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Common and formal names Flag Proportion Adopted Fact
ZZZUN member states and observer states
ZZZAbkhazia → Abkhazia
2:3 19 August 2013 The national flag which the most changes during the 20th century (19 different flags); also the only national flag with a mosque on it
5:7 7 April 1992 The only national flag with the colors black and red
2:3 11 November 1975 The only national flag with a machete on it and a gear on it (half-gear only)
 Antigua and Barbuda
ZZZArtsakh → Artsakh
 Bahamas, The
2:3 30 November 1966 The only national flag with a trident on it (head only)
1:2 10 February 2012 The only national flag with two unequal horizontal stripes (red and green)
 Bosnia and Herzegovina
 Burkina Faso
Burma → Myanmar
16:25 September 1993 The only national flag with a temple on it (Angkor Wat)
 Cape Verde
 Central African Republic
China, Republic of → Taiwan
 Congo, Democratic Republic of the
 Congo, Republic of the
ZZZCook Islands → Cook Islands
 Costa Rica
Côte d'Ivoire → Ivory Coast
2:3 26 April 2006 The only national flag with a map of the nation on it
 Czech Republic
Democratic People's Republic of Korea → Korea, North
Democratic Republic of the Congo → Congo, Democratic Republic of the
28:34 13th century This flag holds the world record of being the oldest continuously used national flag
1:2 3 November 1978 The national flag with the most purple on it (sisserou parrot)
 Dominican Republic
 East Timor
 El Salvador
 Equatorial Guinea
Gambia  Gambia, The
5:8 17 August 1871 The only national flag with rifles on it and a scroll on it
3:5 26 February 1986 The only national falg with cannons on it and with musical instruments on it (bugles)
Holy See → Vatican City
1:75/28 29 July 1980 The words Allāhu akbar are repeated 22 times on this flag
2:3 28 October 1948 The only national flag with a hexagram on it
 Ivory Coast
 Korea, North
 Korea, South
ZZZKosovo → Kosovo
1:2 7 September 1961 The only national flag with a trapezium on it
2:3 4 October 2006 The only national flag with a headgear on it (a hat)
3:5 30 Junee 1982 The crown on this flag was added in 1937 after the country found out at the 1936 Summer Olympics that their flag was identical to the flag of Haiti.
2:3 6 July 1964 The only national flag with the colors black, red and green
 Marshall Islands
10:19 1 May 1979 The national flag with the most-pointed star on it (24 points representing the number of electoral districts)
2:3 1 May 1983 The only national flag with an assault rifle on it (AK-47 with a bayonet), a hoe on it and a book on it
ZZZNagorno-Karabakh → Artsakh
0.820 16 December 1962 The only national flag that is non-quadrilateral
 New Zealand
ZZZNiue → Niue
ZZZNorthern Cyprus → Northern Cyprus
North Korea → Korea, North
 Papua New Guinea
11:20 15 July 2013 The only national flag which differs on its observe and reverse sides, which show, respectively, the national coat of arms and the seal of the treasury
1:2 12 February 1998 The flag is flown with the red stripe up in times of war and blue stripe up in times of peace
Pridnestrovie → Transnistria
11:28 9 July 1971 The only national flag having a width more than twice its heigh
Republic of Korea → Korea, South
Republic of the Congo → Congo, Republic of the
ZZZSahrawi Arab Democratic Republic → Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
 Saint Kitts and Nevis
 Saint Lucia
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
 San Marino
 São Tomé and Príncipe
 Saudi Arabia
 Sierra Leone
 Solomon Islands
ZZZSomaliland → Somaliland
 South Africa
South Korea → Korea, South
ZZZSouth Ossetia → South Ossetia
 South Sudan
 Sri Lanka
ZZZSudan, South → South Sudan
ZZZTaiwan (Republic of China) → Taiwan
The Bahamas → Bahamas, The
The Gambia → Gambia, The
Timor-Leste → East Timor
ZZZTransnistria → Transnistria
 Trinidad and Tobago
 United Arab Emirates
 United Kingdom
 United States
10:19 4 July 1960 The national flag with the most stars on it (50 stars representing the number of states)
 Vatican City
1:1 7 June 1929 The only national flag with a key on it (2 keys representing the Keys of Heaven; the order of the keys on the flag of Vatican City is the reverse of the coat of arms of the Holy See, in order to distinguish between the two entities)
ZZZUN member states and observer states
ZZZ↓ Other states ↓
 Cook Islands
 Northern Cyprus
 Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
 South Ossetia
ZZZ↑ Other states ↑