check date values in: |archive-date= (help)