User:Adrith/Books/History of Psychiatry

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History of Pschiatry[edit]

Abbé de Coulmier
Abraham Maslow
Andrey Yevgenyevich Lichko
Assertive community treatment
Carl Jung
Case management (mental health)
Civil confinement
Cogito and the History of Madness
Deep sleep therapy
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
Dorothea Dix
Electroconvulsive therapy
Elizabeth Packard
Eloise (psychiatric hospital)
Glass delusion
Hannah Mills (Quaker)
History of dyslexia research
History of narcissism
History of psychiatric institutions
History of psychopathy
Howard Dully
Idiots Act 1886
Insulin shock therapy
John Glasgow Kerr
John Langdon Down
Kirkbride Plan
Lifetrack Therapy
Long Island Psychiatric Museum
Lunacy Act 1845
Mad Pride
Madness and Civilization
Mental Deficiency Act 1913
Mental Health Act 1959
Moral treatment
Psychiatric survivors movement
Pyotr Gannushkin
Recovery approach
Robert Gardiner Hill
Samuel Tuke (reformer)
Starson v Swayze
The Madhouse
The Retreat
Timeline of psychiatry
Victor Skumin
Vincenzo Chiarugi
William Charles Ellis
William Tuke