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I remember long summer days and playing games in the fields and woods. Our favourite game were cowboys and indians or cops and robbers. My brothers always wanted to be the good guys and I ended up being the baddie who was captured or killed. We would spend the whole day outside and only appear home to eat or when it started to get dark in the evenings. In my memory all the days were fine, I cant remember any wet days though i am sure there was some rain..

The River We liked to send time at the 'River', in truth it was only a small stream but we spend many happy hours messing around in the water. We would sail our boats which were really just twigs, build dams and fish for 'lebeens' little fish found in the stream.

Picnic A picnic in my childhood could be a few jam sandwiches and apples and a bottle of milk. We would eat in the hayfield and feel like we have had a feast fit for a king.