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Template:WJS invitation 2018

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Invitation to submit to the WikiJournal of Science


Hello there! This article is already quite good by Wikipedia standards, could it be further improved with the help of feedback from academic experts? To find out, submit it to the WikiJournal of Science.

Reasons for submitting


What we need

  • An editor who already made substantial contributions to this article, and who is willing to engage in our editorial process, from initial submission to reacting to recommendations. This involves temporarily working on a separate version of this article at Wikiversity.
  • No fees involved: WikiJournals are libre open access journals.

How to submit


Why this article


We are putting this notice on a few scientific Wikipedia articles. This article was chosen by one of our editors who is motivated to follow it through the process, and thinks it has good chances of being eventually accepted for publication. (Examples: an accepted article, a declined article.) Of course, spontaneous submissions are also welcome!