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Digital curation article sandbox location


I am preparing edits on this page here: /sandbox-DC

Articles I'm interested in editing

  1. Digital Curation - tons to do here, looks like a good choice, and you have a good plan outlined below! Morskyjezek (talk) 23:41, 11 February 2018 (UTC)
  2. Content Management

Plan for editing Digital Curation article


In summary, I hope to reorganize some of the existing content into more logical categories, and I want to add more general background information about the process of digital curation as well as how it is differentiated from similar terms (e.g. digital preservation, digital asset management, etc.). I have included an outline below of the new structure I hope to implement and made notes on which content is new and which is existing.

Lead - (Existing) For now I plan to leave the existing lead mostly intact. I may add more to it later, but I think it's a lower priority.

Core Principles and Activities - (New) (This is the biggest need)

  • Yakel's core concepts/activities (New)
  • DCC's lifecycle model (Existing/moved)

Related terms - (New) A brief discussion about how digital curation differs from and relates to similar terms such as digital preservation, digital asset management, content management, and perhaps others. I see this as a close second to the core principles in terms of important gaps to fill.

Challenges - (Existing)

  • Cost (New)
  • Digitization of analog materials (Existing)
  • New representational formats (Existing)

New Approaches - (Existing)

  • Channelization (Existing)
  • Sheer Curation (Existing)

See also (Existing)

References (New references added)

External links (New links added)

Potential bibliography for the new content suggested above


Beagrie, N. (2006). Digital Curation for Science, Libraries, and Individuals IJDC 1/1. http://www.ijdc.net/article/view/6/2 - good source for "drivers of DC"

Boutard, G. (2015). Towards mixed methods digital curation: Facing specific adaptation in the artistic domain. Archival Science : International Journal on Recorded Information,15(2), 169-189. doi:10.1007/s10502-014-9218-0

Dallas, C. (2016). Digital curation beyond the “wild frontier”: A pragmatic approach. Archival Science : International Journal on Recorded Information,16(4), 421-457. doi:10.1007/s10502-015-9252-6

DCC Curation Lifecycle Model | Digital Curation Centre. (2018). Dcc.ac.uk. Retrieved 10 February 2018, from http://www.dcc.ac.uk/resources/curation-lifecycle-model

Dobreva, M., & Duff, W. (2015). The ever changing face of digital curation: Introduction to the special issue on digital curation. Archival Science : International Journal on Recorded Information,15(2), 97-100. doi:10.1007/s10502-015-9243-7

Lavoie, B. (2004). The open archival information system reference model: Introductory guide. Microform & Imaging Review, 33(2), 68-81.

Lee, C. (2008). High-Level Categories of Digital Curation Functions. DigCCurr - Preserving Access to Our Digital Future: Building an International Digital Curation Curriculum. Retrieved from https://ils.unc.edu/digccurr/digccurr-funct-categories.pdf

Madrid, M. (2013). A study of digital curator competences: A survey of experts. International Information & Library Review, 45(3-4), 149-156.

National Research Council (2015). Preparing the Workforce for Digital Curation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/18590 - provides one of the best, most well-developed, and concise definitions

Poole, A.H. (2016). The conceptual landscape of digital curation. Journal of Documentation, 72(5), 961-986. doi:10.1108/JD-10-2015-0123 - also consider the similar article by same author in Digital Humanities Quarterly.

Ray, J. (2009). Sharks, digital curation, and the education of information professionals. Museum Management and Curatorship, 24(4), 357-368. doi:10.1080/09647770903314720

Richards, J., Austin, T., & Hardman, C. (2014). Covering the costs of digital curation. Heritage Management, 3(2), 255-263. doi:10.1179/hma.2010.3.2.255

Yakel, E. (2007). Digital curation. Oclc Systems & Services, 23(4), 335-340.

Article Evaluation - Digital Curation


The Digital Curation article might be made more useful for readers by adding in the core concept/activity areas of digital curation as outlined in Elizabeth Yakel (2007). Specifically, Lifecycle Management, Active Involvement, Appraisal and Selection, Provision of Access, and Preservation and Usability. Yakel's article seems to be widely cited as a well accepted definition, and including the core concepts and activities of digital curation would help expand the usefulness of the article for readers.

The "Create New Representations" subhead under the "Approaches" section seems awkwardly introduced and perhaps is misplaced in the "Approaches" category altogether. It might make better sense to include this information in the "Challenges" section below. Also the "Create New Representations" section needs a source or sources.

The "Sheer Curation" section is fascinating. Though, the fact that none of my colleagues seem to have ever heard about it before makes me wonder how widely accepted the term is. I would like to research this term more.