User:Allisonk444/Spore/Laj1032 Peer Review

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The sentence you added is great especially since you added a section on it later in the article. It acts as a good introduction to this topic.

External Anatomy:

I would combine the sentence you added with a comma rather than a period. Since you added this sentence to the monolete spores, I would also add a sentence expanding upon the Alete spores significance.


Careful of the repetition of the word "this" in the sentence, "This is particularly supported by the observation of a thick spore wall in cryptospores, this would have protected potential offspring from novel weather elements."

I'm not 100% sure on this, but I'm pretty sure the sentence "Whether spores arose before or after land plants, their contributions to topics in fields like paleontology and plant phylogenetics have been significant" shows a bias because, in theory, you could argue that spores didn't have a significant contribution to paleontology and plant phylogenetics.

I think that this is a very relevant section to add to this article, so great job.

Your citation #6 is out of date so I would try to find a more recent article stating a similar thing or just remove the citation entirely since you already have other sources connected to those sentences.

Otherwise, it is a well written section that adds to the piece as a whole.