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Alexander Brody (Born Sándor Bródy) (Budapest, January 28, 1933 –) businessman, writer, reklámszakember. Sándor Bródy Hungarian writer’s grandson

Life story


His father, János Brody was racehorse and grain dealer in the period between the two world wars. His mother, Lilly Brody - Pollatschek was painter. Grew upper class family. Artists and scientists frequented the house, among them Nobel laureate physicist Denis Gabor, the inventor of the krypton filled fluorescent lamp Imre Brody, actress Gizi Bajor, film acor Csortos Gula.

In 1947 Sandor left for Switzerland and then to USA. Went to study at Princeton university. He frequented John von Neumann. Graduated in 1953 in Chinese language, history and philosophy. He entered Young & Rubicam company where he worked for 34 years. He was sent to Frankfurt and next year became bureau chief in Italy. He was strong supporter of his coworkers even canceling a major contract in order to defend his mistreated employee.

In 1981 the firm joined to Dentsu Japanese worldwide advertising group. Brody received top magarial position. Until 1993 he acted as World Wide president of Ogilvy & MatherIn 1993 he retired from his advertising activities and returned to Hungary. His activities concern the literary world. Both as a writer and as organizer or the Brody Sandor award in honor of his


  • Gondok és gondolatok (Thoughts and concerns), Seneca edition Budapest 1998, aphorism collection·
  • Húszezeregy éjszaka - Álmok és mesék a valóságról (Twentythousand and one night – Dreams and tales about the real world), Noran edition, 2001 [1]
  • Alibi hat hónapra 1. Evés-ivás (Alibi for six months. Eating-drinking [2]·
  • Alibi hat hónapra 2. Kert (Alibi for siz months. Garden [3]



Category: Hungarian businessmen Category:American businesspeople Category: Hungarian Writer